Бағдарламасы мазмұнының құрамдас бөлігі ретінде «Гендерлік лингвистика»

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Gender asymmetry is imbalance of the social roles of men and women in different spheres of life, in accordance with the social and cultural rules. Gender asymmetry in the language (androcentrality in the language) - lack of uniformity in the use of language units that distinguish the male and female gender. In the works of representatives of feminist linguistics (feminist criticism) and of the postmodernist scholars (Derrida) the language picture of the world is mainly evaluated and oriented from a male point of view, on behalf of a male subject, and the relationship to a woman is considered only as an object, “other”, “alien” or is not taken into account at all.


1. What are the signs which define the appearance of androcentrality in the language?

2. Analyze the types of asymmetric relations which are used in linguistic construction of gender.

3. Give the facts which define language asymmetry.

4. Define the gender linguistic meaning of the ethnocultural asymmetries.


1.Горошко Е.И. Функциональная асимметрия мозга, язык, пол: Аналитический обзор. ­ Москва; Харьков: ИД "ИНЖЭК", 2005.

2.Гриценко Е.С. Типология асимметричных отношений в гендерной категоризации // Вестник Нижегородского гос. лингв. ун­та им. Н.А.Добролюбова. ­ Вып. 1. ­ Н.Новгород: НЛГУ, 2005. ­ С. 62­70.

3.Хомская Е.Д. Об асимметрии блоков мозга // Нейропсихология сегодня / Под ред. Е.Д. Хомской. - М., 1995. - С. 14-27.

4.Coates J. Women, Men and Language: A sociolinguistic account of gender differences in communication. Third edition. – Harlow England; New York: Longman 2004.

5.Crawford M. Talking Differenc: On Gender and Language. – London, Thousand Oaks and New Delhi: SAGE Publications, 1995.

6.Talbot D. Language and Gender: an Introduction. - Cambridge: Polity Prees, 1998.

Тақырыбы:Gender concept

Сағатсаны: 1

Тақырыптыңнегізгісұрақтары/ жоспары:


2.Structural model of cencept



The level of recognition of the genderconcept consciousness and the true nature of the world, a kind of specificity, the metaphysical (male and female origins), human (male and female), cultural (men and women) are classified as conditional. Gender conceptosphere in the world view of the life of a spiritual nature and people, "the universe in the form of" a set of representatives based on comprehensive sex education took place.

By A.V. Kirilina "if the notion of the sex is defined by the categories of "male"and "female", "gender" is explained by categories "masculinity" and "femininity". However, these concepts are closely related to each other" [1999, 90 p.]. This categories are related to each other, thereby it is difficult to distinguish between them. During the study, through the analysis of view of language and gender, paid attention to the peculiarities of gender concepts as words (verbalization).

After the concept became the main term of cognitive linguistics researchers decided to remove the distinction between the terms as the meaning / notion / concept.

The traditional meaning of the word is recognized as "the preserved content in the consciousness of the idea of the object and its properties, actions" [Gak 1990, p. 261]. Lexical meaning is product of the activity of human thinking related with the reduction of the information in consciousness on the basis of leveling, grouping, summarizing, etc. Y. Stepanov, "the meaning is the term defined only in the language of linguistics and is determined by the system of relations in the field of linguistics and logic of the concept of logical" [1997, p. 73].


1. What is concept, conceptosphere?

2. What is the difference of the terms meaning, concept, notion?

3. How is the concept researched?

4. What is the internal and external structure of conceptual system?

5. Give the definition of the term association.

6. Name the types of concept.


1.Карасик В.И. Культурные доминанты в языке // Языковая личность: Культурные концепты. ­ Волгоград − Архангельск, 1996. ­ С. 3­15.

2.Кирилина А.В. Гендер: лингвистические аспекты. ­ М.: Институт социологии РАН, 1999.

Краткий словарь когнитивных терминов / Под ред. Е.С. Кубряковой. ­ М.: Издательство МГУ, 1996.

3.Хасанұлы Б. "Қазақ тілі" тұжырымы: мемлекет, қоғам, қалам қайраткерлері санасындағы көрінісі // "Жаңа ғасырдағы Қазақстанның тілдік кеңістігі және әлемдік лингвистиканың өзекті мәселелері": Халықаралық ғылыми­теориялық конференция материалдары. ­Алматы, 2008. ­1­том. ­ 10­38 бб.

4.Footitt H. Women, Europe and the New Languages of Politics. Continuum: London, New York 2002.

5.Holmes J. Women, Men and Politiness. London: Longman 1995.

6.Talbot D. Language and Gender: an Introduction. - Cambridge: Polity Prees, 1998.


Тақырыбы:Gender stereotypes

Сағатсаны: 1

Тақырыптыңнегізгісұрақтары/ жоспары:


2.Gender steretypes in Kazakh lexic-parameological system


Gender as a component of the collective and individual human consciousness is reflected in the language through stereotypes.

The term stereotype is not defined by single side. In a number of studies, stereotypes refer to the specific form of education and evaluation, which is based on human behavior and actions [Maturana, 1996, p. 141]. In the short dictionary of cognitive terms stereotypes are interpreted as indicative of the level of knowledge and information processing [1996, p. 177].

In many cases, cultural traditions and ethnic stereotypes often recognize the signs of a permanent norms in accordance with the specifications. Scientists recognize the characteristic nature of stereotypes, saying that they are not always verbal. Visual imaginative stereotypes can be identified by language and other semiotic code (kinesics, vision images, etc.) [Shepanskaya 1991, pp.17-29].

Stereotypes are defined as associates that have a permanent character that is sorted and stored in memory and used to represent a certain truth in the mind. Initially the association is formed in the recognition of the true world. At the level of the common character, the association becomes stereotyped. Consequently, the association, which is an indicator of knowledge (cognition), is characteristic of an individual, and stereotypes are characteristic of universal, collective consciousness.


1.What is a stereotype?

2.How do you understand linguistic stereotypes?

3. How do we seperate gender stereotypes?

4. What is the role of gender stereotypes in the lexica-paremological system of the Kazakh language.

5. Describe gender stereotypes in phraseologies.


1.Маслова В.А. Когнитивная лингвистика: Учебное пособие. ­ Минск: Тетре Системе, 2004.

2.Матурана У. Биология познания // Язык и интеллект. Сб. статей / Под ред. В.В. Петрова. - М., 1996. - С. 95-142.

3.Краткий словарь когнитивных терминов / Под ред. Е.С.Кубряковой.­ М.: Издательство МГУ, 1996.

4.Қоңыров Т. Қазақ тілінің тұрақты теңеулер сөздігі. ­ Алматы: Ғылым, 1990.

5.Щепанская Т.Б. Женщина, группа, сим­вол (на материале молодежной субкультуры) // Этнические сте­реотипы мужского и женского поведения. - СПб., 1991. - С. 17-29.

6.Goffman E. Gender Advertisements. - New York: Harper Row, 1986 (1976).

7.Talbot D. Language and Gender: an Introduction. - Cambridge: Polity Prees, 1998.

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