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Тақырыбы: Gender researches on social linguistics

Сағатсаны: 1

Тақырыптыңнегізгісұрақтары/ жоспары:

1.Directions of gender linguistics

2.U.Labov and P.Trudgill researches

3.Three paradigms


At the end of the 60s and beginning of the 70s gender researches were developed. Gender research of language was conducted systematically. These changes were caused by replacing scientific paradigm and social reasons.

Development of social linguistics, formation of postmodernist cognition theory and feminist movements played an important role. There were several gender linguistic directions. We can divide them by research methods, appearance and dedicational principles:

- social linguistic gender researches;

- feminist linguistics;

- gender researches (to research both sexes);

- masculine researches (new direction formed in the 90s of the XXth century)

- psycholinguisticgender researches. In recent times it is researched relating with neurolinguistics. This direction composes biodeterminist (cognitive specialties of natural hormone characters) and research children language problems.

- Lingvocultural cognitional directions and gender subcultural prediction.

These directions are related with each other, differences have conditional appearance. Upper directions research these problems:

1. Language and sex in language: nominative system, lexicon, syntax, gene category etc. The aim of this method is to determine semantic spreading level of linguistic ways used to man and woman, to explain estimating, describing of both sexes. Researches were conducted in one language and by comparing.

2. Speaking of man and woman: gender characteristics in choosing lexicon; methods of being successful in relations (to be expert, gender dominance in choosing syntax constructions), gender relation characteristics which aims to reach one goal [Kirilina 1999, 36-37 p].


1. When did man`s language and woman`s language enter and how was it researched?

2. How was the gender research developed in the beginning of the XXth century?

3. What development directions have gender researches of social linguistics?

4. How do you understand paradigms: the deficit of woman language, dominating and difference?


1.Антинескул О.Л. Гендер как параметр текстообразования: дис. канд. филол. наук. ­ Пермь, 2000.

2.Вежбицкая А. Язык. Культура. Познание. ­ М.: Русские словари, 1996.

3.Гриценко Е.С. Язык. Гендер. Дискурс. ­ Нижний Новгород: Издательство ННГУ им. Н.И. Лобачевского, 2005.

4.Камерон Д. Теоретические дискусии в феминистской лингвистике.Вопросы пола и гендера (перевод О.А. Васьковой) // Гендер и язык. ­ М.: Языки славянской культуры, 2005. ­С. 539­563.

5.Кирилина А.В. Развитие гендерных исследований в лингвистике // Филологические науки. ­ 1998. ­ №2. ­ С. 51­58.

6.Кирилина А.В. Гендер: лингвистические аспекты. − М.: Институт социологии РАН, 1999.

7.Кирилина А.В. Гендерные исследования в лингвистических дисциплинах // Гендер и язык. ­М.: Языкиславянскойкультуры, 2005. ­С. 7­33.


Тақырыбы: Gender linguistics, goals and objectives

Сағатсаны: 1

Тақырыптыңнегізгісұрақтары/ жоспары:

1.Gender linguistics as a science

    1. principles in gender researches

3. Directions of gender and language researches

4. Methods of gender reseraches


Gender linguistics - (eng.Gender–gram.“Gene”and fr.Linguistiques Lat. Lingua- “Language”) is a branch of science between gender and linguistics that investigates the relations between gender and language.

"Gender linguistics is a new science and the new industry has its own problems and they are not few. They are:

1. Human gender determined by the gender language;

2. Difference between language and sex and their interconnection;

3. The universal difference between men and women;

4. National ethnic level difference of a man and a woman;

5. Relationship between social classification of language and sexual classification of society;

6. The difference between the use of a linguistic unit by a woman and a man;

7. Linguistic and non-liguistic units used in the speech of a woman and a man;

8. Linguistic and non-linguistic units in the information provided by the woman and the man etc. [Hassanuly 2002].

Linguistic function and the legality of interaction of language and personality, the language and the society must be the methodological basis of gender linguistics. One of the three aspects of human language syncretism is the formation of gender linguistics, one of which is the internal structure of the language; the second is the external language, the social factors, the third is the mentality of the language, the indirect form of the world. It is a linguistic picture of the world, pragmatics of a linguistic person, linguistic consciousness of the user of the language, ethnic structure of thinking, a lifestyle of the thinking, national character, mentality [Hassanuly 2005, p. 267].

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