Ключевые слова: культура речи, речевой этикет, норма, литературный язык, принципы орфоэпии,
грамотность, чистота языка, лингвоэкология, устная и письменная культура речи, ораторское искусство,
ролевые игры, дебаты, комуникация, личность.
Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы ЕҰУ Хабаршысы
B. Dinayeva
The issues of students speech culture improvement
The article considers the ways of speech culture improvement in oral and written speech of students. The prac-
tical experience of the subject “Speech Culture and Business Oratory” for lawyer students is concluded, the range of
issues in the aspect of linguaecology and during certain types of academic activities (presentation, report, summary,
abstract, CV) are considered. The author pays attention on the issuers of the development of culture speech, critical
thinking, students up-brining with informative and communicative competences, which makes a contribution to their
Key words: culture of speech, norm, standard language, integrity of language, linguaecology, oral and written
culture of speech, oratory, role play, debate, communication, person.
Редакцияға 01.12.2014 қабылданды.
ӘОЖ 378:005.73
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