Литературные теории в поэтическом мире джона китса

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Productive grammatical skills are understood as the ability of the speaker to choose a model adequate to the speech task and arrange it in accordance with the norms of the language. The speech task is the speech intention to tell something, to convince, etc. This or that grammatical form serves the fulfillment of tasks.
Therefore, notes E.I.Passov, grammatical form and speech task should be associated with each other. If there is such a connection, then in the process of productive types of speech activity, when a communicative task arises in the mind, a grammatical form adequate to it and necessary at that moment emerges [4].
Receptive grammatical skills are understood as automated actions for recognizing and understanding grammatical information (morphological forms and syntactic constructions) in written and oral text.
Since the perception of oral and written text is possible both with active and passive knowledge of language material, receptive grammatical skills are further subdivided into receptive-active and receptive-passive grammatical skills of reading and perceiving / understanding foreign speech by ear.
Receptive-active grammatical skills of perception/understanding of foreign speech by ear are based on speech automated connections of auditory and speech-motor images of grammatical phenomena and their meanings.
Receptive-active grammatical reading skills are based on the connections of visual-graphic and speech-motor images of these phenomena with their meanings.
These connections find their expression in the automation of the process of perception and non-translation, i.e. direct comprehension of the readable (auditory) text and the grammatical information presented in it, determined by the level of development of the student's speech experience in these receptive types of speech activity, i.e. experience in reading and perception / understanding of foreign speech by ear.
The level of development of individual speech experience is reflected in the presence of strong and developed auditory-speech-motor and visual images with their significance in a person's long-term speech memory.

  1. Receptive grammar skills include the following:

  2. 1) the skills of recognizing and understanding grammatical phenomena in the text based on a set of images in visual memory created in the process of formation and development of individual speech experience;

  3. 2) discursive-operational analytical language grammatical skills, i.e. skills of analytical decoding of grammatical information available in the text.

  4. The representation of knowledge in the formation of a speech grammatical skill depends on whether the grammatical phenomenon to be mastered is productive or receptive. Thus, in the formation of productive grammatical skills, the function of the studied grammatical structure is first demonstrated, then its meaning is explained, and only then the form is introduced.

  5. As for receptive grammatical skills, i.e. skills of recognizing and understanding grammatical phenomena in written and oral text, then knowledge is presented in the following sequence: first the form is introduced, then the function and meaning are explained.

  6. To know grammar means to know the form, meaning, usage and speech function of a grammatical phenomenon. Mastering the grammar of the language is necessary for the formation of skills and abilities of oral and written speech, as well as for understanding foreign speech in listening and reading.

  7. What is included in the concept of "content of teaching grammar"? The content of teaching grammar includes rules and grammatical phenomena, as well as grammatical skills in the use of phenomena, constructions and grammatical structures.

Nowadays the situation with grammar has changed dramatically. Language norms are fixed both for oral and written speech.
The Macmillan Dictionary interprets the definition of "grammar" as follows: "the set of rules that describe the structure of a language and control the way that sentences are formed" "a set of rules about the structure of a language and the combination of words in a sentence."
That is, the grammar of modern English implies the existence of certain rules of word usage in general, and the question of the grammatical correctness of constructing a phrase is relevant for both written and oral speech.
Without mastery of grammar in the first sense of the word, there can be no verbal communication. Grammar is "an objective reality that governs our speech. Grammatical patterns form a sentence, and vocabulary makes up its semantic side." [2].
In teaching foreign language speaking, grammar occupies an important place; it is a kind of framework on which vocabulary is based.
The place of grammar in mastering a foreign language is determined by the goals of learning.
The main goal of teaching foreign language grammar in secondary school is practical or communicative, which consists in the formation of students' grammatical speech and language skills as components of the speech skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Teaching grammar and the correct formulation of an utterance, as well as the recognition of grammatical forms in speech and writing, occurs through the formation of grammatical skills [3].
Grammatical categories, which are a unity of grammatical meanings and forms, constitute an element of linguistic consciousness. In the process of mastering a foreign language in general and foreign grammar in particular, the student consciously or unconsciously turns to the system of his native language, to linguistic categories, through which objective reality is refracted in his mind.
Understanding and practical possession of grammatical realities causes many difficulties, which are aggravated by grammatical terms and rules and an infinite number of exceptions.
Often the teaching of grammar is limited to dry memorization of constructions, exercises of the same type, using which the student is not entirely convinced of the practical benefits of what he is doing.
A large number of terms makes learning difficult. The forms of work do not always alternate, which causes passive work of students in the lesson. Meanwhile, the study of this aspect should be no less interesting and informative than, for example, teaching vocabulary.
First of all, it is worth remembering that English is different from the native language. Therefore, a grammar intended for teaching a foreign language can in no case rely on linguistic instinct and must accordingly contain explicit rules for the formation and use of grammatical forms and structures of a foreign language. When teaching the grammar of the English language, problems arise with the understanding of a particular phenomenon, for example, the article or a large number of tenses [5].
The best remembered theory is presented with the help of visual aids and aids. Visibility is one of the effective means of forming positive motivation. But visualization should not be considered only as a simple demonstration of a particular subject.
The concept of "visibility" is inseparable from the concept of "thinking", both of them are interconnected. The visibility of learning, as a didactic principle of building an educational process based on visual aids in the process of teaching languages, can be used both in presenting new material, and in checking the mastery of educational material, and in the design of teaching aids, books, maps, diagrams, tables, etc.
The use of visual material, of course, mobilizes the activity of the student's psyche, instills interest in the information received, expands the range of perceived information, reduces fatigue and generally facilitates the entire learning process.
As practice shows, numerous observations, not all teachers have a clear idea of how to organize the use of visualization in the classroom in such a way as to improve the quality of assimilation of the material, in which cases the use of visualization is justified and useful, and in which it is inappropriate, and sometimes even harmful. .
At the beginning of the 21st century, the flow of printed information in foreign languages increased many times, access to foreign printed publications was opened, transmitting a huge amount of information that is cognitive for students, many of whom seek to gain sufficient knowledge in order to navigate in an authentic foreign language environment.
In this regard, the problem of learning to quickly and efficiently extract the necessary information arises. The teacher is called upon to formulate in students the ability to participate in a direct and indirect dialogue of cultures.
This is possible under the condition of a strong mastery of foreign language language means by students, an important place among which belongs to grammar.
Learning the grammatical design of a speech statement is one of the necessary conditions for the practical mastery of a foreign language.
The communicative nature of language is still not fully understood. According to the trend in teaching foreign languages, from the very beginning, a “bookish” version of the formulation of the idea is modeled, which not only deprives speech of the necessary naturalness, but also complicates the process of practical formation and formulation of thoughts in a foreign language.
The study of the natural processes of grammatical construction of an utterance when mastering not only the native, but also a foreign language makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of teaching foreign grammar from the very beginning of mastering it, to give naturalness to students' statements in educational conditions based on the grammar of the spoken language.
As studies and experience of practicing teachers show, the introduction, consolidation and activation of grammatical material only on a communicative basis does not provide a solid knowledge of the rules of form formation and form use and does not guarantee error-free speech.
In this regard, researchers are faced with the task of developing an integrated approach to teaching grammar, a communicative-cognitive approach, which determined the selection of the content of teaching grammar for the senior level, which provides the opportunity to communicate in a foreign language, as well as a strong knowledge of grammatical phenomena through the performance of specially organized exercises. .
In recent decades, there has been a desire to excessively reduce the role of grammar, which has led to a significant increase in the number of errors in students' speech due to the use of a communicative approach to teaching foreign languages - this determines the relevance of this topic.
Thus, the problem of this work will be to find ways, ways to improve the efficiency of mastering the grammatical material of a foreign language (English in particular) within the framework of a communicatively-oriented orientation of education.
Thus, the relevance of the topic of this study is due to the increased requirements for the quality of teaching a foreign language in order to communicate earlier, on the one hand, and the undeveloped issues related to the problem of developing and improving grammatical skills, on the other.
This work is a description of the strategy of functionally oriented teaching of the grammatical side of speech.
So, we have seen that teaching grammar in English lessons is an integral and main factor in the development of literate oral speech.
The modern process of teaching foreign languages is built on a communicative basis.
The use of a communicative technique is an objective necessity of teaching practice. In the process of teaching a foreign language, students should not only acquire certain knowledge in the field of phonetics, grammar and vocabulary, but also be able to apply them in practical situations.
Thus, teaching grammar should also be communicative in nature.
When teaching a foreign language, especially at the initial stage, grammar should be dealt with specifically, because, firstly, grammar is the most important component of the language as a system, and secondly, any communication skills without regular reference to grammar are possible only to a certain limit, and in Thirdly, knowledge of grammar satisfies the natural need of people who want to master a foreign language.
The early start of learning a foreign language is very promising, since students of primary school age are highly receptive to learning a foreign language, since their speech ability is still in the development stage, their role mechanisms are mobile.
When teaching a foreign language, in particular communicative grammar, it is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of primary school age.
It is important to remember that voluntary attention and logical memory are not sufficiently developed in children of this age, therefore, one should rely more on involuntary attention, emotional-review memory and imitation.
Using the above methods in my English lessons, I came to the conclusion that students are really happy to get down to business when they are interested, when we play, work in pairs, move.
The motivation of students increases, there is no need to silence the class, because everyone is interested, the topic of the lesson is remembered and learned much more easily through games, songs, poems, etc., rather than by memorization and monotonous transmission of material.


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