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Translation of adjectival phrases

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Translation of adjectival phrases  
In  Kazakh  noun  phrases,  adjectives  come  before  nouns  and  do  not  show  any  agreement  with 
nouns.  Adjectives can also appear in separate adjective phrases. Here are some examples: 
(4)  The adjective alone, marked AdjP: 
[AdjP beautiful ] → [AdjP әдемі]  
(5)  Comparative  adjective  phrases    (English  more  +  adjective,  or  adjective-[e]r);  the  Kazakh 
translation chooses the comparative suffix “-{I}р{A}{K}”:  
[AdjP  more beautiful ]  → [AdjP әдемірек
(6)  For superlative adjective phrases  “the most + adjective”  or “adjective-[e]st”, translation is 
built using “ең” + adjective:  
[SupP  the largest ]  → [SupP ең әдемі
[SupP  the most beautiful ]   → [SupP ең үлкен
As noted in §0, superlative adjective phrases have some properties of noun phrases (such as 
receiving possessive morphemes when modified by a genitive phrase: the most beautiful of people 
→ адамдардың ең әдемісі); one could say that they are treated as NPs with an implied noun. 

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