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Библия мен грек мифологиясында Марина Цветаеваның

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Библия мен грек мифологиясында Марина Цветаеваның  

танатопоэтикасындағы кеңістік тұжырымдамасы 

Мақалада  Марина  Цветаева  шығармашылығының  кеңістік  ұғымы  мен  библиялық  жəне  грек 

мифологиясы мəтіндері кеңістігіне қатысты мəселелері көтерілді. Авторлар тұлғаның тірілер əлемінен 

өлілер əлеміне жəне керісінше бейнелейтін жеке жолының өтпелі кеңістігін, дененің орналасқан жерін 

білдіретін кеңістікті жəне жанның орналасқан жерін білдіретін кеңістікті жан-жақты анықтады. 


М.Gyöngyösi, E.Bona  

Spaceconception in the thanatopoetry of Marina Tsvetaeva  

in the mirror of Bible and Greek mythology 

The article raises the problem of the relation of the concept space of Marina Tsvetaeva and space of biblical 

and Greek mythological texts. The authors emphasize the transitional space, symbolizing the way of man 

from the world of the living and the world of dead and Vice versa, space, signifying the location of the body, 

and space, signifying the location of the soul. 




1  Lotman Yu.M. Structure of the artistic text, 1, Saint Petersburg: Iskusstvo, 1998, 285 p. 

2  Előd I. Catholic dogma, 1, Budapesht: Szent István Társulat, 1978, 783 p. 

3  Krasil’nikov R.L. Journal of the Ural State University, Ser. 2. Humanitarian sciences, 2010, 2(76), p. 137–144. 

Концепция пространства в танатопоэтике … 

Серия «Филология». № 2(82)/2016 


4  Krasil’nikov R.L. Russian culture of the new century: The study, preservation and use of historical and cultural heritage

Vologda: Knizhnoye naslediye, 2007, p. 594–600. 

5  Hansen-Löve А.А. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, 2007, 60, p. 7–78. 

6  Lotman Yu.M. Blok collection, 14, Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 1998, p. 188–207. 

7  Maslova V.A. Poet and culture: The concepts sphere of Marina Tsvetaeva, 2, Moscow: Nauka, 2004, 255 p. 

8  Lotman Yu.M. At school of the poetic word: Pushkin. Lermontov. Gogol, 1, Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 1988, 352 p. 

9  Prokof’eva V.Yu. Bull. of Orlov State University, Ser. Russian language and culture of speech, 2005, 11, p. 87–94  

10  Dzyuba Ye.B. Concepts life and death in M.I.Tsvetaeva’s poetry: dis. ... cand. filol. sci.: 10.02.01, Yekaterinburg, 2001, 255 p. 

11  Lotman Yu.M. About poets and poetry: the analysis of the poetic text, 1, Saint Petersburg.: Iskusstvo, 1996, 846 p. 

12  Yel’nitskaya S. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, 1990, 30, p. 1–396. 

13  Hajnády Z. Bevezetés a XIX. századi orosz irodalom történetébe, I-II, Budapesht, 2006, p. 636–650. 

14  Nad’ I. Russian Text (19th Century) and Antiquity, Tartu, 2008, p. 277–322. 

15  Graves R. The greek myths, 1, Budapesht: Európa, 1981, 550 p. 

16  Hesiod. The birth of the goods: The works and days, 1, Budapesht: Európa, 1974, 85 p. 

17  Tsvetaeva M.I. Writings: rhymes, poems, dramatic works: in 2 vol., 1, Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1980, 575 p. 

18  Bóna É. Első század. Irodalomtudomány, 2014, 1, p. 192–244. 

19  Osipova N. The work of Marina Tsvetaeva in context of cultural mythology of the Silver Age, 1, Kirov: Vyatka State Peda-

gogical University2000, 271 p. 

20  Géczi J. Janus Pannonius TudományegyetemMagyar Pedagógia, 1999, 3(99), p. 221–243. 




Вестник Карагандинского университета 

UDC 81’42:811.512.122 

B.Khassenov, Zh.Khassenova 

Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University 


Linguo-cultural and cognitive characteristics of number 13 

In this article considered problem of the linguo-cultural characteristics of number 13 in folklore small prose 

genre. The number 13(thirteen)plays an important role in Kazakh people’s world outlook. we taken as an ex-

ample this legend motive that is connected with the number thirteen (13). It is the creation of haua-

ana(mother) from adam-ata(father) rib. The word in Kazakh «to consult with the rib» is one proof of this leg-

end. However the motive that defineto be created from the rib was used in The Sumer. Once the rib of the god 

of water Enki ached much.Ninty came to him and treated it. Ninty gives the meaning as creating the nature

created from the rib. The author studies various views on the event, considers the peculiarities of its in the 


Key words: languageis, thirteen, Turkic, mythology, legend, Maiya, Maiky, abaq (center in a circle), symbol, 



Languageis the result of indicator of people’s existence. People’s character, history, entity, culture, all 

are given in language of nation. The Language of folk, what spoke Humboldt and there is its spirit, since in 

language of folk is reflected its culture, history. In modern linguistics there is such notion, as language pic-

ture of the world, and she s by means of language. And so in language are seen all traditions, nature to na-

tions, and etc. Each folk perceives, creates this world on miscellaneous.You can find a lot of facts in the lan-

guage of nation related to civilization! One of them is the concept related to the number 13 (thirteen). 

This number is associated to bad things in understanding of European and American people.In a book 

of A.Ahmetov «Turkic civilization» nihilism, negation, prohibition which are related to the number thirteen 

are connected with the head of Vatican (1553) called Grigoree. Since that time 12 months calendar was put 

forward. Now it is called as Grigorian calendar.And one of the ancient peoplethe Maiya used thirteen cycled 

calendars. H.Arguels in his work «Maiya’s factor»found out the secret of this calendar and approved that 

calendar was made on the basis of relation of people to the nature. He wrote that Maiya’s each month 

consisted of 28 (twenty eight) days, each year consisted of 13(thirteen) monthsand was made on the basis of 

proportion of the moon, the sun and the earth. As in the works of scientists there are 17 (seventeen) types of 

calendar in Maiya’s people. Among them a calendar called Tsolkin consists of 13 (thirteen) months, and 

each month consisted of 20 (twenty) days. Then there are 260 (two hundred sixty) days in 13 (thirteen) 

months. Ahmetov Ashowed and counted the meaning of Kazakhpeople’s concept «to bear a child 9 (nine) 

months and 9 (nine) days»as on the basis of formula 9х28=252+9=260+1. The period between the formation 

of embryo in a mother’s belly and the day of baby’s birth comprises 260 (two hundred sixty) days. That’s to 

say mother bears her child 260 (two hundred sixty) days and the next day baby was born [1; 107]. 

If you look at Tsolkin (kin-sun!) calendar taken from a book Hose Arguels these numbers are counted 

from the left to the right and after the number 13 (thirteen) the another number starts. Interesting fact here in 

the calendar is the full stop scheme in a circle. This is considered as the sign of Ng or NT sound in Turkish 

world . 

This sign is characterized in different way by each scientist. For instance, D.Cherchvard called a sign of 

Mu people as MU-RA. And O.Suleimenov who wrote first about the relation of Turkic and Sumerian 

showed it as Mung. Also one of Kazakh scientist S.Kondybai read this sign another new way. The scientist 

characterizes various variants of full stop and circle as following: Ng, that is to say, full stop is a child, and 

circle is a mother, Full stop is a person, circle is a world, the universe, Full stop is the earth, the circle is the 

world water, etc [2]. We have the answer to the question why is the sound ng the symbol of full stop. This 

sound is the first sound of human being, when a child is born pronounces a sound ng.The sign scheme and 

pronunciation of Kazakh sound are closely related.We mentioned facts in our special article concerning to 

this sound. Next problem is to show parallels of maiya Kazakh (Turkic) with the help of this sign. 

Linguo-cultural and cognitive … 

Серия «Филология». № 2(82)/2016 


Maiya and Maiky 

There is a moral in Kazakh «There is one base of all words, the father of the base isa public speaker 

Maiky». Name of Maiky has been known since 12


 century. However, if you look at it attentively, the pro-

nunciation of words Maiky and maiya are similar. The history of words Maiky and Maiya is profound. 

In a work of D.Chervard «An ancient continent MU. Ancestral home of human being» it is written: «one of 

more noticed figures of Empire Nag in India was prince Maiya [3].


It is impossible to set thedefinitedatesfromlifeofprince Maiya. However, Imetalotofreferencesabouthim, 

butnoneofevidencesdoesn’tpermit to evaluate correctly the period of his life. However, in correspondence 

with many legends, the prince Maiya lived 15–20 thousand years ago. In «Ramaiyan» thereisalsoamention 

«The prince of nags called Maiyalived in ancient times» [3; 176].That is to say, there are 15–20 thousand 

years time

About etymology of word Maiya


In a book of Arguels H. it is written about the etimology of word Maiya as following: Nevertheless, a 

mention about central-American people Maiyacauses a resonance with the east, with India. Theword 

«maiya» is one of the key conceptsof Indian philosophyandmeans «the source of this world» and 

«illusiveworld». InSanskritthe word «maiya» is connected with the concept «great», «measure», «mind», 

«magic» and «mother». NowonderthatthemotherofBuddhawascalledMaiya, it is mentioned that the name 

Maiya used also great astrologer and astronomer, magician and architect of an ancient time, and also great 

nomadic tribe of navigators»in classic Vedic epos «Mahabharata» [4]. The authoracclaims that this word was 

used not only in an ancient India, but it was also used in the west. The name of Egyptian pharaoh 

Tutonhamo’s treasurer was Maiya. In Greek myths the first star out of seven stars of Urker (Pleiad)was 

called Maiya. Maiya was considered as spring guard of Romans. Maiky(or it’s called Baiku) public speaker 

was one of khans who announced Chyngys khan. He was not one of twelve public speakers, he was the ma-

jor public speaker among these twelve ones. That’s to say maiky is connected with the number 13 (thirteen). 

It means, there is a community here in words Maiya and Maiky not only by the form, but also a community 

concerning to the number [5]. 

Cycle and month for nomads 

The number 13 (thirteen)plays an important role in Kazakh people’s world outlook. The Kazakh be-

came the landlord at the age of thirteen. Why did the Kazakh marry at the age of 13? At this age a girl is no-

bile, a boy is an adult one. The adulthood of a boy and a girlmeant that they were under age of 18, and ready 

to get married. This period showed that thirteen organs of human being took shape. 

However Kazakh people told about twelve parts of body, it was a shame to say the great part of the 

body. When a child got the age of adulthood, when this part of body matured, that is to say, when a boy went 

through the definite cycle the Kazakh marry their children. At the age of thirteen he was a landlord, separat-

ed house. The number 13 (thirteen) was the equivalent to number 4 (four). The addition of one and three is 

four. Simple formula. But in the meaning of number 4 (four) lies the sense of maturity. For example, there 

are morals like four eyes are full, four corners are equal, if four are full…, etc. mean unity, prosperity, health. 

That is to say, 13 (thirteen)parts of body meant that they give a birth to generation, and successfully lived 

this period, that is to say 13 (thirteen) years [5]. 

In an article of citizen Kadan Kabisatuly «Kazakh calendar» there are lines: «There are 13 (thirteen) 

months in a yearor the moon and Pleiades meet 13 (thirteen) times in a year. At the beginning of the year 

Pleiades goes from the horizon downin the second part of sky sphere, it is not seen to people in the north of 

the earth. The Kazakh say that the Pleiades lay on the earth 40 (forty) days. During this 40 (forty) days it 

must be met two times.But we can’t see, only we can see is eleven ones. If one 13 intersections by 28 (twen-

ty eight) days it is equal to 364 (three hundred sixty four) days» [6]. That’s to say, the Kazakh had 

13 (thirteen) months in a year. 13 (thirteen) meant full circle. If we take 12 (twelve) it is equal to the concept 

3 (three) (1+2 is 3). And in order to mean the number 4 (four) it is necessary to have 13 (thirteen). Also it 

seems the year should be counted with the help of number 13 (thirteen).For instance, in kazakhlegend «Aspi-

ration of animals to a year» it is told that camel stayed without a year relying on its height. But however, the 

camel also can see that sun thirteenth?! In a word «camel» one can notice meanings « the main sense», that is 

to say, the last, conclusion. It means ancient Kazakhs had the 13


 (thirteenth) camel’s year. 


B.Khassenov, Zh.Khassenova 


Вестник Карагандинского университета 

Abaq is a symbol of universality 

The full stop in a circle is the symbol of female beginning(genital organs). Although this sign is simple, 

it is read universally. The full stop also emphasizes a womb in which a baby lives, at the same time it also 

describes a door (organ)   For instance, we count by 6 (six) or 12 (twelve) counting. But it is not correct, if 

we explain with the help of sign in a circle, the number 6 (six) and also 12 (twelve) are intersected in a full 

stop. Then the full stop is number 1 (one), its analogues are 4, 7, 9, 13 variants. Among these numbers 

number 7 (seven) attracts attention very much. This number itself is based on the concepts zhet, zhat. (In 

koran, it was said that world came into existence during 6(six) days. According to R.Guénon 7 (seven)days 

are weekend, that is to say, it corresponds to the full stop in a circle. We will tell completely about it in an 

article concerning to the number 7 (seven).In Kazakh people there wasn’t exchange of girltill the 7



enth) ancestor. The number 7 (seven) shows the ending of a definite circle. There are seven days in four 

weeks, its result is equal to the number 28 (twenty eight), that’s to say, it showed fading away totally of 

phases of the moon. It means the definite period or initiation. For instance, when a person dies ancient tribes 

turn round a house, and cut their faces, shed bloody tears to the earth. That’s to say, to turn round seven 

times symbolizes the custom transferring from this world to other world. During 28 (twenty eight) days the 

moon dies, it was believed that humans go to the world of death, to darkness. According to our review, there 

are 31 days in a month. Because if we take into account the birth of the moon, we count from the first day till 



 day, after that the moon is born again. The picture of phase of the moon is connected to the number 28, 

the rest 3(three) the Kazakh called off-season, this day the moon is not seen anyway. This simple concept 

became the reason of formation of custom transferring to other world. To turn round the mosque 7 (seven) 

times means initiation. This concept is also connected with the phase of the moon, that is to say, turning 

round seven times. Now we try show by this order how the Kazakh didn’t marry their daughters till the 



(seventh) ancestor. Japanese scientists after 2000 (two thousand) years approved scientifically clearness of 

blood. But our ancestors knew about this fact from ancient times, and kept this custom firmly. This counting 

can be counted by 13 (thirteen) (1+3=4) which is an analogue of 4 (four) есептеуге болады. Then the result 

of multiplying 7 (seven) and 13 (thirteen) is 91 (ninety one). It means after 91 years blood changes, that is to 

say it becomes clear. The number 91 corresponds to the circle and the full stop and the addition of nine and 

one (9+1) is 10 (ten), and this number is an analogue of the number 1 (one) (1+0). The number 1 is the 

symbol of the beginning of existence, new generation. That’s to say, after 91 (ninety one) years blood 

changed, 7 (seven) generations changed, now it meansanother (seven). 

We mentionedthat the number 13(thirteen) is connected with the genital of woman and man. Full stop is 

number 13 (thirteen), and 12 (twelve) lines go from it. We call the full stop as ng (ң), we add to it vowel 

sounds, then we get ang (аң), іng (ің), eng(ең), ung(ұң), yng(үң), ong(оң), oing (өң)or we can read on the 

contrary. Eng (Ең) from it a word en(ен)comes. For instance, a word enek means genital organ. To be part of 

(enu), include (engizu) are words connected with sex act. There are words enter, intimacy. The Kazakh also 

call the 13


 (thirteenth) organ as am (genital organ). This is connected with a simple lexis.It is used by Ka-

zakh people only in informal speech. In first component of a word Maiky there is a component mai. If we 

read it on the contrary, we get the wordiyam, as far as i (й) is a prosthetic sound, we can say it without this 

sound. Thenwe get a word а ... That is to say, this concept is connected with the number 13 (thirteen), and 

also with a mother. The full stop gives the meaning like the beginning of existence. Words mai (bai) also 

mean concept new. In Kazakh in words baisheshek, baibishe, byikthe beginning stems give meaning like the 

first, the highest. Now we compare these words with Indian-European words. For instance, the word Maiya 

means mother, the first, great. Then we see that we can find ethimology of Kazakh words through the high 

birth of Kazakh words. The first component of this word is also in a word Aisa. There were 12 (twelve) pu-

pils of prophet Gaisa. And the core of these 12 (twelve) pupils is prophet Isa! He is the analogue of Maiky or 

an example of Turkic image. Sometimes Maiky is also called Baiku. One of the stocks in Kazakh people is 

12 ancestorBaiuly. It is also connected with number 13 (thirteen), because Bai/Maimeans great, big and gen-

eration coming from it is classified into 12 (twelve)ancestors.


Heracles and Korkyt


We can call characters such as Heracles and Korkyt that are connected with the number thirteen (13). 

They are like two types of one archeological typepicture. Similarities of Korkyt and Apollo images are toldin 

a work of S.Kondybai «Myth of far Kazakh people». Their shamanism, the relation to music, kobyz of 

Korkyt and bow of Apollo, and other facts are approved by definite facts in the work. Even if Heracles and 

Linguo-cultural and cognitive … 

Серия «Филология». № 2(82)/2016 


Korkyt seem to be two different characters, but they both are images who were born from one mother. If one 

of them became famous killing teacher of music subject, became famous with his bravery, but another one, 

on the contrary, was excellent musician, spiritual mentor of performer of songs on dombyra (Kazakh instru-

ment). However, Heracles is not only the best hero of Greece, but also he was approved as God who cure 

illness. And also there is a legend that Korkyt treated people with his kobyz (Kazakh instrument). Nowadays 

some shamans cure illnesses, slander with the help of sound of kobyz, playing it by frightening, treating. And 

the form of basic weapon of two characters are very similar. Also, their similarities are also connected with 

the number thirteen (13). There are twelve (12) exploits, twelve (12) eposes of Korkyt. If we read it as seine 

kernelsign, the dot emphasizes Heracles and Korkyt, and twelve (12) lines that come from it are the symbol 

of their exploit and epos. 

If we take the etymology of word, then we explain the dot as form of fund. In Sumer language the word 

hens defines mountain, underground mountain. The history of this word comprises four (4) thousand years 

time before our century. S.Kondybai emphasizesone fragment in Humbaba legend in shumer myth. The 

problem that attracted attention of scientist is that image appeared from mountain Harrum. From the point of 

view of scientists, the title of Harrum mountain appeared in sumer myth after the acquaintance of Babylonian 

with the Hurrit. In historical Russian literaturesit is told that korgan (fortress) culture is connected with hurrit 

culture. S.Kondybai said about these titles as kur, hurrum, hurrit, the hypothesis concerning to the 

etymologyof these words [2]. This author emphasizes that the etymology of words as «korgan» and «hurrit» 

is from one basis, that is to say from kur form, and he mentions the meaning of words in Kazakh language 

that are connected with a word «kor».: «1) korym, kor (burial, necropolis); 2) korshau (fencing), kora 

(outdoor construction, shed); 3) koru (to protect, preserve), koryk (reserve, natural park), korgan, korganys 

(defense); 4) korku (to be afraid of), korkynysh (fear); 5) korlau (humiliate); 6) korytu (to digest, master, 

melt, draw a conclusion), korytyndy (conclusion). One can see that on the basis of all these meanings there is 

one meaning as initial word «kur».It shows that in a word Korgan there are two stems as Kor and Kang. Both 

variant give one meaning: 

1) Hollow, space, cave; 2) underground world, the world of dead people, the place of ancestors in a 

dead people world; 3) cemetery, the space of a person (home, city, people); 4)mother-earth, womb of 

mother; children world in a myth-genealogical epos [2]. 

The soft variant of a word «kor(ym)» corresponds to the word koir (cemetery, grave) of The Sumer’s 

word kur, that is to say, it totally corresponds to the word «underground». «Also a word korgan(fortress)is 

connected to the Sumer word «kur» and Turkish word «koir». And spatial form, and profile of bulk fortress 

(from stones and earth) remind us mountain (hill), hence one can understand why the image of «artificial 

mountain» is connected with a word basis of which is «kur», (mountain). Together with it, kurgan(fortress) 

means grave, burial place, koir «under embankment» (under the mountain). Gravedoesn’tonlymean «cavity 

in which the dead becomes buried», on the mythological level it is also the world of the dead, the space of 

dead ancestors, lower world. Inthisplan Sumer «kur» and Kazakh «koir» are identical».The scientist defines 

that words like «to get to trouble», «in vain», «without anything», «destroy» mean «to make nothing», «to 

get down», also words like «to construct», «to make» of form «kur are used in the meaning of «reconstruct», 

«remake» and he makes conclusion: «All of this easy to be explained in the sense of mythological imagina-

tion about grave as another world (to die means to be disappeared, to go to a chasm with the hope of 

torevival, new creation (to be created). The main conclusion is ethnonym hurrit, ethymology of which is un-

familiar to the science, occur from the word hur (hur>hurrit). That’swhywecanidentify if not hurrits but their 

ancestors protohurrits with Hyper Boreas». 

The sign of seine kernel corresponds to the eye scheme from the form of kar-kor words koir-koz (see-

eye), pupil extend. Also, the Kazakh call karyndas (sister) who is womb, uterine. The meaning of the word 

Kazakh seems to be appeared through archeological type of image. 

Heracles is the image that is connected with exploit. The firstcomponent Her occurs from the Kazakh 

word «er»(hero). This type of exchanging sounds bar-tok-toi, zhok-zhoi, etc. That is to say, sounds that un-

der the tongue can be exchanged with the sound –i.Then the transcription of the word her[ier] is one variant 

of the word «er»(hero). And this word is still used by Kazakh people now. If we read on the contrary an 

ending –lik in a word erlik(exploit) then we get «kil». Then we get line «erkil»>ierkil>hercl>Heracles. 

B.Khassenov, Zh.Khassenova 


Вестник Карагандинского университета 

Adam and Eve 

One can take as an example this legend motive that is connected with the number thirteen (13). It is the 

creation of haua-ana (mother) from adam-ata (father) rib. The word in Kazakh «to consult with the rib» is 

one proof of this legend. However the motive that defineto be created from the rib was used in The Sumer. 

Once the rib of the god of water Enki ached much.Ninty came to him and treated it. Ninty gives the meaning 

as creating the nature, created from the rib. «Ti» translated from the Sumer language is «rib». Most scientists 

consider that this myth was taken by the Jew from the Sumer. However, Ninty was changed as hauaana 

(mother) but it is kept in mytheme. Losev.A called myth as the highest truth. The rib and Haua are originated 

from one base. It is clear that human has twelve (12) ribs. But in the myth it seems that it was told about thir-

teenth (13th) rib. Then the thirteenth rib is the whip of the man, that is to say intimate organ. The Kazakh 

also call it as whip. Then we can understand that words kam (shy) -whip — kab (yrga) -rib– h(k)auoriginated 

from one base. 

Making a conclusion, words Maiky, maiya, and the number 13 (thirteen) are concepts of one base. 

Here, we can see that culture of kazakh (turkic), maiya, Europe and etc. took their meaning from one com-

mon beginning. 




1  Ахметов Ə. Түбі түркі өркениет. 

 Алматы: Арыс, 2009. 

 344 б. 

2  Қондыбай С. Гиперборея: родословие эпохи сноведений. — Разд. 3. — [ЭР]. Режим доступа: 

3  Черчвард  Д.  Древний  континент  МУ.  Прародина  человечества. — Киев:  София, 1997. — [ЭР].  Режим  доступа: 


4  Аргуэльес Х. Фактор Майя. — Томск: Зодиак, 2002. — [ЭР]. Режим доступа: www.е 

5  Хасенов Б. 13... Еуропа өркениеті неге өлердей қорқады? — 2014. — [ЭР]. Қолжетімділік тəртібі: www. 

6  Қабисатұлы Қ. Қазақ календары // Ана тілі. — 2009. — 22 наур. — [ЭР]. Қолжетімділік тəртібі: 



Б.Хасенов, Ж.Хасенова  

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