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Боранбай А.Т. –магистрантка группы МШТ 21-1

Научный руководитель: к.п.н., доцент Гурбанова А.А.

Түйін. Бұл мақалада тұлғаға бағытталған оқытудың заманауи стратегиясына сәйкес шет тілдерін оқытудағы тұжырымдама ретінде " дараландыру " ұғымының мәні нақтыланған. Шет тілін үйрену барысында оқыту процесін дараландырудың теориялық және қолданбалы ережелері әзірленген.

Резюме. В данной статье уточнена сущность понятия «индивидуализация» как понятия в обучении иностранным языкам в соответствии с современной стратегией личностно-ориентированного обучения. Разработаны теоретические и прикладные положения индивидуализации процесса обучения в ходе изучения иностранного языка.

New social relations associated with changes in state-political, economic, and spiritual life require the school to prepare a person endowed with bright creative potential, posing new questions, revising existing cultural ideas, and sometimes values of society; creating a new system of relations in his inner vision, in accordance with which he and he will plan his own activities independently, actively and creatively.

Changes in modern society have led to the modernization of the modern educational process.
The main task of a modern school is to reveal the abilities of each student, to educate a person ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world. And this is not by chance, because highly qualified specialists are in demand in the labor market today, "who will not wait for instructions, but will enter life with the established creative, design-constructive and spiritual-personal experience."
It is assumed that this experience should be acquired at school in the process of learning, which should focus not only on the development of mental abilities and the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge, but also on the development of the student's personality, the formation of his independence and personal responsibility.
The modern concept of a secondary school asserts that the school no longer has the right to limit its functions to teaching subjects.
Its main purpose is to create favorable conditions for each child for the comprehensive development of his abilities and talent, the purposeful manifestation of his individuality.
Today, in many ways, the training is aimed at the average student. In practice, no emphasis is placed on the individual characteristics of an individual student, on the peculiarities of the perception of the material, the speed of its assimilation, the level of development of the student, his motives and interests.
All this is the root cause of the fact that weak students do not keep up with the average pace of class work, and, abandoning mental activity, go either to cheating or to mechanical memorization, and strong students lose interest in the subject and even find themselves lagging behind.
The reform of the education system, the transition from the traditional approach in the educational process to the activity-based one, from the mode of functioning to the mode of development and self-development indicate a real need to address the problem of individualization of learning.
The ideas of humanization of relations, freedom, and the revival of spirituality proclaimed by modern society allow us to take a different look at the essence of the concept of "individualization" in order to determine true values and place new accents in the education system.
As you know, individualization of learning is one of the leading principles of didactics. When teaching foreign language speaking, this principle becomes even more important, since the student's speech is first of all individual and unique as a means of expressing his purely individual experiences, feelings, emotions, moral aspirations, etc.
Individualization should not be considered as a one-time tool used only at one stage of mastering the material and in relation to one group of students (strong, medium, weak); it should permeate the entire process of teaching foreign language speaking. Individualization should not be reduced to differentiation of learning.
Modern socio-economic conditions, on the one hand, provide a person with ample opportunities to unlock his potential, on the other hand, they impose rather high requirements on him, which are one of the conditions for successful self-realization.
Knowledge of foreign languages also plays an important role in success and demand in many areas of life. There is no doubt about the value of communicative competence in the modern world, namely the ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with people, a set of knowledge and skills that ensure the effective flow of the communicative process.
Knowledge of the English language expands the possibilities of communication and self-realization, adaptation to modern conditions and requirements of life.
In school education, the foundations of knowledge of a foreign language are laid. The school provides the necessary set of knowledge and skills in mastering a foreign language, but do not forget that all students have different levels of abilities. In a group of students of the same age studying English, there are children with different work rates, different communication skills, different memory capabilities, etc.
Thus, it is not possible to conduct a lesson in the same framework for everyone, with standard tasks and requirements. If the teacher's goal is to convey information to each student, taking into account his personal characteristics and abilities, then the approach should and can only be individual.
Otherwise, we get the following results – the material is learned only by students who have a good memory and sufficiently high abilities, which, it should be noted, are a minority in an ordinary secondary school.
Consequently, the rest of the students, for a number of reasons, have not assimilated the knowledge given to them, which means that in the future they will not be able to demonstrate them satisfactorily either in test and control tasks or in communication.
Teaching a foreign language has a personality-oriented orientation. The implementation of this principle means taking into account the real communicative and active needs of the student [1].
In this regard, the improvement of students' practical mastery of language knowledge, skills and abilities in various types of speech activity largely depends on the grammatically correct formalization of statements. And grammatically correct speech is due to the fact that the speaker has a special kind of skills - automated components of speech activity [2].
The achievement of such a level of speaking in a foreign language(s) depends on the availability of an adequate system for overcoming the main difficulties in mastering the grammatical structure of the non-native language being studied by students on the basis of taking into account the principles of individualization and differentiation in the learning process in a secondary school.
The need for differentiated education is becoming more and more acute, since today the school should give every child the opportunity to receive a general education minimum at the level of his abilities, capabilities and desires. To achieve this, it is better to divide the class into groups (strong, medium, weak), taking into account the psychological characteristics, the character of each student [3].
A differentiated approach to learning gives positive results:
- the burden on children who sometimes find it physically difficult to study within the framework of a regular program is reduced (it is no secret that more than 50% of children with deviations from the norm in psychological development enter the 1st grade);
- the problem of underachievement is being solved, because everyone learns as best they can; the psychological climate in the classroom is improving;
- everyone's assimilation of the general education minimum becomes a reality.
Even K.D.Ushinsky, considering the organization of the educational process, recommended dividing classes into groups in order to give children tasks in accordance with their training. The teacher wrote: "Such a division of the class into groups, one of which is stronger than the other, is not only not harmful, but even useful if the mentor is able, while studying with one group himself, to give the other two a useful independent exercise" [4].
Although the issue of differentiated education is well developed theoretically today, but many practical issues remain open, unresolved, namely:
- how to organize the individual characteristics of students, how best to divide them into subgroups (i.e. to identify strong, medium and weak) and to establish the reasons why the child does not have time for the subject;
- how to organize at the same time permanent (and not episodic) work with well-performing students;
- how to carry out differentiated verification work and evaluate them;
- based on what criteria to select the study material for the group and how to present it (provided that there are no differentiated tasks in the textbook).
As part of the development of modern school education, it is unacceptable to "work for one student", someone who gets involved in work faster, demonstrates effective communication skills, and is able to creatively solve tasks himself. Of course, it is more interesting and easier for a teacher to work with such a student, from whom there is immediately a "return" and the result is visible. And what about those who at this moment simply do not understand what the rest of the class is doing, because they do not understand the material?
Let's add to this that not every student will ask the teacher to repeat the explanation again or ask clarifying questions, the reasons for this may be different, from banal embarrassment in front of the teacher or other students to inability to formulate their question correctly.
Despite the rather broad aspect of research devoted to the problem of individualization of learning, we are faced with various definitions of this concept.
This causes discrepancies in the process of implementing an individual approach in practice; when considering the individualization of learning in isolation from direct educational activities, which is the reason for the lack of communication between them; when subordinating the individualization of learning to the goals of socialization as a universal process of individual adaptation to the existing conditions of the social environment.
The school firmly remains in the positions of personality formation, the development of the social essence of a person. At the same time, the real practice of social development and the state of the educational process show the inability of a modern school to slow down standardization and suspend the "loss of a person's own individuality" [5].
This problem should be especially seriously attributed to primary school, where the first essential foundations of the attitude to learning, to the world around you and to yourself are laid.
Thus, there is a significant contradiction between the need of society for the manifestation and development of the individuality of students and the lack of appropriate conditions for this development in the real practice of primary school.
The revealed contradiction made it possible to formulate the research problem: what are the pedagogical conditions for individualization of primary school education?
Consequently, the relevance of this study is due to the insufficient elaboration of practical issues of the organization of the process of teaching foreign language speech in a secondary school, taking into account the individualization and differentiation of the personal properties of the trainees.
In the conditions of modern teaching of foreign languages, the problem of individualization of learning is relevant. It is not new, however, all its aspects have not yet been fully disclosed, as well as its significance in the educational process.
At first glance, this problem is not difficult, but it causes difficulties for a large number of teachers.
The main difficulty lies in the optimal combination of individual and group forms of work when teaching a foreign language.
Difficulties also arise with the identification of individual characteristics of the student and the organization of educational activities based on this knowledge.
The problem of individualization in this case is not only pedagogical, but also psychological, social and philosophical.
The use of an individual approach will contribute to the improvement of the education system, increase the motivation of students to learn English, and the introduction of new effective teaching methods.
The scientific novelty of the article consists in clarifying the essence of differentiation and individualization as concepts in teaching foreign languages in accordance with the modern strategy of personality-oriented learning. Practical techniques have been developed to create a special system of exercises in order to individualize the learning process in foreign language lessons.
The theoretical significance of the article lies in the fact that the peculiarities of individualization as a process of implementing an individual approach are substantiated, which determines the need for organizing educational activities aimed at the development of individuality. The work makes a certain contribution to the theory of the organization of the educational process, as it focuses on the development of the creative activity of the child and presents the theoretical foundations of the organization of spiritual, emotional and intellectual activity through the implementation of orientation-adaptive, content-variable, integrative-creative and correctional-stimulating areas of learning technology.


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  5. Завалина Е.В. Индивидуализация и дифференциация обучения иностранному языку в школе / Е.В.Завалина, М.А.Пахомова // Актуальные проблемы гуманитарных и социально-экономических наук, 2018. – Т.2. – № 2. – С.37 – 40.

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