Life and creativity of Dulat Isabekov. Abstract: In the first chapter of this scientific project, a study was made of the complete biography of Dulat Isabekov. In this project, the authors focused on the poet's work, analyzed some of his works, revealed his contemporary image in his works, and focused on creating images based on the details found in the works. Over time, the description of the character in our literature has become the main theme of the writer's work. The writer's works, especially his works written in the narrative genre, are valuable because they can truly show the bitter reality of the society in which he lives. On this basis, a number of his works were taken as an example. Because at any time the core of literature is a person, his inner world. It is also possible to observe the characters' emotional stress, anxiety, thinking, language skill that doubles the writer's idea. The image of the author is reflected in the language of the work and its narrative structure. Therefore, by analyzing the language, narrative, and structure of the work, various aspects of the image of the author, its formation and development evolution become clear. In the second chapter, Dulat Isabekov's works "Kargyn" and "Apke" were given a complete definition. Research works mainly used the method of artistic analysis. Traditional scientific description method, epithet, personification, drama analysis method, comparison method were also used in the study of artistic analysis. Dulat Isabekov's dramatic work "Apke" has a lot to offer the reader, revealing the changing times and the gradual disappearance of national values, the image of young people who have forgotten the concepts of morality, duty, duty, and responsibility. It is one of the wonderful works that describes the life, consciousness, knowledge, relationships of children in the same family, who lost their mother at a young age and never received any help from their father. МАЗМҰНЫ
Кіріспе .................................................................................................................
1 Дулат Исабековтің өмір жолы.......................................................................
1.1 Дулат Исабековтың өмірбаяны ………………………………………….
1.2. Дулат Исабековтің шығармашылыққа қадам басу ………………………
1.3.Қазақ романының даму тарихы.................................................
2. Дулат Исабековтің шығармаларына талдау……………………………………
2.1.Дулат Исабековтің «Қарғын» шығармасындағы көркемдегіш құралдардың қолдануы...............................................................................
2.2. Дулат Исабековтің «Қарғын» шығармасындағы кейіпкерлер арасындаңы психологиялық тартыс ……………………
2.3.Дулат Исабековтің «Әпке» драмасындағы Қамажайдың көркем мінезділігі...............................................................................................................
Қорытынды ......................................................................................................
Пайдаланылған әдебиет .................................................................................