10. Дәріс
Тақырыбы: Gender characteristics in a phonetic level
Сағатсаны: 1
Тақырыптыңнегізгісұрақтары/ жоспары:
1.Phonetic differences in ancient languages
2.Voice differenes of man and woman
Gender differences are found in all spheres of the language and it is reflected in different languages in different ways. Includingly, gender phonetico-physical features make a large layer.
As one of the owners of the first language of the world civilization, in the Sumerians epic texts and hymn of the god mothers, in the speech of gods, women and workers there were existed "woman language"(eme-sall, ummisallu) [Dyakonov 1967, p. 35-51 ]. It differs from the main Sumerian language (emeKU) phonetically and it is insignificant in lexical terms. For example, the difference of vowel sounds in the main Sumerian language and "woman language"а>а, е>а, і(may be it is related with the intonation), і>е; и>е(EK kiri"garden">ES ke-re, EK inim"word">ES e-ne-em, EK digir "god">ES dem-me-er).Apparently speaking specialties of men were taboo for women. For defining woman language the text are written by syllables phonetically, without logograms. As well as in the Akkadian language there are Sumerian words that come through women's language. Generally, ancient Sumerian language is deleted into genres, professional languages. Namely, they are the main language, high language (official) language, special language, seaman language, herder’s language, etc.
1.What is gender classification of language?
2.What are the gender characteristics in phonetic degree?
3.How do you understand “men`s and women`s voice”?
4.Explain the meaning of the terms voice, voice timbre.
5.What are the gender characteristics of intonation?
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