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Сборник студ конф 22-23г

Жаксылыкова Аружан Ерлановна 
Кәдірова Гүлденген Зәріпжанқызы
Сенгирова Биханым Ернарқызы 
Ғылыми жетекші:Кушкарова Г.К.,филол.ғылым.канд.,доцент 
Қ.Жұбанов атындағы Ақтөбе өңірлік университеті,Ақтөбе қ. 
zoonym, component analysis of the word, cultural linguistic, comparative linguistics 
The article is devoted to the problem of figurative meanings of zoonyms describing a person 
in English and Kazakh languages. The linguoculturological aspects of comparative phrases with the 
use of zoonyms in two languages are investigated. Various meanings of zoonyms are shown, which 
appear when comparing a person with an animal. Cultural similarities and differences in the figurative 
use of the same zoonym in the two analyzed languages, as well as the degree of such similarity or 
difference are revealed. Such an analysis will be of interest to specialists in the field of cultural 
linguistics, cultural linguistics and comparative linguistics. 
Everyone knows that in every language there are interchangeable lexical items, in 
addition to their main meaning in the dictionary. Among the units used in such a variable meaning, 
one can include comparisons with the names of animals, i.e. zoonyms. Zoonymic comparisons are 
interchangeable in every language, except for their basic, literal meaning, but not all of these 
comparisons can be found in the same dictionaries. Also, these meanings give a figurative description 
of animals or the meaning of the metaphorical component of the image of an animal. 
Equating a person to the name of an animal is widespread in the culture and language of many nations. 
In our article, zoonyms in the English language are compared with the Kazakh language, and their 
linguistic and cultural features are studied. This analysis is made on the basis of phrases consisting of 
similes made with the names of animals. 
This material shows the existence of figurative parallels in the languages being compared, the 
comprehensive and special differential sign, and the figurative use of the lexical group, in order 
to determine the degree of similarities and features of the same denotative meaning in the 
figurative use of zoonyms in the English and Kazakh languages. 
The use of animal names in English, their associative image in national perception was analyzed 
by comparative method. Based on scientific findings on associative types of fixed comparisons during 
language analysis, the fixed comparisons of human characteristics are classified into associative 
types. Associations that appear by means of the images of a wolf, a lion, a tiger, a fox, a bear, a hare 
in Kazakh perception are analyzed. The role of comparative components in using emotional-
expressive meaning of fixed comparisons is defined. Comparisons describing qualities of heroism, 
courage, cowardice, weakness, beauty are divided into functional emotional-expressive comparisons 
and attributive emotional- expressive comparisons by their emotional-expressive meanings. It is 
proved that heroism, courage qualities are given by the images of a wolf, a lion and a tiger, 
severity, cruelty is expressed by a wolf's image, quality of cowardice is depicted by the image of a 
hare, cunning, disingenuity, beauty are given by the image of a fox. The importance of fixed 
comparisons with zoonym component in describing the level of expressiveness and artistry in human 
qualities in the use of language are defined. 
Characteristics of a person are compared to natural phenomena, wildlife, animals, birds and plants 
in the language. Comparison is one of the categories which consists of national peculiarities of the 
world view that has accumulated national peculiarities of imaginative thinking. Comparison was 
studied as a cognition tool in philosophy, as a stylized method in literary science, as a figurative 
language in linguistics. According to comparison, only T. Konyrov's scientific work "The Nature of 
comparison" can be mentioned. Kazakh linguist T. Konyrov defines simile as follows: «Comparison 

is a stylistic approach and cognitive tool that strengthens the visual, artistic, emotional-expressive 
quality of the thing described by comparing one thing to another on the basis of similar, common 
signs, and presents the same thing from a new, poetic angle. » [1] 
Comparing a person with an animal name is unique in every language. The concept of any animal 
is perceived differently in each language environment. For instance, in English «

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