Түйін сөздер: мәдени генезис, прототүркілер, Ботай мәдениеті, түркі мәдени
ДНК-генеологиясы, өркениеттануы.
Ayazbekova S.Sh.
Cultural Genesis of the Turkic Peoples: an Interdisciplinary Approach
. The article uses methods and data of linguistics, civiliology and DNA
genealogy to reveal the essence and features of the process of cultural genesis of the
Turkic peoples. The methodology is based on cultural-philosophical approach, which
acts as a generalizing principle in the process of interdisciplinary analysis.
The article shows that the Turkic cultural identity
begins to form long before
the emergence of the Turkic superethnos, simultaneously with the formation of the
proto-Turks. It argues that the processes of cultural genesis and anthropogenesis are
synchronized with the formation of basic universal (not ethnic) cultural universals.
The main focus of the article is the Botai archaeological culture of the Eneolithic
(3700-3100 BC), one of the most significant cultures of the Great Steppe (Steppe Eurasia).
Botai is an exemplar culture where the traces of the mechanisms of continuity with earlier
and later cultures and civilizations, as well as the features of the interaction of the nomadic
and sedentary world civilization and
local Tengrian civilization, can be seen.
As a result, the article concludes that the process of cultural genesis had led to the
creation of the earliest local Tengrian civilization on the territory of the Great Steppe,
and the migration of the Proto-Turks, as well as the dominance of the nomadic lifestyle,
had determined broad expansion of the Tengrian civilization and Proto-Turkic culture.
The article defines a range of issues that require further scientific understanding.
Keywords: cultural genesis, proto-Turks, Botai culture, Turkic cultural philosophy,
linguistics, DNA genealogy, civiliology.