Диплом жұмысы 5В011900- «Шетел тілі: екі шет тілі»

Practical exercises and application methods

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2.6 Practical exercises and application methods

When learning a foreign language, it is necessary to know the grammatical constructions of both the native language and the foreign language, to check their differences.

1. native language is the first language in communication, the native language begins to learn from childhood, adapting to the environment foreign language is the second tool, it begins to learn at school, after the native language is quite formed. A foreign language is not a means of life for a child, so it is important to understand why it is necessary to learn it
2.the child learns his native language in a specific language environment, learns it quickly and effortlessly, and forms its patterns. And a foreign language is learned at school in a foreign language environment. There is no basic basis for learning the laws of language here. Therefore, when learning the grammar of a foreign language, it is necessary to rely on the theory of this language, and it is necessary to combine the theory with the practice of speech and assimilate its forms into consciousness. This principle plays a big role in learning grammar. This is reflected in the generalizing essence of grammar. Here, grammar immediately gives more uniform forms of words. using words correctly (for example, various conjunctions) will help you learn the language.
For example, the string" S " is Present Undefinite in all 3rd English. there are verbs. Each language has its own grammatical laws, it is not difficult to distinguish them, memorize them. Because a person has a desire to store in memory. He is more inclined to preserve generalizations than to separate ones.
According to Reznik, it shows the predominance of grammar over vocabulary. He wrote Suvorov's "pulya-Dura"," bayk – Molodets "from it" vocabulary – stupid, grammar-Molodets " [4, 45 p.]. In the framework of each method, the relationship between theory and practice is considered as the basis of all methods of studying grammar. It is impossible to learn grammar without its facts, which only makes a theory practical, and, on the contrary, it is impossible to learn a foreign language if only practice does not rely on its grammatical regularity. The process of working with the active grammatical minimum, first the primary grammatical Asset, first the reproductive and then the receptive cases, the first of these two values plays a central role in teaching at school.
Students are instructed to apply these approaches during practice. Practice is also one of our training methods.
Students in the above-mentioned specialty go to practice at the school in 6 semesters. Despite the fact that their level of knowledge and business in the subject is at a sufficient level, their lack of methodological training in teaching the subject was revealed in the course of a decisive experiment. For this reason, in order to improve the methodological training of future Foreign Language teachers for teaching the subject, we decided to give practical work at the expense of the hours allocated to the methodological module in the curriculum, which will guide the preparation of the specialty.
In higher education institutions, one of the types of educational work is practical work, which is also widely used in humanitarian specialties. In the course of practical work, students should independently determine the patterns in the content and process of learning. Therefore, when teaching English, you can give students the following practical work:
Practical work N 1
Topic: program (section) of the subject” English language".
The purpose of the work: to equip students with the ability to implement pedagogical goals in teaching the IT Chapter.
The scheme to be guided in the execution of the task.
1.study of the content of the section, topic by program and teaching aids.
2.identification and establishment of educational, didactic and developmental functions of the topic.
3.establish a chain of concepts, knowledge and skills formed during the study of the topic.
4.identify and identify the possibility of ways to identify interdisciplinary and intra-subject contacts on the topic and activate basic knowledge and skills.
5.selection of visual aids and technical training tools.
6.selection of tasks received in the program of practical training.
7.determine the sequence of educational materials required for the upcoming lesson.
8.setting the content of tasks and forms of their organization.
Coordination of training materials in accordance with the lesson system.
On the topic, students should determine the educational materials, educational elements and forms of implementation of its registration in accordance with the content of the program.
Theme: "Time”
Students work in pairs. They will tell you how to understand them by reading the proverbs given in the book. They tell proverbs about time in their native language and translate them into English.
1. Task
Look at these three sayings about time
1. The one who is first to act achieves success (Chinese)
2. Time is the best doctor (Russian)
3. There is time for everything (Malawi)
How many sayings about time can you think in your own language?
2. Task
Read these 8 Proverbs, choose the one you like and create a story. Explain why you chose this proverb.
1. Never put till tomorrow what you can do today
2. Better late than never
3. There’s no time like present
4. Tomorrow never comes
5. Today is tomorrow we worried about yesterday
6. Time heals all wounds
7. Time is money
8. Time flies when you’re having fun
3. Task
The work is carried out in groups. They should answer the following questions and tell you how punctual they are.
1. first date-first meeting
2. an English Lesson-English lesson
3. a job interview-employment
4. a wedding-wedding
5. a film-cinema
6. a football match-football
4. Task students work separately. Answers the questions asked and compares them with the answers of other students.
1. You have to attend a meeting which is scheduled to start at nine o’clock Do you arrive …
a) exactly on time
b) ten minutes late
c) ten minutes earlier
2. You’ve arranged to meet a friend in the centre of town. How long do you wait if your friend is late?
a) 5 minutes
b) 15 minutes
c) half an hour or more
3. In your opinion a hard working person works …
a) eight hours
b) eight to ten hours a day
c) twelve or more hours a day
5. Listen To The Task
Listen to the radio broadcast with Roberta Wilson, time management consultant, and Paul Roesch discussing the same questions. Note down what they say about each one. Do you agree with them?
6. task the teacher writes five days on the blackboard. For example: 10.07.78, 28.08.2000, 16.07.2003 students should ask questions and find out what day they are on.
This game allows the teacher to check whether students ask the question correctly.
Practical work N 2
Topic: activity of students in the learning process.
The purpose of the work is to analyze the level of activity of students in the learning process.
The scheme to be guided when completing the task.
1.motivational methods of cognitive activity used by The Teacher, their correspondence to the goal.
2. methods of organizing attention: appearance, facial expressions and pathomimics of the teacher, tone (tone), rhythm (rhythm) and tempo of the lesson, openness, novelty, correspondence of visual aids with the purpose of the lesson; emotional saturation, image of the teacher's speech; consistency and logic of the narrative;
3.approaches that create conditions for the perception of new educational materials, their effectiveness and expediency.
4.methods of activating supporting knowledge. Methods of creating conditions for the use and development of students ' memory.
5.conducting exercises for mastering educational materials, matching their content with the purpose.
6.guidelines for improving students ' activity.
You can give the following tasks on these topics: activity, ways to increase it, and so on.
Lesson plan
Lesson topic: "Shopping”
Lesson progress:
I. After the organizational stage, the topic and goals of the lesson are explained in English
II. Difficult words in the text are repeated several times, and students can see new words on the blackboard
Task I: Work in small groups. Discuss the following questions.
a) When do you give presents?
b) What’s the best present you have ever given?
c) What’s the best present you have ever received?
d) Do you think it’s easier to buy presents for men or for women?
These questions increase students ' activity and thinking skills. Creates an interest in a new topic.
Read the following words after me.
Study the active vocabulary
Scuba diver
Task III Read this article about giving and receiving presents and answer the following questions.
1.Text “What people really want for their birthday”(Жұмыс топпен атқарылады)
1. Did a man or a woman write the article?
2. Does he or she think men are good at choosing presents?
3. Does he or she think women good at choosing presents?
4. What do men and women really want for their birthday? Do you agree?
2. Rearrange the words below to make six statements from the article You’ve been given first words
a) A ……can real you something is present keep
b) Book ….. time of the waste a are
c) Most …. In are interested women gadgets not
d) Men … usually silly or colored want socks don’t ties brightly
e) Women … and intuitive are sensitive
f) Men anything like electronic digital or
2. Do you agree with these statements? Discuss with a partner (Жұмыс жұппен атқарылады)
ІҮ. Next up is the game: Role play " Shopping”
The teacher tells the students that they are playing games and shows them photos of sellers from different stores. Students are asked what they see in the picture, and they also use new words from the lesson.
After that, the game is introduced to the condition: the mother tells her child to go to the grocery store and buy what they need at home.For this purpose, the teacher chooses two students.
Mother (Janar): Nasiba, please go to the shop and buy one beet and two apples
Daughter (Nasiba): Please give me a bag and some money
Mother (Janar): Here you are.
Daughter (Nasiba):Thank you
After that, the daughter goes to the store and talks to the seller and buys the necessary things.
Seller (Dinara): -Hello. What would you like to buy?
Customer(Nasiba): I’d like to buy two apples, one beet
Seller (Dinara): - Please give me two hundred pounds
Customer(Nasiba): Here you are Thank you
Seller (Dinara): - You are welcome. Good byе. Have a nice day.

  1. In this way, the game will continue. This game, in our opinion, will improve the speech of students. They learn to work in a group, say hello in a foreign language, say goodbye, and buy what they need.

  2. After that, students are assigned tasks related to the preparation of their speech actions by group.

  3. Group 1: "Describe the first thing you see when you walk into a large department store in London"

  4. The 2nd group is presented with the following situation: "what things did you buy yourself this year? Why did they need them?"After this task, the teacher evaluates their work, telling how many new words and phrases each group used.

  5. Homework: Anecdote Think about last time you went shopping to buy a present for someone.

  6. Thus, the use of various types of tasks and activities in the classroom, repeated repetition of lexical units, and the creation of sentences with them will help speed up students ' language acquisition.

  7. Practical work N 3

  8. Topic: preparing the teacher for the lesson.

  9. The purpose of the work: to study the preparation for the lesson and its preparation.

  10. The scheme to be guided when completing the task.

  11. I.drawing up a summary plan for the lesson of a foreign (English) language. Need to create a plan:

  12. - determining the place of classes in the system of classes by department using the program, calendar plan;

  13. - study of educational materials on the topic of the lesson, identify new terms, reading, pronunciation and writing;

  14. - identify the concepts, knowledge and skills that will be formed in the same lesson;

  15. - determining the educational, didactic and developmental goals of the lesson;

  16. - with the selection of tasks, marking the necessary digital materials;

  17. - selection of visual aids, educational and methodological documents;

  18. - determine the structure of the lesson, forms of Organization of educational work;

  19. - organization and implementation of all structural elements of the lesson;

  20. thinking about solving educational tasks;

  21. - development of approaches to the implementation of developmental tasks of all structural elements of the lesson;

  22. - think about the organization of testing of students ' knowledge, linking the study of the presented educational materials with ways to achieve educational, didactic and developmental goals;

  23. - identify the feasibility and possibilities of using software monitoring tools;

  24. - preparation of tasks that require a creative approach when performing tests of students ' knowledge and skills;

  25. - development of stimulating and stimulating approaches to learning;

  26. - development of methods for introducing theoretical knowledge to ensure the perception and understanding of new educational materials by students, using technical teaching tools, visual aids, problem situations, tasks and other didactic tools;

  27. - formation of training methods for activating students ' cognitive activities and mastering new educational materials;

  28. - development of methods for performing practical tasks;

  29. - development of methods for forming students ' learning skills using audio and video recorders;

  30. - preparation of the content and form of introductory, current and final instructions;

  31. - think about the organization of practical and independent work of students, ways to involve them in language communication;

  32. - development and preparation of price criteria;

  33. From the point of view of the methodology of teaching the subject, students need timely guidance. Instructions-explanations carried out by demonstration. Its content includes the following elements::

  34. 1.familiarization with the topic and purpose of the lesson.

  35. 2.Remember students ' basic knowledge of language science, theoretical knowledge related to the topic.

  36. 3.introduction to new theoretical knowledge.

  37. 4.talk about the upcoming academic work, familiarize yourself with the requirements for performing a pedagogical task.

  38. 5.preparation for training work, Organization of the workplace.

  39. 6.explanation and demonstration of methods and techniques of correct execution of a word, phrase, sentence, etc., prevention of mistakes made.

  40. 7.explanation and demonstration of methods of self-control of the quality of completed pedagogical tasks, the correctness of completing tasks.

  41. 8. display samples of completed pedagogical tasks.

  42. 9.checking the quality of assimilation of educational materials by requesting and repeating actions.

  43. 10. instructions for independent work of students.

Students analyze the structure and synopsis of the lesson in accordance with the task.
Theme: Smile
Do you like to listen to the songs?
Can you sing songs?
What kinds of songs do you like to listen? Why?
You are going to listen to the song “Don’t worry be happy”. What do you think it is about?
Song “Don’t worry be happy”
1. Task. Find the words that rhyme the words given in two columns

Style bed

Trouble smile
Head note
Frown double
Late down
Wrote litigate
2. Task. Write down the missing words from the first task and complete them.
Here’s a little song______
You might want to sing it note for _______
Don’t worry be happy Don’t worry be happy Don’t worry be happy
In every life we have some ________
When you worry you make it _______
Don’t worry be happy
Listen to the song again and check how well you performed it.
3. Task. Below, tell us about the races that bother people the most in life1. a child –нәресте
2. a 14 years girl-14 жасар қыз бала
3.16 years old boy -16 жасар ер бала
4. a university student-университет студенті
5. a parent- ата-ана
6. a grandparent- ата-әже
At the same time, one of the most effective ways to teach English is to use a video tape. A video film will increase students ' listening ability, and students will learn new words by watching a film in a foreign language, get acquainted with the Customs and traditions of this country. Tasks for a video movie can be divided into: pre-viewing, while - viewing, and after - viewing.
Pre-viewing (before viewing) tasks can be as follows (according to the video“a promise kept"): 1. Task students work in groups, the teacher asks the following questions:
1.The film you are going to watch is called “A promise kept”. What do you think it is about?
2. What is your favorite sport?
3. What qualities should a figure skater have?
4. What is the great national sport in Kazakhstan?
5. What sport games are not played in Kazakhstan?
Сосын студенттерді жаңа сөздермен таныстыру керек.

Active vocabulary

Perfect to be proud

Promise realize
Hate attitude
Rehearsal to hold smb up
while viewing (көрген кезде)
1 Task.
Can you figure out who said these words
1. Your dinner is on the oven
2. Will you open mine?
3. Is there anything I can do for you?
2. Task.
Make up questions with the given words
1. with grandma
2. a dress
3. Ukraine fairy tale
3. Task.
Stop the video. This dialogue is taken from the film. Fill in the gaps.
Oksana: Mama I can’t a)________
Mother: Are you sick? You don’t have a b)_______
Ok: I am c)__________ mamochka. It is my first d)_________
M: No one is going to e)_____ at you
after viewing (көріп болған сон)
1 Task.
1. Mother presented her daughter on her birthday
a. a ring b. skate c. a book
2. Why couldn’t Oksana’s mother go with her daughter to the competition?
a. because she was very busy b. because she was seriously ill
c. because she didn’t want
3. ……. made Oksana to continue skating
a. a. her friends b. her neighbor c. her mother
2. Task.
Students work in pairs . They decide if the given sentences true or false
1. Oksana’s mother is a nurse
2. Her mother wears glasses
3. She was happy to go to the competition alone
3. Task.
In the next assignment students work in small groups
Act out one of the situations from the film
1. Oksana’s parents have a quarrel
2. Oksana’s mother feels ill.
The proposed tasks improve the teacher's ability to organize pedagogical communication with students, improve the effectiveness of the current English language learning process, as well as reveal the personality of students.
Practical work N 4
Topic: lesson goals.
The purpose of the work: to develop the ability to give instructions for analyzing, evaluating and improving the educational, didactic and developmental goals of classes.
The scheme to be guided in the course of completing the task.
1.determining the educational, developmental and developmental goals of the lesson.
2.establishing the level of correspondence of the content of educational materials, exercises, and practical works with educational, didactic, and developmental goals.
3.determining the logical and interrelationship of educational, didactic and developmental goals.
4.instructions on ways to improve and achieve the goals of this lesson.
In addition to the above-mentioned works in the training of English Language teachers in higher educational institutions, practical work can be given as a task in classroom classes or in the course of independent work of students.
Lesson progress.
1 Task. The teacher introduces students to words related to food he monitors the correct reading of words. Then the task is to create sentences using these words.
Fruit and vegetables
Oranges -апельсин
Grapes -жүзім
Potatoes- картоп
Carrot –сәбіз
Mushroom -саңырауқұлақ
Meat and fish
A chicken –тауық еті
Tea –шай

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