Күнделік-есеп Өндірістік (педогогикалық) іс-тәжірибе бойынша

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Күнделік-есеп Өндірістік (педогогикалық) іс-тәжірибе бойынша-emirsaba.org

End of the lesson.
Individual work:
2 min.

At the end of the lesson, students reflect on their learning. Students should write their answers on the stickers and show to the teacher.

Ss write their reflective thoughts as possible.

Aim: define how many Ss understand the theme.
Efficiency: produce accurate grammatical forms.

Achievement stairs” method

● How did you feel about todays’ lesson?
● What 3 things were difficult for you?
● What 3 things were easy for you?


PPP -6,7

DIFFERENTIATION – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

ASSESSMENT – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety rules

During the lesson some tasks differentiated by outcomes of the students and by their abilities.

All learners test themselves to know how they keep healthy habits.
Most learners discuss and respond to content of the text orally and in writing
Some learners create a poster to persuade people to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Reflection at the end of the lesson and teacher summary provides support for progress and achievement, and challenge to thinking and setting future objectives.

During the activity teacher after each right answer gives feedback with the method: During the activity teacher after each right answer gives feedback with the method: “The Praise”.
“You are right”
Achievement stairs” method
● How did you feel about todays’ lesson?
● What 3 things were difficult for you?
● What 3 things were easy for you?.

Provide some physical exercises for learners

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
Did all learners achieve the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my plan and why?

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