Күнделік-есеп Өндірістік (педогогикалық) іс-тәжірибе бойынша

Resources Beginning of the lesson

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Күнделік-есеп Өндірістік (педогогикалық) іс-тәжірибе бойынша-emirsaba.org


Beginning of the lesson
5 мин.

Organization moment :
2. Organization moment.
Find and write the colloquial/everyday words or phrases which mean:
  1. I’d like to tell you ….

  2. If you do this …..

  3. It is fine to be …..

  4. I must stop writing now.

Ss write every day words and phrases and say to the class.

The aim: produce appropriate vocabulary and correct word forms.
Efficiency: use a variety of accurate sentence structures.

Feedback with the method: “The Praise”.
“You are right”

Excel 6. Student’s book.

Page 43, Ex. 3

Individual work.
8 min.

Do you live healthy lifestyle? Do the quiz to find out. Circle A (Most days), B (Some days) or C (Never).
Teacher asks Ss to do the quiz and say the result to the class.

Ss do the quiz. Circle the most days, some days, never.

Aim: identify author’s purpose and tone;

Efficiency: demonstrate control of mechanics.

-read the quiz
-choose the answers
1 point.
Feedback with the method: “The Praise”.
“You are right”

Excel 6. Student’s book.

Page 64, Ex. 1

Middle of the lesson
Individual work.
15 min.

You are celebrating world Health Day at school. Create a poster to persuade people to lead a healthy lifestyle. Use the ideas in the quiz as well as your own. You can use pictures if you like. Present your poster to the class.

All Ss understand the task and some of them create the meaningful poster to the class and present to the class.

Ss prepare an appropriate materials and create a poster and present to the class.

Aim: write effective and coherent paragraphs.
Efficiency: use a variety of accurate sentence structures.


Well done, your poster is correct and you can express clearly, but next time try to point for the main question.

Excel 6. Student’s book.

Page 64, Ex. 2

Individual work.

5 min.

Do the quiz. Mark the sentences as True and False.
1.The British spend £250 million a year on curries.
2.Health trains provide medical care to people in Australia.
3. The RFDSA started in 1928.
4. Vanilla extract can help with toothaches.
5. We can use the same knife to cut raw meat and cooked meat.
All learners read the text and less able Ss mark true/false sentences with the help of more able Ss.

Ss mark the true and false sentences.

Aim: distinguish relevant from irrelevant information.
Efficiency: produce academic vocabulary appropriately orally and in writing and summarize/paraphrase information in a text.

- understand the text
-mark true/false
Total: 1point
Sandwich” method.


Student’s Book
Exercise 3. page 64

Individual work.


5 min

Why is it important to do sports and have a healthy body and mind? Tell the class.

Ss discuss the answer of the question in the class.

Aim: use vocabulary appropriately and use grammatical structures appropriately.
Efficiency: utilize digital literacy tools to develop reading and vocabulary skills.

Feedback with the method: “The Praise”.
“You are right”


Student’s Book
Exercise 6. page 64

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