Меббм қазақстан- нуо казахстанско ресей медициналық российский медицинский

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Prepared by: Nuralkhanov M.
Course: 1 course
Specialty: General medicine
Group: 108 B
Sublimitted to: Shohaeva K.

Fill the gaps with a suitable word.
1. She had some apples that were not ready to eat and now she's got stomacheache.
2. I have this terrible pain in my neck from sleeping in the wrong position
3. 4 My back is hurting from sitting at that computer all day.
4. I had an injection yesterday and it was very painless.
5. I hit my hand on the desk and it really hurts.
Answer the following questions
1. What does GP mean?
A GP is a general practitioner, or family doctor.
2. How many patients has each GP?
Each GP has nearly 2,000 patients.
3. Who gets medicine free?
The groups of people who get their medicine free, for example, you're a student,
or over 60, or expecting a baby.
4. What diseases are most spreading in Britain?
Britain has one of the highest levels of heart disease in the western world.
5. What kind of alternative medicine is used in Britain?
alternative medicine, like reflexology, homeopathy, and acupuncture.
6. What is NHS?
the National Health Service.
7. Why many people should go to private doctors?
People sometimes have to wait a long time before they can see a specialist or
have an operation. Because of this, many people see private doctors and use
other kinds of treatment.

Find English equivalents to the words and phrases from the text:
быть в хорошем настроении – in a good mood
терапевт - GP
нуждаться в лекарствах – need medicine
бесплатное медицинское обслуживание для каждого – provides free
medical care for everyone
болезнь сердца – heart disease
рак (мед.) – cancer
ждать долгое время – wait a long time
частный доктор – private doctor
нетрадиционная медицина – alternative medicine
продолжительность жизни - life expectancy.

Choose the proverbs which were mentioned in the text. Translate other
1.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Одно яблоко в день избавит вас от необходимости обращаться к врачу.
2A sound mind in a sound body.
В здоровом теле здоровый дух.
3.Sickness in the body brings sickness to the mind
Болезнь в теле вызывает болезнь в уме.
4.Many doctors have killed the king.
Многие врачи убили короля.
5.Wealth is nothing without health.
Богатство – ничто без здоровья.
6.The remedy is worse than the disease.
Лекарство хуже самой болезни.
7.We never know the value of water till the well is dry.
Мы никогда не узнаем цену воде, пока не высохнет колодец.

Алматы, 2021

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