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9.1 Дәрістер

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Тақырыбы:Notion about the gender

Сағатсаны: 2

Тақырыптыңнегізгісұрақтары/ жоспары:

1.Sexus and gender

2.Gender category



Gender does not only define natural sex of human, also socially constructed (language, family, education, etc.) social-cultural sex. Sexmeans bio-physiological differences of person, gender is social figure of woman and man in the society. The English term “gender” as grammatical category taken from linguistic context, became an object of other sciences as social philosophy, social sciences, history and politology. Then gender researches become widely, after that as interdiscipline gender term is entered into linguistics with new meaning.

The term gender was entered by American psychoanalyst Robert Stoller in 1968 year in his work “Sex and gender”. In the works of G. Rubin and R. Unger the terminological differences between sex and gender were thoroughly defined.

The term gender was entered to linguistic terminology later. Therefore the categories genus, sexus, gender were not separated clearly. These categories are explained by historical characteristics in researching of gender problem in language.

Gender relations involve many areas of human activity; therefore researching gender must be developed from the point of view of genderology in interdisciplinary character. Genderology is one of the developing science spheres. It starts with social sciences, physiology, culturology, anthropology, intercultural, non-verbal relations (communication), linguistics etc. science branches researches in humanity history and cultury.


1. How did the term gender form?

2. What kind of relations are there between the terms gender and sexus?

3. How do you understand the sociocultural sexus?

4. Name the factors of the gender category research.

5. How do you explain gender relations?


1.Аберкромби Н., Хилл С., Тернер Б.С. Социологический словарь (пер. с англ под ред. С.А.Ерофеева). ­ Казань: Изд­во Казанского университета, 1997. ­ 402 с.

2.Әлеуметтік лингвистика терминдерінің сөздігі. Словарь социолингвистических терминов / Э.Д.Сүлейменова, Н.Ж.Шәймерденова, Ж.С.Смағұлова, Д.Х.Ақанова. − Астана: "Арман­ПВ" баспасы, 2008.

3.Воронина О.А. Теоретико­методологические основы гендерных исследований // Теория и методология гендерных исследований: Курс лекций / Под общ.ред. О.А.Ворониной. − М.: МЦГИ­МВШСЭН­МФФ, 2001. − С. 13­95.

4.Кандиоти Д. Эволюция гендерных исследо­ваний. Обзор // Женщины и социальная политика (гендерный ас­пект). − М.: ИСЭПН, 1992. − С.156-163.

5.Кирилина А.В. Гендер: лингвистические аспекты. − М.: Институт социологии РАН, 1999.


Тақырыбы:Research of language and sexus problems in the history of linguistics

Сағатсаны: 2

Тақырыптыңнегізгісұрақтары/ жоспары:

1.Periods of gender and language researches

2.Antic period researches

    1. century reseaches

4.F. Mauthner, E. Sapir, O. Jespersen`s works.


There are two periods of researches between language and sex relations:1) biological deterministic researches – based on separate facts, irregular, unsystematic searches; 2) gender researches – volumetric, systematic researches in 60s of the XXth century. High speed development pragmatics in linguistics, social linguistic branches, changes of man and woman roles lead to have a new look to linguistics information and explanation of it from the new aspect.

The history of studying the relations between language and gender dates back to the ancient era. The problem of the relation of gender to language was first raised depending on the category of grammar (gender) [Shahmaykin 1996, 226-273 pp.]. Representatives of the ancient symbolic teaching based on the principles of animism and anthropomorphism of mythological thinking believe that grammar is only caused by natural causes, i.e. in accordance with the sexual diversity of people [Kirillina 1998, 51-58 pp.]. As a result, “male gender” was highly valued, inherent in the concepts of strength, power, and activity was characterized by the meaning of “female gender”, on the contrary, weakness, subordination. Thus, Ernst Bornemann believes that knowledge, perception of being (in relation to grammatical text) corresponded to the law of language development. However, there were many adherents of one-sided opinion (including the famous scientists herder, Grimm, Humboldt, etc.) who did not foresee the connection between natural sex (sexus) and grammatical gender (genus). Therefore, the category of natural biological sexus corresponding to the category of genus has long dominated language knowledge.

1. How was researched the relation between language and sexus in the history of linguistics?

2. What are the characteristics of antique times in the history of gender researches?

3.How do you understand the concepts symbolic-semantic doctrine, animism and anthropomorphism?

4. When did man`s language and woman`s language enter and how was it researched?


1.Антинескул О.Л. Гендер как параметр текстообразования: дис. канд. филол. наук. ­ Пермь, 2000.

2.Кирилина А.В. Развитие гендерных исследований в лингвистике // Филологические науки. ­ 1998. ­ №2. ­ С. 51­58.

3.Кирилина А.В. Гендер: лингвистические аспекты. − М.: Институт социологии РАН, 1999.

4.Шахмайкин А.М. Проблема лингвистического статуса категории рода // Актуальные проблемы современной русистики. Диахрония и синхрония. ­ М., 1996. ­ С. 226­273.


Сағат саны: 1

Тақырыптың негізгі сұрақтары/ жоспары:





Gender studies became feministic in the late 60s of the twentieth century and the effect of the "new movement of women" in America and Germany in the early 70's. Linguistic knowledge has a special focus on feminist linguistics or feminist criticismin the language.

Feminist linguistics describes the patriarchy, i.e. the prevalence of men in social and cultural life. According to this research, the trend towards scientific debate which has its own methodology, which has been widely used in the linguistic research of human sciences (psychology, sociology, ethnography, anthropology, history and so on) promotes language policy improvement [Kirilina 2005, pp. 21-27 ].

Feminist linguistics representatives Robin Lakoff, Jennifer Coates analyzed woman`s language. In 1973 Robin Lakoff published "Language and Woman’s Place” in which analyzed woman`s language lexical, grammatical specialties and introduced the term"Women’s language". Most of researches (W. O`Barr, B. Atkins, J. Coates ets.) criticized R. Lakoff`s “woman`s language” principle and offered to change the term "Women’s language" to "Powerless Language".

According to R.Lakoff the use of word of sex representatives is different in style because the link between the psyche and speech is manifested in the language by lexical, syntactical and semantic materials. Accordingly, the man's style of speech is normally clear and solid, explaining that a woman's speech style is slender in its nature [Antineskul 2000, pp. 73-76]. The author also identified a number of distinctive features of the female language, based on linguistic sensitivity and control, as follows:

­- special vocabulary of women’s interest and job;

- clear and concrete description of shapes and colors;

- adjectives which describe mood, emotional relation (cute, wonderful, etc.);

- questions about uncertainty (is it like this? seems to be like that?);

- words and phrases which slow down the speech (like that, how to say, etc.);

- addiction to euphemism and politeness;

- delicacy.


1. How do you understand paradigms: the deficit of woman language, dominating and difference?

2. What does feminist linguistics research?

3. What is feminist criticism?

4. Analyze the research directions of feminist linguistics.


1.Кирилина А.В. Гендер: лингвистические аспекты. − М.: Институт социологии РАН, 1999.

2.Коатс Дж. Женщины, мужчины и язык (перевод С.А. Коноваловой) // Гендер и язык. ­ М.: Языки славянской культуры, 2005. ­ С. 33­235.

3.Таннен Дж. Ты просто меня не понимаешь: Женщины и мужчины в диалоге (перевод О.А. Васьковой) // Гендер и язык. ­М.: Языкиславянскойкультуры, 2005. ­С. 235­502.

4.Butler J. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. – New York and London: Routledge, 1990.

5.Cameron D. Feminism and Linguistic Theory. Second edition. – Mc.Millan Press Ltd., 1992.

6.Сode L. Encyclopedia of Feminist Theories. - London: Routledge, 2000.

7.Connell R. Masculinities.- Berkeley: University of California Prees, 1996.

8.Lakoff G. Language Language Women’ Plase. – New York: Harper and Row, 1975.

9.Lakoff G. Women, Fire and Dangerous Things. – Chicago: The University of Chicago Prees, 1987.

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