Code of module: SBB 8
Name of module:Scientific foundation of biology
Name of the discipline: Biophysics
Prerequisites: Cytology, histology and embryology
Post Requisites: Biochemistry
Рurpose: To show all the main trends in the vital activity of a living organism, regardless of its level of development, evolutionary stages, age, nutrition environment.
Brief description: Studies the physical aspects of the existence of living nature at all its levels, from molecules and cells to the biosphere as a whole; biological objects as a kind of complex nonlinear physical systems; physical processes occurring in biological systems of different levels of organization, the influence of various physical factors on biological objects.
Learning outcomes: - formation of lower structures from the cell at the molecular level and its mechanisms;
- metabolism and energy at the cellular and organ levels;
- the mechanism of molecular transfer of ions and molecules through the membrane and surface areas of phases;
- understanding of the molecular mechanisms of protection and respiration;
- absorption, chemical changes in energy and the ability to survive and radiation when exposed to an electromagnetic field;
- thermodynamic studies and processes of thermodynamic inequality of complex systems using the laws of classical thermodynamics;
- apply a kinetic, analytical approach to understanding complex systems, its actions;
- rules of electronegativity of the organism to various functional states of the biosystem and physico-chemical influences;
- gets knowledge on the mechanisms of time sets of the biological system.
Formed competencies: Quantum biophysics, molecular biophysics, cellular biophysics, sensory biophysics and biophysics of complex systems, as well as membrane biophysics, thermodynamics of biological systems, electrical conductivity of biological systems, Kinetics of biological processes, photobiology, radiation biophysics, additional biophysics form a general idea of the sciences.