Международный научно-образовательный электронный журнал «образование и наука в XXI веке»

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Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar: 
1. СХ.Таджиева, Д.Г.Сабирова "Танглик вазиятида колган болага психологик 
ёрдам курсатиш" Т.: РБИММ, 2011 й. 142 б 
2. Pulatov Sh.N.Sankhya-ancient Indian philosophical school. //PUSTAK BHARATI 
RESEARCH JOURNAL// JAN-June. ISSUE Toronto, Canada. No: 1-2, 2020.
3.PULATOV SH.N. XIX asr oxiri - XX asr boshlarida Hindistondagi ijtimoiy-siyosiy 
vaziyat. Academic Research In Educational Sciences. Volume 1. 2020 468474 P. 

ФИО автора: Nigina Yakhyaeva 
MA student of Uzbekistan State World Languages University 
EFL teacher of the Bukhara academic lyceum of Internal Affairs 
In the work of Aitmatov, reality is reflected in three dimensions. First - modern or 
recent history: this is the element of transformation, variability and fragility. The other 
is the heroes: for all their individuality, they shine through basic archetypal human 
principle, distributed along the poles of good and evil. The third level of reflection of 
reality is the most significant, which gives internal unity to the diverse works of 
Aitmatov: this something immutable, transpersonal, and made up of things beyond the 
control of historical time of mythologies and archetypes, i.e., the national picture of the 
world. Aitmatov's picture of the world is deeply imbued with the spirit of animism; 
therefore, mythological motifs are widely used in his prose metempsychosis and 
zoomorphism. An indispensable value for the writer and his heroes is a distant past
which acts in a double function: as the most important means of national self-
identification and as an ethical measure. 
Key words: socialistic realism, revolution, literary characters, protagonist, tragedy of 
Mother Naiman, spirituality, Mankurt. 
Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov was a Kyrgyz author who wrote mainly 
in Russian, but also in Kyrgyz. He is one of the best known figures in Kyrgyzstan's 
literature. The creation of Chingiz Aitmatov, in particular his artistic talent and 
innovation, had a great positive influence on the literature of the fraternal peoples in 
Central Asia.
The doctrines of socialistic realism, introduced in the 1930s, became the main 
image principle of Soviet artists for decades. Concepts such as "class", "partisanship", 
"representation of reality in revolutionary development", "class struggle" have torn 

between literary history and modern literature. While the protagonist of classical 
literature examined himself, the modern protagonist began to examine others. While 
the classic hero fought against his own desires, the modern hero began to fight against 
others. After criticizing Stalin's personality and the vices of Stalinism, the vulgar 
sociological views in literature were somewhat eliminated. To look at a person as a 
human being, to understand his place in society, to understand that life is not just about 
victories, that human nature is not free from mistakes and flaws, efforts to artistic 
research began. New talents began to enter the literature. One of them was Chingiz 
If we look at the history of characters created by Chingiz Aitmatov through the 
author's biography, the history of these characters and heroes is the history of the 
Aitmatov family. Chingiz Aitmatov's plots are a living fable of the reality that he 
experienced, experienced, felt in his heart, sealed in his mind, and filled the dark clouds 
of the innocent skies of his childhood. Destiny had written in black letters on his 
forehead the unfortunate childhood. In the Stone Age, as well as in the conditions of 
slavery and feudalism, there were bloodshed, violence, destruction, ancient and sacred 
values were trampled, human beings were humiliated and oppressed, and the signs of 
the apocalypse were growing. but none of this was as extensive, tragic, and enduring 
as it was in the twentieth century. The future writer's childhood was spent in such 
Many of the characters created by Chingiz Aitmatov are lonely, orphaned. If we 
take a closer look at their biographies, we can see that the author repeatedly addresses 
this motive in almost all of his works. 
Chingiz Aitmatov's first novel "The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years" 
was written in 1980. After being published the work shook the minds and spirits of 
readers. Because it contains the main indicators that determine the human image of a 
person, self-awareness, understanding of others, knowledge of historical roots and 
pride in it. We can say that this novel was author’s everything. The work is a 
description of the writer's heartaches, pains and sorrows. The book depicts the sanctity 
of the human being, depriving him of his historical roots, language, and pride, which 

is a more horrible crime than suicide, based on the unparalleled tragedy of Mother 
Naiman. It is also very impressive that Sobitjon is a modern and dangerous copy of 
Mankurt, who is devoid of human feelings, does not feel the human heart, ignores the 
traditions of his ancestors, is disconnected from the past, but considers himself an 
advanced intellectual.
In the novel, the events take place mainly in the Sariozak desert, at the Boronli 
railway station. The story begins with the description of the funeral after the death of 
Kazangap, who spent his whole conscious life at the station as an ordinary railroader, 
and ends with a tragedy at the end of the novel.
In all his works, Chingiz Aitmatov remains faithful to his method, style and 
measures: there are various legends and myths mixed with the depiction of real-life 
events. Domestic and wild animals, such as foxes, wolves, dogs, camels, horses, hawks, 
and fish, are also unique "literary characters."
In Chingiz Aitmatov's novels, in the variety of themes and styles, it is difficult 
to determine where real life, the image of the Kyrgyz way of life begins, and where the 
amazing myth, legend and fiction end. For example, he founded Kazangap in the 
cemetery with real motives and ceremonies, which encouraged him to be buried in the 
cemetery of Ona Bayit, located thirty kilometers from the station Boronli. The story of 
the tragic bloody incident between a Naiman mother and her son, who was turned into 
a mangrove by rivals of the Kyrgyz people, the brutal murder of a mother at the hands 
of her own son, is closely connected with another real event in Kazakh life today. In 
the novel, different types of characters are created: Kazangap-wise, Edigey-stable, 
Naiman mother-in deep pain, Oyzoda-kind, Sobitjon-very talkative, lieutenant 
Tansiqboyev-so rude and so on. Each character's own character, his own beliefs and 
philosophy, his own interests and inner world are revealed in a natural and convincing 
In the novel images, landscapes, and events are depicted with a very moving, 
strong inner excitement. Most importantly, the protagonists of the novel have risen to 
the level of bright images with their individual characteristics.
All the problems 
discussed in the novel, in particular, the complex events of history, the great truth of 

our century, the mysteries that excite and concern all mankind, are artistically 
developed through the fate of the second leading protagonist, an ordinary hardworking 
man - Yedigei. 
All the problems discussed in the novel, in particular, the complex events of history, 
the great truth of our century, the mysteries that excite and concern all mankind, are 
artistically developed through the fate of the second leading protagonist, an ordinary 
hardworking man - Edigey. The composition, structure, and interconnection of all parts 
of the novel are perfect, and these parts form a whole. While describing the relationship 
between the characters portrayed in the work and the conditions that determine them, 
as well as the interrelationships of the characters, he correctly understood and correctly 
portrayed their marital status in the play. 
The language of the novel is simple and fluent. This quality of the language of the work 
is measured, first of all, by the writer's naturalness. In this novel the writer was able to 
ensure the naturalness of each means of speech by using them in terms of 
circumstances, levels of heroes, aspirations and worldviews. 
In order to correctly and perfectly understand the purpose, artistic intentions and 
concepts of Chingiz Aitmatov, the reader needs deep knowledge, understanding and 
high aesthetic culture. His works cannot be measured by old measurements, old 
criteria. In Chingiz Aitmatov's works, feelings of anger and love, visions, nostalgia 
and regret are expressed in a complex and at the same time harmonious way, and in 
this novel, as in most of the author's works, fiction with real reality unbelievably mixed. 
To imagine the philosophy and wisdom behind the events described by the writer, it is 
enough to recall the description of the homeland in the ballad "Six men and the 
Seventh" by Guram Jukhadze and his men, and the episode "Farewell to the 
Motherland". Also no one has described the spiritual image of the Georgian nation, the 
depth of the concept of the Motherland in such a simple, clear and attractive way before 

As the years and centuries go by, even Alp mountain and the majestic monuments 
created by human genius lose their beauty, no matter how much one likes them. Only 
immortal works created by great writers and tested by time are eternal. Such works 
have been passed down through the centuries, they have withstood the winds of the 
years and have never lost their meaning. The rich literary heritage of Chingiz Aitmatov 
and the works of art created by him are among such works. Through the work of 
Chingiz Aitmatov, first of all, we have a broader and deeper understanding of the place 
and role of literature in society. Our people say that the garden will remain good. In 
this sense, the glorious literary and cultural heritage he left behind will undoubtedly 
teach spirituality to future generations. 
1. Aitmatov Ch. “The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years”, 1980 
2. Gachev.G. “Chingiz Aitmatov i mirovaya literatura”, 1982 
3. Mirza-Ahmedova P. Natsionalnaya epicheskaya traditsiya v tvorchestve 
Чингиза Айтматова, 1980. 
4. Rashidov A. “Chingiz Aitmatov olami”,
5. Sidorov E. “On Chingiz Aitmatov and his Characters”, 1988 
6. Voronov V. “Gorizonty Chingiza Aitmatova”, 1978 

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