Абай қҰнанбаевтың Әлемі мен шығармашылығына жастардың КӨЗҚарасы

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Key words
: poet, poem, concept, autumn, layer, nucleus . 
Abai, the sage of Kazakh nation, is a romantic poet who was inspired by the beauty of our 
mother nature. Love for nature is an important feature of romantic poetry, as a source of 
inspiration. In his short poems, he is very good at creating images of nature, portraits of people, 
vivid images of internal and external behavior. In any of his poems, one can see the features of 
the Kazakh land and the Kazakh national character. 
Whatever season Abai describes, first of all he gives a true picture. Whichever poem you 
read, you will see a picture of that time. The beauty of four seasons of nature is described in 
such a way that no one can argue that there are some flaws or missed things. In his poems, the 
poet not only gives a picture of nature, but also firmly connects it with human life. These poems 
on the theme of nature are proves that Abai is a great artist. The main poem of this work is 
The poem reflects that depressive period of life when people, together with rainbow 
colors of summer, lose all interest in the things around them. In the poem "Күз" the grass dries 
up, the sun cools down, and the arrival of a sad time is so clear, that you can only imagine a poor 
village, extremely tired people, in addition, autumn is described as a hard time for a nomadic, 
semi-nomadic nation with livestock. 
The description of nature in connection with the people and their way of life is part of our 
folklore. But in Kazakh literature, the description of nature as a separate topic, following the 
example of Western classics, begins with Altynsarin and Abai. Especially, it was Abai, who 
raised it to the top. 
However, every nation has its own picture of the world; they are reflected in the language, its 
structure, associations, assessments, and also in the content and the structure of basic concepts. The 
second poem that is taken into consideration is 
"Autumn: A Dirge"
by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Shelley is an English poet of the romanticism period. He is well known to use the season autumn as 
a theme of his poetry because it shows beauty along with a change to death as the leaves fall off the 
trees and nature makes a shift to prepare for winter. Shelley often suggests that the natural world 
holds a sublime power over his imagination. Nature also has a creative power over him because he is 
very inspired by the natural world and what nature is capable of. That is why this work can help us to 
deeply explore the idea of Abai’s autumn. Both poems are melancholic, sometimes sad, however 
they have several common ground that has to be discovered. 
The structure of the concept predetermines the methodology for its analysis. The etymological 
layer is revealed by the methods of diachronic analysis based on the data of etymological 
dictionaries; associative layer of concepts is restored by associative experiments in fiction texts; 
evaluative components are fixed as part of the figurative, conceptual layers of the concept. 
The etymological layer. “Autumn is the time when the leaves of the steppe and trees turn yellow 
and fruits and vegetables ripen, and one of the four seasons that comes after summer.” [1, 426] 
The etymological layer of the concept autumn is, that autumn is the season, that is proceeded by 
summer, and the season when leaves turn yellow. The nucleus concept typical to contemporary 
world is mainly warmth and rain. However Abai’s nucleus is poorness and coldness. 
In modern dictionary entries, the conceptual layer of concepts is represented by the cognitive 
features "time period", "temperature indicator", "natural phenomena ". When comparing 
dictionary definitions and interpretations, it was found that in the dictionary definitions there is a 
reduction in cognitive features that form the conceptual layer of the concept. This is consistent 
with the statement of I.A. Sternin that psychologically real meaning is much broader and more 
voluminous than its lexicographical version. [2] 
When analyzing the associative-symbolic layer of concepts, the ability to personify and 
symbolize was revealed. Abai gives life to a grey cloud and wet fog: 
«Сұр бұлт түсі суық қаптайды аспан, 
Күз болып дымқыл тұман жерді басқан». He uses cloud as the tool that brings sadness. 
And in contrary, Percy Shelley associates the autumn with the dead year, and gives his 
personification like this: 

«Абай Құнанбаевтың әлемі мен шығармашылығына жастардың көзқарасы» атты республикалық ғылыми онлайн-конференция 
“And the Year 
On the earth her death-bed, in a shroud of leaves dead, 
Is lying.” 
They also use imagery and symbolism. «

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