Байланысты: Жас ғалымдар жаршысы Вестник молодых ученых Messenger of young scientist
Summary To date, much experience in the study of changes in the semantics of the word,
which is closely related to the way the semantic derivation. The existence of semantic
derivation in systems of different languages shows typological similarity of the
phenomenon. Analysis of semantic derivation in English and Kazakh languages showed
that the amount of an ambiguous word formative field depends essentially on its formative
activity. The greatest potential derivational, as the analysis have derivative ambiguous
words. Special items, events, situations, events, processes, actions – affect the formation
term-derivation. Comparative analysis of semantic derivatives English and Kazakh
languages showed that the compared languages share certain typological similarities. The
rapid development of science, technology, different professions, industries, strong social
differentiation of society – impact on the development of language.
The main question of our research is the question of the adequacy of the English
equivalents of the Kazakh accounting term. It should be noted that the formation of the
English accounting terminology is the same route as the Russian term system.
Consequently, the choice of the Kazakh tokens with Latin roots as equivalent to the
English terms is justified. Another productive method is to fill the grid terminology
affixation. In the term must be included certain characteristics of the concept, so to speak,
«he outlines». Consequently, semantic and morphological motivation is focused, deliberate
selection of certain morphemes to create a new term, the content of which would be
motivated. Overall term-derivation repeat all types of complex phrases and complex word
formation syntax of a language.