Английский язык для экономистов

Соотнесите слова и их определения

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7. Соотнесите слова и их определения.

1. producer

a. the idea that the price of goods and services depends on how much of something is being sold and how many people want to buy it

2. surplus

b. the usefulness of something

3. supply and demand

c. more than is needed

4. labour

d. a company, country or person that makes goods

5. utility

e. practical work, especially that which involves physical effort

8. Переведите следующие слова и выражения на английский язык.

1. рыночная экономика

6. рыночное равновесие

2. предельная полезность

7. факторы производства

3. рынок труда

8. эффект замещения

4. предельная стоимость

9. закон спроса

5. рынок с совершенной конкуренцией

10. распределение доходов

9. Переведите следующие слова и выражения на русский язык.

1. demand-and-supply theory

6. profit-maximizers

2. demand for labour

7. purchasing power

3. income effect

8. perfect competition

4. product availability

9. law of demand

5. normal good

10. supply curve

10. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. ……… describes individual consumers as rationally choosing the most preferred quantity of each good, given income, prices, tastes, etc.

a) supply theory b) market equilibrium c) demand theory

2. The point on the demand curve indicates ………. to consumers for a given customer good.
a) marginal utility b) supply c) perfect competition

3. The quantity of labour employed and the price of labour (the wage rate) depends on the ………..

a) purchasing power b) demand for labour c) income effect

4. The …………. describes how prices vary as a result of a balance between product availability and demand.

a) normal good b) demand for labour c) supply and demand model

5. Producers, for example business firms, are hypothesized to be ………….

a) market b) profit-maximizers c) consumers

11. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What does the supply and demand model describe?

2. What do factors of production include?
3. When does market equilibrium occur?
4. What does demand theory describe?
5. What are profit-maximizers?

Аудиторная работа
12. Определите по суффиксам, к каким частям речи относятся следующие слова:

information, develop, situation, growth, productive, productivity, investment, important, agricultural, importance, health, industrial, wealth, worker, active, activity
13. Выберите из приведенных ниже слов пары однокоренных глаголов и существительных и переведите их на русский язык.

to fall, consumer, to stabilize, organization, demand, to sell, buyer, influence, to invest, to improve, consumption, fall, improvement, stabilization, to intervene, to organize, investment, seller, to consume, to buy, to demand, increase, to reduce, reduction, to influence, to increase, intervention
14. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастные обороты:

1., In East-European countries consumers couldn't get goods, and factories couldn't buy inputs at prices held low by governments.
2. Governments intervene in economies controlling the supply of money, limiting monopolies and helping private industries.
3. An improvement in technology will increase the supply of a good, increasing the quantity supplied at each possible price.
4. Governments regulate economic activities imposing some restrictions.
5. The governments can influence for whom goods are produced, taking income away from some people and giving it to others.
6. The high price for a good is the market mechanism telling suppliers it is now time to increase production.
7. The developing countries hope that the industrial countries will raise imports from the less developed countries imposing tariffs on imports from other industrial countries.
8. Income is money of all kinds coming in regularly to a person, family or organization.
9. Active money is money going from man to man and used by the people in buying and selling goods and services.
10. Reducing our imports, we decrease the exports of others.
11. At prices above equilibrium we have a situation known as excess supply, or surplus.
15. Выберите подходящее по смыслу слово из предлагаемых в скобках вариантов.

1. The fashion for miniskirt (increased/ reduced) the demand for textile materials.
2. Even in (some/the same) middle-income countries many people are very poor.
3. Government regulations sometimes (decrease/ impose) a change in (technology/quantity) that producers do not want to use.
4. Stabilization of prices is of great importance to industrial nations (as well as /as well) the Third World countries.
5. Freeing up (освобождение) prices leads to their (decrease/increase).
6. (Inferior/normal) goods are usually low-quality goods for which there are higher-quality (improvements/substitutes) sold at higher prices.
7. A decrease in (complement/input) prices makes the production less expensive.
16. Закончите предложения, использовав сравнительные конструкции со словами than или as.

1. The market is in equilibrium when the demanded quantity is as large…
2. Prices rise when they are not so high…
3. Prices rise when they are lower…
4. We may have excess supply if prices are higher…
5. The demand for inferior goods at high incomes will not be as high…

17. Вставьте предлоги, где это необходимо.

1… a mixed economy the government may be a producer… private goods, for example, steel and motor cars.
2. An increase… the price… an input will lead to a reduction… the demand… that input.
3. The firm can sell as much as it wants… the market price.
4. A consumer's tastes and income as well as prices… other goods influence… his or her demand.
5. Consumers almost always respond to an increase… a good's price… a reduction… the quantity… it consumed… them.
6. A change… the supply… a good and… its demand both influence… its equilibrium price.
7. Rupert Murdoch, the media magnate, is planning to supply the services… his network… satellites… Internet development. If Internet is operated… satellites, there will be access… it… televisions and mobile phones, not only… personal computers… the near future.
8… a command economy, plans are imposed… producers… government agencies.
9. Scientists and engineers have been developing substitutes… natural building materials… several past decades.
10. Supplying people… food as well as industry… raw materials, agriculture is… great importance… an economy.

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