Ключевые слова: виды действий общения, чтение, аудирование, произношение, письмо, методы
инновационного обучения, критерии оценки.
Utanova Aizada Kudaikul
Methods of the Kazakh language acquisition through communication
Methods of the Kazakh language acquisition through communication is a set of methods that influences im-
proving language proficiency of students. Since communication is a special phenomenon, covering all aspects of con-
versational activity, we need a comprehensive liability from teachers and students. Due to its being the most import-
ant indicator of linguistic relations communication contributes to the actual use of reading, writing, pronunciation
and listening skills. Modern innovative methods of education play an important role in teaching the state language.
Independent work of students, role plays, tasks that are based on the written work, the criteria of self-assessment,
and others contribute to the the development of communication skills.
Key words: types of communication, reading, listening, pronunciation, writing, innovative teaching methods,
evaluation criteria.
Редакцияға 31.03.2015 қабылданды.