№3(75)/2014 Серия история. Философия

part de la société civile et d’autre part elles semblent de plus en plus sujettes à un éparpillement de leurs

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part de la société civile et d’autre part elles semblent de plus en plus sujettes à un éparpillement de leurs 
compétences. Si les ONG au Kazakhstan se sont multipliées, elles restent encore insuffisantes pour assurer 
tous les besoins de la transition démocratique. 
Les organisations non gouvernementales du Kazakhstan, du moins dans leur forme actuelle, ne 
disposent pas d'une influence importante pour la société. Leur autonomie reste «un mythe» de la société 
civile pour la plupart du peuple kazakhstanais. Nous devons aussi conclurer, tout d’abord, que le 
gouvernement kazakhstanais «attire» les opposants potentiels pour minimiser les motifs de critiques. Puis, si 
les organisations non gouvernementales ont accès directement à l'argent d’État, il existe une grande tentation 
de l’obtenir, même, s’il entame un contrôle inévitable du gouvernement. Et, enfin, la majorité des citoyens 
n'ont pas toujours une idée claire des fonctions et des activités des ONG à cause du manque d’information et 
de la faiblesse des ONG, elles-mêmes. 
Sans le financement d’état des ONG, une existence de la plupart de ces institutions civiles peut devenir 
moins efficace et moins consolidée contre les problèmes de la société. Autrefois, une cessation du 
financement peut être suivie de la crise du développement de la société civile. En tout cas, un tel dilemme est 
1  Le Bon G. «Hier et demain». Pensées brèves. (1918) http://www.proverbes-citations.com/citations-de-gustave-le-bon.shtml 
(consulté le 11 août 2013). 
2  Linz J.J., Stepan A. Journal of Democracy, Washington D.C., 1996, р. 1–13. 
3  Howard M.M. The weakness of civil society in post-Communist Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, р. 1. 
4  Perroulaz G. Le rôle des ONG dans la politique de développement: forces et limites, légitimité et contrôle, Annuaire suissede 
politique et de développement: les ONG de développement: rôles et perspectives, Genève: Institut de hautes études internationales et 
du développement, 2004, р. 9–24. 
5  Shils E. Mass society and its culture. Culture of the Millions / Ed. N.NJ.Jacobs, Princeton, 1961, р. 1–7. 
6  Diamond L. Thinking about hybrid regimes. Elections Without Democracy // Journal of Democracy, Washington D.C.: 
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994, р. 1–15. 
7  Raisova L. Le rôle d’Etat au partenariat du business et des ONG. http://ngoexpert.kz/upload/files/raissova.pdf. (consulté le 13 
août 2013). 
8  O’Donnell G., Schmitter P.C. Transitions from authoritarian rule, Tentative conclusions about uncertain democracies, Lon-
don: The John Hopkins University Press, 1986, р. 6–38. 

A.Kapychev, A.Grigoryeva 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
9  Carothers T. The end of the transition paradigm // Journal of Democrac, Washington, D.C.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 
2002, р. 13. 
10  Ziegler C.E. Civil society, political stability, and state power in Central Asia: cooperation and contestation (2010), 
http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13510347.2010.501172. (consulté le 20 août 2013). 
11  Aitenova S. L'état actuel du secteur non gouvernemental au Kazakhstan. http://ipr.kz/analytics/1/4/189 (consulté le 8 août 
12  Zinecker H. Democracy, diversity, and conflict. Regime-Hybridity and violent civil societies in fragmented societies-
conceptual considerations, Frankfurt: Peace Research Institute, 2007, р. 13. 
А.Қапышев, А.Григорьева  
Қазақстандағы демократиялық транзит (1991–2013):  
үкіметтік емес ұйымдар саласындағы автономия немесе бақылау 
Мақаланың  мақсаты  үкіметтік  емес  ұйымдар  (ҮЕҰ)  қызметін  талдау:  яғни  олардың  дамуы  үкіметті 
Қазақстанда толықтай бақылана ма, əлде болып жатқан үдеріс демократиялық азаматтық қоғам дамуы 
ма  тұрғысынан  анықталды.  Жұмыс  контексі  бізден  осы  сұрақты  дұрыс  түсіндіру  үшін  негізгі 
компонент болып саналатын «азаматтық қоғам» терминіне анықтама беруді талап етеді. Бұл термин 
əлеуметтік,  саяси  жəне  құқықтық  ғылымдарда  қолданады,  кезекте  зерттеу  салаларындағы 
анықтамалық  мəнін  бөліп  көрсету  қажеттілігі  туып  отыр.  Авторлар  біз  ерікті  қоғамдық  ұйымдар 
назарындағы, қоғамдық кеңестіктегі негізгі компонент мемлекет пен отбасы аралық азаматтық қоғам 
жайлы  айтып  отыр.  Сөйтіп,  ҮЕҰ  қызмет  етуі  демократиялықтың  деңгейін  анықтауы  əбден  мүмкін. 
Себебі  үкіметтік  емес  ұйымдар  экономиканы  жəне  қоғамдық  қатынастарды  либерализациялау 
үдерісіне құқықтық жəне əлеуметтік теңдікті үстінен қарауға жəрдемдесу жолымен үлкен ықпалға ие. 
А.Капышев, А.Григорьева 
Демократический транзит в Казахстане (1991–2013):  
автономия или контроль в сфере неправительственных организаций 
В статье дан анализ неправительственных организаций (НПО). Исследовано, полностью ли контроли-
руется  их  развитие  Правительством  Казахстана  или  можно  определить  происходящий  процесс  как 
прогресс демократического гражданского общества. В контексте работы авторами рассмотрен термин 
«гражданское общество», который является основным компонентом для правильного разъяснения во-
проса. Определено, что этот термин используется в социальной, политической и правовой науке, что 
требует ограничить область исследования. Доказано, что существование НПО может, таким образом, 
определять и степень демократизации. Отмечено, что данные организации имеют большое влияние в 
процессе либерализации экономики и общественных отношений путем содействия установления вер-
ховенства права и социального равенства. 

Development of management consulting bu analyzing ... 
Серия «История. Философия». № 3(75)/2014 
UDC 82.1 (574)=20 
Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University (E-mail: anzhela_i2002@mail.ru) 
Development of management consulting bu analyzing consulting  
companies` sites in Kazakhstan 
The article analyzes the development trend of this new field of Kazakh society as a consulting company. 
Copyright by analyzing the historical evolution of the consulting companies in the Kazakhstan, shows the 
problem areas of the process. Author in the analysis of trends in the development of consulting companies are 
using new methods to Kazakhstan science areas of knowledge. Author of the article concludes that the market 
of Kazakhstan consulting services have not yet fully formed brands in consulting, but there is a development 
of individual counseling in the field of management. In order to study the degree of institutionalization of 
consulting companies in Kazakhstan, a comparative study sites consulting companies. 
Key words: sociolinguistic policy, Language, Kazakh ethnos, Ethnic groups, Minorities, assimilation, integra-
Article differs with its novelty and an urgency of a theme of research. Really, one of aspects of trans-
formation of the modern Kazakhstan society is formation on base already quite developed industrial society 
of a new industry — economic consulting. It should be noted a professionalism of consulting activity, be-
cause he is an independent and basic infrastructure of a market economy. 
The management sociology is the boundary synthetic science studying sociological aspect of adminis-
trative activity. This science was generated on a joint of two independent disciplines: sociology and man-
Sociology is a science about a society as complete system and about social institutions, processes, social 
groups, relations between a person and a society, laws of people mass behavior. It is well-known that the 
primary goal of sociology is an objective analysis of social human relations in order to reveal laws of man-
agement of a society. 
The term «management» has several meanings. Management in all business areas and organizational 
activities are the acts of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives efficiently and 
effectively. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an 
organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Re-
sourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technolog-
ical resources, and natural resources. 
The verb manage comes from the Italian maneggiare (to handle — especially tools), which in turn de-
rives from the Latin manus (hand). The French word mesnagement (later ménagement) influenced the devel-
opment in meaning of the English word management in the 17th and 18th centuries

Organization and coordination of the activities of an enterprise in accordance with certain policies and 
in achievement of clearly defined objectives. Management is often included as a factor of production along 
with machines, materials, and money. According to the management guru Peter Drucker (1909–2005), the 
basic task of a management is twofold: marketing and innovation. 
Directors and managers who have the power and responsibility to make decisions to manage an enter-
prise. As a discipline, management comprises the interlocking functions of formulating corporate policy and 
organizing, planning, controlling, and directing the firm's resources to achieve the policy's objectives. The 
size of management can range from one person in a small firm to hundreds or thousands of managers in mul-
tinational companies. In large firms the board of directors formulates the policy which is implemented by the 
chief executive officer. 
Business management can be defined as the acquisition, allocation, and utilization of resources through 
planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Management involves the coordination of human, 
financial, material, and information resources in order to realize company goals and operate a business effi-
ciently. Managers are the employees charged with these responsibilities. Managers play a variety of roles in 
a company, summarized as interpersonal roles, information roles, and decision-making roles. Managing en-
tails five functions: planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. The day-to-day tasks of man-
agement include: considering problems and making decisions in how to deal with them, implementing cours-

Вестник Карагандинского университета 
es of action, and reviewing decisions and actions and making any necessary changes. The basic elements of 
modern management practices can be traced to ancient times. The Egyptians, for example, developed ad-
vanced management techniques related to labor division, hierarchy of authority, and teams. They developed 
complex bureaucracies to measure and forecast river levels and crop yields, distribute revenues within the 
government, manage trade, and complete massive construction projects such as the pyramids. The Babyloni-
ans, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, and other cultures made similar contributions to management science. 
Although management systems existed long before the modern era, it was not until the late 18th and 
19th centuries that advanced business management techniques emerged in response to the Industrial Revolu-
tion. The Industrial Revolution resulted in the formation of extremely large organizations characterized by 
job specialization and the administration of large amounts of human resources. A new breed of middle-level 
managers were needed to plan and direct human efforts and to administer large pools of capital. 
Among the most influential American contributors to management practice during the Industrial Revo-
lution was Daniel C.McCallum (1815–1878), the superintendent of the Erie Railroad during the mid-1800s. 
To more efficiently manage the vast human and capital resources involved with construction of the railroad, 
he established a set of guiding management principles that emphasized: a specific division of labor and re-
sponsibilities, the empowerment of managers to make decisions in the field, compensation based on merit, a 
clearly delineated managerial hierarchy, and a detailed system of data gathering, analysis, and reporting that 
would foster individual accountability and improve decision making. 
Because organizations can be viewed as systems, management can also be defined as human action, in-
cluding design, to facilitate the production of useful outcomes from a system. This view opens the opportuni-
ty to 'manage' oneself, a prerequisite to attempting to manage others. 
Management can also refer to the person or people who perform the acts of management. The problems 
studied by sociology of management: 
  Control systems as social systems from the point of view of their functioning; 
  Selection, arrangement, education of the staff; 
  The relations developing between people with administrative functions; 
  Statement and realization of the social purposes of management; 
  The analysis of social consequences of administrative decisions; 
  Research and making system to consider interests and opinions of workers 
  Purposeful influence on operated subsystems and connected with it issues of 
  discipline, responsibility and sense of duty; 
  Intragroup regulation and social self-organizing in groups and at the enterprise; 
  Interrelation of management and a level of society development [1]. 
Сonsulting services market has not fully formed brands in consulting yet, but we have the development 
of individual counseling in sphere of management. 
In order to study the degree of institutionalization of Kazakhstan`s consulting companies there were a 
comparative study sites between consulting companies. Management Consulting is a «kind of intellectual 
career, where a qualified consultant provides objective and independent advices to contribute to the success-
ful management of client organizations» [2;75]. 
It should be noted a professionalism of consulting activity, because he is an independent and basic in-
frastructure of a market economy. Kazakhstan consulting is weakly institutionalized, because it is unoriginal 
institute; it is difficult to consider consulting in Kazakhstan as an independent consulting profession at this 
stage. There is a special term — «professionalism» to the purchasing process and the inclusion of human 
occupation in the professional environment in the sociology of professions. The objective conditions of pro-
fessionalization — is primarily the level of social division of work and appropriating to him richness of 
forms qualifications. Profession defines specialized places of employers in the production system and also 
determined of deep functional specialization. Having the objective production basis, professionalization 
means rapid growth of specific personal orientations, «tying» each worker to a specific activity. Deepening 
the special training, a person develops his interest in this job and seeks to improve the meaningfulness of 
work. Therefore, professionalization, as a general phenomenon, is a real progress in the relationship to work. 
Meaning of professionalization for the individual employer can be presented not only as the development of 
the profession, but as a process of entering into a professional group, and as the development of specific fea-
tures of such group. 

Development of management consulting bu analyzing ... 
Серия «История. Философия». № 3(75)/2014 
Kazakhstan`s consulting services market has not fully formed brands in consulting yet, but we have the 
development of individual counseling in sphere of management. Professional group is a group of people that 
united by the same profession, similar in content. Professional group has characteristics of a social group, 
adding to them a community of professional characteristics of its members. The inclusion of human to occu-
pational group means ending the cycle of professional development and assimilation of professional culture. 
A set of interrelated professional groups forms the professional structure of enterprises (institutions). Study 
of the professional structure cannot be fruitful without the analysis of professional moving, changing, a pro-
fessional mobility. 
An example of such a professional group can serve professional associations. In particular, in Europe 
there is the European Federation of Consultants for Economics and Management (Phaeacians), USA — 
American Association of Consultants for Economics and Management (ACME) and the Institute of Man-
agement Consultants (IMC) [3; 81]. 
Kazakhstan has the Kazakhstan Association of Independent Consultants and Appraisers, incorporated in 
2000, with its member 350 consultants. 
A qualified consultant builds its activities on the principles, which are a set of characteristics, the basic 
rules and techniques of consulting activities that should be considered by advising organization. 
The weak institutionalization consulting conditioned by negative point as a lack of such specialties as 
«management consultant» in the register of professions Kazakhstan universities. Management Consultant 
specialty among the CIS is only in Russia, that founded the Academy of National Economy under the Gov-
ernment of the Russian Federation, the School of Management Consultants. School of Management Consult-
ants was established in 1992. The school is the only permanent educational structure in the Russian Federa-
tion and the CIS, which produces Certified Management Consultants. Many links are between the school's 
graduates, consultants, teachers of business schools, universities: scientists, information sharing, distribution 
of literature, in the union of one-time or permanent advisory team, joint discussions, etc. The school is the 
center of the total Russian working network management consulting, with access to a number of CIS coun-
The availability of this educational structure in Russia is an indicator of the development and institu-
tionalization of consulting as a profession. 
Another very important indicator of management consulting in Kazakhstan is the lack of an ethical code 
of professional management consultants. Ethical codes of professional consultants exist in many Western 
countries, where describes the rights and duties of the consultant and the client, the responsible parties, con-
fidentiality and competence of the consultant. Special position in the Codes is the question of payment of 
consulting services. The author of the Code is responsible for the implementation of the Code. In order to 
study the degree of institutionalization of Kazakhstan`s consulting companies there were a comparative study 
sites between consulting companies. Nine sites of companies, ranging Internet search engine on demand 
«management consulting in Kazakhstan» has been selected to achieve this goal: 
1. BISAM Central Asia. 
2. BRIF Research Group. 
3. IGM Consulting company. 
4. Personnel agency TOP Consulting. 
5. Asia Consulting. 
6. Consulting research company «Ksilon Astana CG». 
7. Consulting Company Almaty Consulting Group PRO. 
8. Market Consult Group. 
9. Business Technologies Growth. 
The purpose of the site of analysis Kazakh consulting companies is to identify the degree of institution-
alization of management consulting in Kazakhstan. To achieve this goal sites were analyzed in the following 
five basic criteria: 
1) web-site design, 
2) the presence of certain thematic pages, 
3) presence of a search engine on the site, 
4) presence of a forum on the website, 
5) the presence slogan of the company on the website. 

Вестник Карагандинского университета 
According to the analysis of Kazakhstan consulting companies` sites` design, it can be concluded that 
the main page of the site does not seem to be very original presentation of information. Some sites don`t 
have a name, title, consultancy and represent only a list of pages, some graphic images, and the latest news in 
the field of economics and management (usually the global financial crisis from different angles discussed on 
sites consultancies in the «News»). Among such sites, you can identify these companies` sites: Asia Consult-
ing, Personnel agency TOP Consulting, Business Technologies Growth. 
Figure 1. The Logo «BRIF Research Group» — consulting company 
Consulting Company Almaty Consulting Group PRO differs of Special original website design. If we 
talk about general trends, it should be noted that almost all the analyzed sites use symbols of success — the 
image of a business person, skyscrapers, and people discuss any growth charts and more. We should also 
note that all the names of Kazakhstan consulting companies are written in English, which once again proves 
that consulting in Kazakhstan is borrowed Institute and creator of the emphasis is probably was placed on the 
fact that potential customers will associate their company with Kazakhstan`s consulting company with more 
than experienced — western company. 
Figure 2. The Logo «BISAM Central Asia» — consulting company 
Kazakhstan`s consulting companies` weak websites` design is a clear indicator of institutionalization 
this industry, because the site is a «billboard», where the company anyway positioned itself in the market. 
The presence of certain thematic pages on Kazakhstan consulting companies` sites varies from site to 
site. We should pay special attention to the presence of the pages on the site as «library» or «publication» 
and «forum». The following companies do not have Page «publish» on the website: Personnel agency TOP 
Consulting, Asia Consulting, Consulting Company Almaty Consulting Group PRO, Business Technologies 
Growth. At all other study sites this page exists. The page «forum» should show whether the company car-
ries feedback from their actual or potential consumers. This page is only one company`s website: BRIF Re-
search Group. The company BISAM Central Asia has a page of «client area», where you have the opportuni-
ty to leave your suggestions or comments, but it doesn`t involve the idea of the forum, like a form question 
— answer. 
Three companies haven`t search engine on their site: Market Consult Group, Personnel agency TOP 
Consulting, Consulting Company Almaty Consulting Group PRO. Searcher is an indicator of elaboration 
site, comfort of use. The presence of a search engine can also mean a presence of a large amount of unstruc-
tured information on the site. 
Presence slogan of the company on the website also suggests elaboration of company's strategy in gen-
eral, about how the company is positioning itself on the market, what takes over the basic principles in their 
work. Slogan is usually placed after the name of the company, his logo. Slogans can be found only at four 
sites among the studied sites of companies: Consulting Research Company «Ksilon Astana CG» — objective 
analysis and effective solutions...; Market Consult Group — «Real Data for Real Business — Real Data for 
Real Business»; BISAM Central Asia — «Reliable information. Professional studies». Company Business 

Development of management consulting bu analyzing ... 
Серия «История. Философия». № 3(75)/2014 
Technologies Growth through slogan decodes translates from English the name — «Modern management 
technologies for your business development». 
Elaboration of companies` sites is always a measure of institutionalization industry, not just consulting. 
During the analysis it was revealed that information of consulting companies on their site puts on a serious 
form of submission, that is a potential customer of the company, by visiting the website, must understand 
that the company is engaged in this activity in a professional and a long time, which is reflected in the ever 
published News review of the Kazakhstan market and various expert estimates. Therefore, the information is 
not supplied, accompanied by «pop-up pictures» and sound. However, the absence of the names on the site, 
no forum, and slogan may indicate immaturity of the sector of the economy. 
1  Erushkina L.V. Sociology of management, Nizhniy Novgorod: Feniks, 2010, 321 p. 
2  Milner B.Z. Organization Theory, Moscow: Infra-M, 2001, 480 p. 
3  The World of the Institute for Management consulting. [ER]. Access mode: http://www.icmci.org/ (published on 22.05.2014) 

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