Post-Soviet Kazakhstan’s condition was critical with a task to manage and maintain peace in
population with more than hundred ethnicities and set the new born state on feet. No doubt the government
made a big progress in building nation of Kazakhstan. The Nazarbaev leadership has carefully cultivated
an image of Kazakhstan as an “oasis of stability” and credited itself with maintenance of “inter-ethnic
harmony.” /7, p.16/ Nevertheless, today it is divided into two groups that need in consolidation in order to
move ahead for better life within one state under one national idea. Suny defines identity as a search for
something solid in a constantly changing world. That’s why Kazakhstan needs in common national
identity in today’s globalised world.
My offer is to bring to Kazakhstan’s society positive nationalism. This form of nationalism makes
citizens feel especially connected to their compatriots, and assumes that when our people are better off
they're more willing and better able to add to the country’s well being. A society built upon positive
nationalism is more tolerant and inclusive. Kazakhs are hospitable nation by nature however as prominent
intellectual and philologist Murat Auezov said: “We need a spiritual consolidation of people of
Kazakhstan around the principles that we all share and understand.”
2. Analytical report ‘Results of the 2009 National population census of the Republic of Kazakhstan’.
Ed. A. A. Smailov/Astana, 2011 – 64 p
3. N.A. Nazarbaev, (1992). Strategy of formation and development of sovereign Kazakhstan
4. G. R. Dadabayeva, (2010). Kazakh nationalism in Eurasian context. History Research, ISSN 2159-
550X July 2012, Vol. 2, No. 7, 440–446
5. Minority Rights Group International, State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2012
- Kazakhstan, 28 June 2012, available at:
6. Beate Eschment, (2010). From Interethnic Harmony to National Unity? Nationalities Policy and the
Situation of National Minorities in Kazakhstan.
OSCE Yearbook 2010. Centre for OSCE Report.
Department of Politics, School of Oriental and African Studies,
8. Ronald Grigor Suny, 2001. Constructing Primordialism: Old Histories for New Nations. University
of Chicago,
11. Activity of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan,
12.Özgecan Kesici, (2011). The Dilemma in the Nation-Building Process: The Kazakh or
Kazakhstani Nation? Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe. Vol 10, No 1, 2011, 31-58
Joanna Lillis
, (2010). Astana Follows Thorny Path toward National Unity
15. Susan Kaufman Purcell, (2010). Positive Nationalism. Centre for Hemispheric Policy. University
of Miami
16. John T. Rourke, Mark A. Boyer, (1989) International politics on the world stage.
17. Brown, David, (2000) Contemporary nationalism: civic, ethnocultural, and multicultural politics.
Routledge of the Taylor & Francis Group; pp. 215
В статье представлен анализ политики национального строительства Правительства
Казахстана с момента обретения независимости. Принявшие Правительством политика
«Казахофикации», программы для оралманов (этнических казахов-репатриантов), поддержка
казахского языка и культуры не были направлены на предоставление титульной нации
доминирующего положение, оказывая давление на этнические меньшинства, или на построение
этнической модели государства. Скорее правительство Казахстан гарантировало право
использовать и развивать свой родной язык и культуру для всех национальностей, маневрируя
между возрождением и консолидацией казахской идентичности и признанием того, что Казахстан -
многонациональное государство, которое привело к созданию двух народов: казахского и
казахстанского. В настоящее время, можно сказать, что попытка правительства в создании
гражданской модели государства терпит неудачу, потому что дилемма между казахской нацией и
казахстанской нацией привело к увеличению негативного национализма. Главный вывод, который
описан в этой статье, - это необходимость дополнить государственную политику национального
строительства позитивным национализмом для консолидации народа под общей волей.
Bu makalede Kazakistan hükümetinin bağımsızlık sonrası izlediği ulusal kimlik inşa etme
politikasının analizi yapılmaktadır. Hükümetin kabul ettiği ‘Kazaklaştırma’ politikasının, ‘Oralman’
programının (yurt-dışında yaşayan Kazakların ata yurduna dönmesi) ve Kazak dili ile kültürünün
geliştirilmesinin, Kazakları baskın konuma getirme, azınlıkları sindirme ve etnik temelli bir devlet modeli
inşa etme amaçları taşımadığı ileri sürülmektedir. Aksine Kazak hükümetinin her halka kendi dil ve
kültürlerini geliştirme haklarını tanıdığı ve bir yandan Kazak ulusal kimliğini ihya etme ve geliştirme
amaçlarının, diğer yandan ise Kazakistan’ın çok-etnikli bir devlet olduğunu kabul etmenin hem Kazak
hem Kazakistanlı milletlerin ortaya çıkışını netice verdiği iddia edilmektedir. Halihazırda hükümetin sivil
milliyetçiliğine dayalı bir devlet modeli inşa etme girişiminin başarısız olduğu söylenebilir, zira Kazak
milleti ile Kazakistanlı milletin bir arada olması menfi milliyetçiliğin ortaya çıkışını beraberinde
getirmiştir. Her halukarda Kazakistan’daki ulusal kimlik inşa etme politikasının tüm toplumu ortak bir
irade altında kapsayacak olan müsbet milliyetçiliğe dayalı olması gerektiği sonucuna ulaşılmaktadır.
УДК 330.341.4:339.13; 330.341.44; 338.33; 334.012; 334.7
R. Karimov
Scientific Supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zhanar Temirbekova
Suleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Economics
Bu araştırmanın temel amacı Kazakistan'daki küçük işletmelerin gerçek durumuna analiz etmektir. Bu
çalışmada aşağıdaki araştırma yöntemleri kullanılmıştır: içerik analizi, çevrimiçi görüşmeler ve bilimsel
literatür analizi.
The main purpose of this research is to analyze the actual state of small business in Kazakhstan. In
this work were used the following research methods: content analysis, online interviews and analysis of
the scientific literature.
Бұл зерттеудің басты мақсаты Қазақстандағы шағын кәсіпкерліктің шынайы жағдайын талдау
болып табылады. Ұсынылған еңбекте келесідей зерттеу тәсілдері қолданылды: контенттік талдау,
интернет-интервью және ғылыми әдебиеттерді талдау.
Главной целью данного исследования является анализ реального состояния малого бизнеса в
Казахстане. В данной работе были использованы следующие исследовательские методы: контент-
анализ, интернет-интервью и анализ научной литературы.
With a large territory and a relatively small population, Kazakhstan is the most sparsely populated of
the former Soviet republics. The country has vast reserves of oil, natural gas and other important natural
resources. Kazakhstan also produces 20% of the coal of the former Soviet Union. High-potential
agricultural sector (which accounts for about 40% of net material product and employs about 26% of the
labor force) is centered among the grain and livestock. Kazakhstan's economy is focused on the production
of raw materials, as well as agricultural and mineral. With a total population of 16.7 million people
(Kazakhs - 63.1%, Russian - 23.7%, Uzbeks - 2.8%, Ukrainians – 2.1%, the Uighurs - 1.4%, Tatars - 1
3%, Germans - 1.1%, other nationalities - 4.5%), Kazakhstan has a relatively well-educated labor force. /1/
Description of problems
Small business in Kazakhstan is facing a number of challenges that must be solved to achieve the
economic prosperity of the country. In describing the development of small business in the last year in
Kazakhstan can be noted two key points. The first - the business became popular. This is a tremendous
achievement. According to statistics, the share of employment in small business of Kazakhstan has
reached 12%, with the number of economically active population of 23%. A little more than ten years
(since 2001), the number of small businesses increased by 3 times, and the output of the small business
increased more than four times. The second positive aspect - the business has gained a high social status.
According to the research program Business Advisor of the Fund "Damu" among 10,000 entrepreneurs
75% of respondents believe that the attitude to business in society has improved. Now doing business is
becoming a prestigious among the younger generation. That's it - a positive change. Alongside with this,
there are negative aspects. From the first years of independence, since 1992, Kazakhstan has established
programs to support the development of entrepreneurship. But, unfortunately, has not yet achieved their
main objective of these programs: small business did not become the basis for economically active middle
class, as is the case in developed countries. We are a little behind on the number of small business in
European countries, but we are far from them in terms of effectiveness. Percentage of productivity of the
Kazakhstani small business ranges of 23% and the same figure in the U.S. is 103%, while in Eastern
Poland - 49%. /2/
The following research methods were used in this work: experiments, internet surveys, content
analysis, internet interviews and literature searches. I looked for experts interviews and have found some
interesting interviews of SB experts. I used the interviews of small business experts.
Analysis of interviews with experts on small business has shown that experts give unsatisfactory state
support for the creation of conditions for development of small businesses. For example, an expert of the
Public Council of the National Chamber "Atameken" Vasily A. Rezvan said: "We, as human rights
activists, the VAT in the present form called and still call as the" corruption tax"/3/ and the Independent
Association of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan states that “the government does not take care of the problems
of the small business”. /4/
However, the indicators of the Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan claim otherwise.
According to the data of Agency of Statistics, a small business in the Republic of Kazakhstan - is a
dynamically developing sector, the institutional dimension of which covers more than 94% of all domestic
actors, and when compared to the 90 years of the last century, there had been remarkable positive results.
/5/ In addition, according to the data of the World Bank on creation of conditions for the development of
small business in the Republic of Kazakhstan, is also positive picture emerges. In the world ranking on
availability to start a new business "The Ease of Doing Business" among 185 countries Kazakhstan
occupies 58th place in 2011 and 47th in 2012. A year later, Kazakhstan rose to 11th place, and it's very
impressive result. Opening a new business in Kazakhstan includes 6 treatments and 19 days, and these
figures are really positive. On the other hand, Kazakhstan ranks 13th on the rank of "The ease of paying
taxes" among comparable countries (Moldova, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine), and
it is a very good indicator. On the availability of business our country is second only to developed
countries such as the USA, Australia, Central and Western Europe, Saudi Arabia, Japan, etc./6/ This is a
very encouraging result for our country.
About 3,000 individual industrial enterprises were operating in the early 90’s of the last century in
Kazakhstan, with a disproportionate share of the total production accounted for a few dozen of large
enterprises. The share of light industry accounted for 15.3% of production, and food industry 15.4%. The
small business sector consisted of little more than 3,500 cooperatives, 15,000 small businesses, about
11,000 private companies and 15,600 farms. Among the existing small businesses the largest share in the
wholesale and retail trade, and catering. Small and medium enterprises in the Republic of Kazakhstan
were so weak that it often had little to do with genuine high-grade entrepreneurial activity. /7, p. 4/
At present, the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is improving. According to the World Bank
and the performance of the Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is clear that the features
of a small business in the Republic of Kazakhstan gain the dynamics for sustainable development.
According to experts of small businesses /3/, the biggest problem for entrepreneurs opening their
The second difficult problem that is identified by the experts is the need for scientific justification and
research the specific phenomenon of entrepreneurship in Kazakhstani conditions. For example, on the
interview the President of BISAM Central Asia Leonid Gurevich said, " First, is the correctly we are
setting the standard for domestic small business? In Kazakhstan, before independence was virtually no
production of consumer goods. In addition, we have an extremely low population density, and the greater
length of the transport network. Therefore, in the Republic of Kazakhstan small business takes on more
costs than in the same Slovenia, which is often taken as an example. Our export complicated because we
are removed from shipping lanes. Second, is there a post-Soviet country where the business would have
developed better than in Kazakhstan? It is definitely not. Obviously, any laws that are affecting the post-
Soviet economy, they should be studied. Therefore, we need to clearly define the objectives and priorities
of the program, based on its real possibilities. It is necessary to identify and principles of state, as well as
macro-economic incentives for the development of SMEs. Then you can create a specific program.
Another important point: it is impossible to introduce a new program until you completed the
implementation of the old ". /2/
In addition, experts point out that at the present time in creating their own business entrepreneurs still
have problems with inhibition of administrative procedures, bureaucratic pressure, lack of understanding,
etc. In particular, the chief lawyer and an expert of the Public Council of the National Chamber
"Atameken" Vasily A. Rezvan said: "In our country, there are more than 100 regulatory bodies for one
small businessman, and the independent committees and departments - hundreds! This implies that the
states and their officials are expanding bureaucratic control in the progression. Regulatory authorities
come with check to the owner by 80-90 times a year, and we are 4 times a day, getting up to its defense.
Government regulation and bureaucracy is perceived as the fourth most difficult task for a small business
venture start-ups. In addition to the complexity of these issues, as such, very often the information about
the regulations, rules and procedures for small business is not as easily available, it often changes without
consistency. In addition, the interpretation of what is right or wrong is a privilege to the official, and he or
she will take an arbitrary decision, putting a businessman in the position dependent and uncertain ". /3/
The results of this study suggest the following conclusions:
1. Small business and entrepreneurial development has a tremendous potential in resolving
Kazakhstan's problems on itz way toward the free market. Currently, Kazakh economic Andes social
development under transition largely depends on big, mostly state regulated enterprises. The scope of smal
business and the role this sector plays in this real estate development are relatively modest. They definitely
should receive Sea attention, participation, and support from the government, academia, and various
international sources.
2. The advantages of small business in the Republic of Kazakhstan are: political and economic
stability of the country, the high level of education those who are involved and is about to open a new
company and develop it internationally. To the disadvantage of small businesses in Kazakhstan may
include insufficient statistical data and applied research in this area, the limited role of women
entrepreneurs, the limited number of sources of start-up capital, poor development of wholesale and retail
3. The main obstacles and challenges of SB in Kazakhstan is due to the lack of dialogue between the
representatives of business law of SB and government and high taxes, problems in the banking and
financial system, government regulation, bureaucracy, corruption, etc.
4. The following areas are found to be most important to Kazakh entrepreneurs' in training and
consulting: taxation; finances; business law, contracts, and negotiations; import-export, international
business; and marketing, sales, and advertising. Related to their training and consulting needs,
entrepreneurs give their highest priority to sources of knowledge/skills and methods associated with
business practice and practical implications, rather than those of academic nature.
5. There are three important aspects for business development in any country. First of all - a
relationship with the authorities, and secondly - the competition, third - find internal resources
development. Before the authorities and society in Kazakhstan is the most important task - to solve
business relationships with authorities, when this problem will fade into the latest plan, small businesses
will be able to focus on competition issues and finding reserves is not only local, but also at the
international level. Only then can we talk about the occurrence of small and mid-sized business in the
mainstream of civilized and competitive development.
1. The population of Kazakhstan - [electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL:
2. Interview of the President of the BISAM Central Asia Leonid Gurevich to the magazine "Expert
Kazakhstan". - [electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL:
3. "The problems of small business in Kazakhstan" Interview c head lawyer and an expert of the
Public Council of the National Chamber "Atameken" Vasily Alexandrovich Rezvan about the problems of
small business in Kazakhstan - [electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL:
4. The Independent Association of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan Small Business in Kazakhstan - on
the brink of extinction. - [electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL:
5. Agency for Statistics "Small and medium enterprises" - [electronic resource] - Access mode. -
6. The World Bank, the global rating on the availability of starting a new business "Ease of Doing
Business in Kazakhstan" - [electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL:
7. Arynov EM, RK Zhulamanov Small and Medium Business: Problems and prospects. - Almaty:
Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of Kazakhstan, 1994.-15.)
УДК 334.722(574)
Б.Р. Қожамбек
Ғылыми жетекшіcі: ф-м.ғ.д., профессор С. Н. Әмірғалиева
Сүлейман демирел атындағы университет, экономика факультеті
Günümüzün küresel ekonomisinde, küçük ve özellikle dünyada gençlik girişimciliğin geliştirilmesi
vurgulanmaktadır. Uluslararası deneyim Analizi gençlerin yenilikçi dahil olmak üzere küçük ve orta
ölçekli işletmeler için temel itici güç olduğunu gösterir, ve sosyo-ekonomik sorunların önemli bir rol
oynar. Ayrı bir tam teşekküllü bir devlet politikası olarak gençlerin girişimciliği geliştirme vurgulamak
için emin olun. Devlet desteği küçük ölçekli işletme büyüme ve orta içine tedrici dönüşümü için ekonomik
teşvikler içermelidir. Diğer bir deyişle, kamu politikası ayrı bir alanda gençlerin girişimcilik politikası
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