Akeshova Nasiba Murzakhanovna
Master of English Philology, 87011009696, akeshova_86@mail.ru
Zhamalova Saida Almazovna
Master of English Philology, 87786103606, Saida 75@mail.ru
Turkestan, A.Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
Түйін. Мақалада ақпараттандыру жағдайында ағылшын тілін оқыту үдерісінде білімгерлердің коммуника-
тивтік құзыреттілігін қалыптастырудың ерекшіліктері қарастырылады. Сонымен қатар коммуникативтік құзы-
реттілікті қалыптастыруда ақпараттық және телекоммуникациялық технологиялардың критериялары, принцип-
тері және маңыздылығы көрсетіледі.
Резюме. В данной статье рассматриваются особенности обучения английскому языку как средству формиро-
вания коммуникативной компетенции в условиях информатизации образования. А также раскрываются критерии,
принципы и характеристика использования информационных и телекоммуникационных технологий в формировании
коммуникативной компетенции в процессе обучения английскому языку.
Summary. This article deals with peculiarities of teaching English as means of forming communicative competence in
the conditions of educational informatization. Also some criteria, principals and characteristics of using information and
telecommunication technologies in forming communicative competence in the process of teaching English are pointed out.
The modernization of the education in Kazakhstan
defines the main purpose of professional education
as training of a highly qualified specialist of the
corresponding level and profile, using his profession
masterfully, capable to effective work on specialty at
level of the world standards, ready to the professional
growth and professional mobility.
In consequence of the complexity and continuous
changes including the emergence of new technological,
theoretical, methodical development and their
introduction in educational process, thorough researches
leading to understanding and an assessment of quality,
efficiency as well as expediency of educational
kinds of activity under the conditions of education
informatization are required.
A socio-political structure of the world which is
closely connected with information technologies and
global informatization of communication required
new approaches to the reception and processing of
huge volumes of knowledge. It actualizes the problem
of creation of the methodical systems assuming
construction of a single procedural model on the basis of
using information and telecommunication technologies,
allowing solving educational problems more effectively
The entry of Kazakhstan into the world educational
space cardinally changed the needs of society for
education. The process of professional training of
specialists in higher school is one of the main priorities
of the state policy. Today, a search for ways of transition
to a new educational paradigm is taking place in the
higher school.
In compliance with the new educational paradigm,
education should be directed on interests of development
of a personality, adequate to the modern tendencies
of social development and accomplish the following
tasks: to harmonize the relations of man with the nature
through mastering the modern scientific picture of
the world; to stimulate intellectual development and
thinking enrichment through mastering the modern
methods of scientific knowledge; to achieve its
successful socialization through immersion in existing
cultural, including technogenic and computerized
environment; to teach a person to live in its stream, to
create prerequisites and conditions for continuous self-
education with the account of that a modern man lives
in conditions of the saturated and active information
environment; to create conditions for acquisition of the
broad basic education allowing rather quickly to switch
over to adjacent areas of professional activity, taking
into account integrative tendencies of development
of science and techniques, the need for a new level of
scientific literacy.
It is about an achievement of fundamentally
new purposes of higher education consisting in the
achievement of a new level of education of a certain
personality and society on the whole. A necessary step
for this purpose is a creation of professional education
system in the area of telecommunication and information
technologies meeting the requirements of development
of information society.
Creation and development of information society
assumes a broad application of telecommunication-
information technologies in education for efficiency and
possibility of continuous operative return communication
in conditions of education informatization which is
defined by a number of factors (Figure 1).
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №2/2 (37). 2016
Figure 1 - Factors for the application of information - telecommunication technologies in education
Education informatization as one of the priority
directions of informatization process in the Kazakhstan
society shows new requirements not only to professional
qualities and level of specialists’ trainings, but also to the
organization and methodical aspects of using the means
of telecommunication and information technologies.
Today knowledge and abilities in these areas of
technologies in education should be considered as an
element of professional skill of future specialist [2].
At the beginning of 70-ies, an education crises
which undoubtedly had global character came and was
defined by socio-political and economic processes as
well as qualitative changes in the development of science
and technique, especially information. This crisis of
education system can be divided into three stages.
The first stage of education informatization
(electronization) was characterized by an introduction
of electronic means and computing equipment in
training process of students of technical specialties at
first, then humanitarian specialties(the end of 60-ies –
the beginning of 70-ies).
The second stage of education informatization
(computerization) proceeded from the middle of 70-
ies up to 90-ies and was connected with the emergence
of more powerful computers of the simplified program
provision. At that time, the automated systems of
training, control of knowledge and management of the
educational process were increasingly used in training.
The third, the modern stage of education
informatization is characterized by the use of
powerful personal computers, new information
and telecommunication technologies, multimedia-
technology and virtual reality.
One can see from the aforesaid that the need to
reconsider problems of education process has ripened
with the emergence of a constituent component as
informatization. At the present time, the main of them
are: firstly, increase of quality of training specialists on
the basis of using the modern information technologies
in the educational process; secondly, application of
active training methods and as result, increase of
creative and intellectual components of educational
activity; thirdly, adaptation of information technologies
of training to individual features of learner; fourthly,
development of information technologies of remote
training, improvement of programmatically-methodical
provision of educational process, etc. Likewise, the
major task of informatization of the education sphere
should become an advancing of informatization of other
branches of human activity since knowledge and skills
received in educational process lie on the base of all
kinds of activity of a person.
In the works of V.P. Bespalko, M.A. Bovtenko,
E.E.Gorshakovoy, some classifications and stages of
using the means of education informatization are offered
in teaching, particularly in teaching foreign languages.
Nowadays, computer means of teaching foreign
languages can either be placed in the computer
residently, or an access can be carried out to them via
a telecommunication network the Internet. In the XXI
century, there is a possibility of active communications
with the use of the Internet network. It led to the creation
of a new direction – electronic lingvodidactics, assuming
teaching a language in contact and remote modes [3].
On the basis of the research analysis of scientific
works, we have made conclusions that the main problems
of education informatization are the development
of interactive management spheres of process of
informative activity and an access to the modern
information-educational resources (to multimedia
textbook and textbooks constructed on the basis of the
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Science and life of Kazakhstan. №2/2 (37). 2016
hypertext; to various bases of data; to teaching sites and
other sources).
The feature of information sources in higher
education consists in that they are based on information
and telecommunication technologies. As many
specialists underline that the potential of information
and telecommunication technologies is inexhaustible,
including in the area of teaching the English language
for future specialists.
Among the actual ways of using the computer
in educational process Kryukova O.P. allocates the
followings [4]:
1 . Teaching with a computer support – Computer-
assisted Language Learning (CALL): the personal
computer (PC) as a trainer for individual work of learner
under the supervision of a teacher.
2 . "Brainstorm": the personal computer as a means
of demonstrating information for a group work under
the supervision of a teacher.
3 . "Electronic mail": the personal computer as
a means of deliverying messages for an intergroup
communication under the supervision of a teacher with
the help of a local or global telecommunication network.
Informatization of higher education system has
a great value for an increase of the quality of training
specialists since telecommunication technologies
create a new global environment, in which future
generation should communicate, build professional
and personal relations, position their interests and
represent themselves. The relevance of the application
of telecommunication technologies in educational
process on foreign language is conditioned by the need
of forming students’ communicative competences which
are the keys for the modern graduate of higher education
institution and providing success of his professional
activity [5].
As the analysis of scientific-investigative literature
shows, informatization of the educational sphere
happens most actively in three main directions: in
management of educational process; in the creation of
educational materials; in training. The term "computer
training" acquires a broader interpretation and is
understood by many as “a process of transfer and active
assimilation of knowledge, abilities, skills and ways
of informative activity by means of the computer in a
complex with program means, educational-methodical
and organizational provisions" [6].
The first attempts to use computers in the process
of teaching foreign languages belong to the 50th years
of the XX century. In 1954, the abbreviation CALL
appeared ("Computer Assisted Language Learning"),
denoting studying of language with the help of a
computer. In foreign methodical science, the whole
direction investigating specifics of computer in teaching
foreign languages which received the name Computer
Assisted Language Learning (CALL) was formed.
Researchers allocate three stages in the development of
this direction.
The first stage of the CALL development begun in
the 50-th years and proceeding to the 60-70-th years of
the XX century, was based on the behaviourist approach.
Computer programs of that time mainly consisted of
drill exercises. The role of tutor was assigned to the
computer, in other words, the computer was considered
only as a means of providing learners with educational
materials for training. Supporters of behaviourist
approach considered the computer as an ideal means for
implementation of the main provisions of this concept:
periodic repetition of the same material is a necessary
condition of a successful language assimilation; the
computer is suitable in the best way for the organization
of the exercises based on the repetition, since the car
“is not tired" and provides an objective control; the
computer allows students to work independently at own
speed and also releases time for other kinds of activity
in a class.
By the end of the 70-th and in the beginning of
80-th years, the behaviourist approach to computerized
teaching foreign languages lost the popularity. It
happened due to two reasons. Firstly, it was rejected
by theorists and teachers by that time. Secondly, the
emergence of the personal computers allowed to
introduce the whole arsenal of new opportunities in the
educational process.
The second stage of the CALL development was
based on a communicative approach to teaching foreign
languages. The main provisions of computerized teaching
foreign languages at this stage are: an emphasis on
speech practice; implicit grammar teaching; orientation
of pupils on independent creation of speech statements
and texts; lack of traditional assessment system; the use
of only foreign language in training process that creates
a natural language environment; the use of the computer
only in those cases when traditional textbook does not
allow to solve educational tasks effectively.
At the beginning of 90-th years, there was a
sharp jump in the development of new information
technologies, connected with emergence of the Internet,
multimedia and hypertext technologies and improvement
of communicative technologies. It led to the emergence
of the third stage of the CALL development, on the base
of which the ideas of integrative approach to education
lie. The new information technologies opened wide
prospects for improvement of the educational process
on foreign languages.
For instance, multimedia technologies allow
an integrated development of all complexes
of foreign language speech skills and abilities.
Hypertext technologies allow to create an authentic
language environment and also to build individual
educational trajectories with the account of features
and needs of students. The Internet network and new
telecommunication technologies also open ample
educational opportunities both for pupils and for
teachers, for example the synchronous and asynchronous
computer- mediated communication with native
speakers [7].
A rapid development of computer and information-
communication technologies and their introduction
in educational process led to the emergence of a new
Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №2/2 (37). 2016
direction called computer linguodidactics in the area of
linguodidactics in the methodical science, which teaches
the theory and practice of using computer and network
technologies in teaching a language. The focus of
specialists in this area was the questions connected with
the soft development for teaching a foreign language, an
assessment of quality of computer manuals for language
training, study of effective integration conditions of
computer technologies in the educational process,
specifics of using computer technologies in educational
process [8].
The information-communication technologies of
teaching foreign languages should be considered as the
key concept of electronic linguodidactics. They are
understood as "a set of methods, organizational forms
and a wide class of hardware-software teaching means,
integrated into unified teaching process" [9].
One of the effective means of teaching the English
language is the means of computer telecommunication
which allows providing educational process: educational
and educational-methodical materials; feedback
between the teacher and learner; access to domestic
and foreign information and reference systems; access
to electronic libraries; access to information resources
of leading domestic and foreign electronic newspapers
and magazines on specialty; exchange of administrative
information in a training system.
In the modern integrated community, it is impossible
learn in isolation, being limited with the traditional closed
society: teachers, friends, family. Telecommunications
open a road to the wide world. As E.S.Polat notes, pupils
receive an access to the richest information resources of
networks and an opportunity to work together with peers
from other countries, in a framework of teleconferences
– to discuss problems practically with the whole world.
A similar collaboration and cooperation create a huge
motivation of their independent informative activity in
groups and individually since a joint work stimulates
pupils to the acquaintance with different viewpoints to
the studied problem, to search for additional information,
to an assessment of their own received results [10].
Modern scientific researches in the sphere of
teaching the English language can’t already be successful
without comprehensive information provision. Such
provision assumes the search of information sources of
teaching future specialists in the system of general and
professional education. The communicative method is a
base of informatization of teaching foreign languages.
The essence of the communicative method is reduced
to that teaching any language is impossible without
communication where the form of communication
is a dialogue of two or more interlocutors. Therefore,
the creation of multimedia training programs
doesn't contradict with the main principles of the
communicative method, furthermore they enrich them
with multimodal submission of educational information
and make an active perception of nonnative speech. The
communicative method can be considered as a strategic
model of a certain direction in training, in particular, in
the multimedia training providing interactive, audio and
video contacts.
Summing up the results of researches on the theme,
it is possible to make certain conclusions. In modern
conditions, characterizing the existing approaches
to informatization of teaching the English language,
it is necessary to point the necessity of using wide
opportunities of the modern telecommunication and
information technologies directed on the development
of all kinds of speech activity, on the formation of
linguistic, sociocultural and pragmatic competence
which make a basis of communicative competence of
future specialists. The solution of this task requires the
use of new methods of teaching the English language
on the basis of application of telecommunication
technologies, taking into account their positive aspects.
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Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі – Наука и жизнь Казахстана
Science and life of Kazakhstan. №2/2 (37). 2016
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