Упражнение 3. Найдите: а) синонимы to finish - to complete; to submerge -to descend, to work - to operate, craft - vehicle, to build - to construct, rapid - fast
б) антонимы to lift - to descend, difficult - easy, to complete - to start, after - before.
Упражнение 4. Выберите соответствующий глагол из приведенных в скобках.
1. A young physicist can get up a prize for his work. Designers tested a new engine to find out whether the ceramics it was made of could withstand temperatures up to 1,000 °C. It is difficult to get early in winter. 4. Many specialists are working at the problem of developing a new kind of telephone which we (call, call for) «video phone». 5. The projects in Siberia call the most effective means of transporting various cargoes over long distances. 6. Specialists wanted to find whether telephone communication was reliable or not. 7. Further development call new specialists who are able to generate new technical ideas. 8. New generation materials which we call for composite materials will allow to lighten the aircraft. 9. To translate this text, we must find out some words in a dictionary.