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Bittibayeva Aigerim Aitbayevna

Central Asian Innovative University

Түйін. Мақалада оқу құралдарын жазу тәсілдері қарастырылған. Оқу құралын жазудың негізгі міндеті – ғылыми пәннің негізгі бөлімдерін оларды оқыту әдістемесі тұрғысынан көрсету.

Резюме В статье рассмотрены способы написания учебных пособий. Основная задача написания учебного пособия – отразить основные разделы научной дисциплины с точки зрения методики их преподавания.

Review and compile the information the manual needs to cover. Never write a training manual from memory. Go through the various processes and knowledge points that your manual is going to cover and be sure you are clear on everything. Make a list of all the important information and refer to this list as you write the manual, double checking to include it all [1].
Even skipping a small step may confuse your users, so pay attention. For example, you could be telling someone how to enter data into a spreadsheet, but you could easily forget to mention “click File to open a new spreadsheet.” Or when describing how to use a piece of machinery, you may forget to mention flipping a certain switch that's vitally important.
If you don't review everything and you do forget something, users are likely to become distressed because something isn't working right. This is not the outcome training should ever result in.
Write for and to your audience. Make sure you are clear on who the audience is. Consider if they have a knowledge base or are starting completely fresh. This will give you an idea of how broad or specific you need to be throughout the manual. When it makes sense, write directly to the audience saying, “When you get to this step” rather than something like, “When a person gets to this step” [2].
If you are training employees on a brand new software that no one has seen, it's safe to assume they won't know anything. If you are training for sales techniques at a clothing store, you don't need to explain what pants and shirts are.
Don't patronize people by over explaining simple concepts, but also don't assume they know something that they may not know.
Include problem-solving scenarios and discussion topics. Not everyone can learn by reading 20 pages of text, so include ways for users to apply what they read and get hands on experience. Give a scenario and ask the reader to solve a problem of some kind. Allow for discussion and collaboration among trainees. You want to cater to different learning styles so the manual is useful for as many people as possible [3].
You can't fit every employee perfectly, but if you only use one approach you aren't likely to get through to very many at all. The goal of the training manual is to help employees learn what they need to know, so aim to make it easy for as many people as possible.
Enhance the manual with videos or audio recordings. If you are writing a printed manual, consider whether or not you can give trainees access to extra materials, such as videos or audio recordings. For learners who would struggle to read an entire manual, you can work to ensure they still learn what they need to. Many times the written manual will be the primary training tool, but a few extras may make a big difference [4].
This may be affected by the type of content your manual includes and may not be applicable in all cases. Take stock of the specifics of your manual and judge whether or not extra materials could be created.
As a well-defined type in the general typological system of publications, educational literature has its own clearly defined readership and purpose. The intended purpose of educational literature reflects the social function that this type of publication performs. Thus, in the system of teaching aids, the main function of educational publications is to ensure the independent work of students to acquire knowledge and consolidate it. Educational literature is understood as textbooks, teaching aids, and methodological guidelines.
Textbook-an educational publication that supplements or partially (completely) replaces a textbook, officially approved as this type of publication. The textbook is considered as a supplement to the textbook. The textbook may not cover the entire discipline, but only a part (several sections) of the sample program. Unlike a textbook, a manual can include not only proven, generally accepted knowledge and provisions, but also different opinions on a particular problem.
In the case when a new discipline is introduced into the curriculum or new topics are introduced into the curriculum, the publication of the textbook is initially organized. The textbook is usually created on the basis of a proven manual.
A manual is a document that describes in detail the optimal sequence in the development of a certain scientific or educational material. The methodological guide is based on fundamental scientific works on this discipline and practical research. As a rule, the work reflects the author's opinion about effective ways to achieve the best results. Teaching aids in their content and structure differ significantly from traditional textbooks and classical scientific works. The main task of the manual is not so much to provide students with the necessary information on the discipline being studied, but to explain what to do with it, how to correctly perform educational tasks. Therefore, special requirements are always imposed on the preparation of teaching aids. Creating a variety of teaching aids is associated with the need to take a different look at the teaching of a particular discipline.
The main task of the training manual is to highlight the main sections of the scientific discipline from the point of view of the methodology of their teaching. Therefore, if you have extensive experience in the field of education, have accumulated a large number of materials, and know the main disadvantages of the existing educational process, then you can write your own training manual. To solve this problem, extensive knowledge in this field and many years of teaching practice are required. You will need:
- teaching experience;
- information base.
If you are starting to write a teaching manual on a particular subject, first of all, carefully study the working curriculum that is being taught. The fact is that the structure of your future manual should follow the program exactly and cover the topics that it contains. Otherwise, students will have serious difficulties when working with the material. When compiling the manual, rely on existing textbooks. After all, they contain theoretical and training material on all topics of the discipline. Your manual should use the advantages of textbooks and compensate for their shortcomings. Make a plan for the future benefit. Reflect the most important things in it in the form of theses and short comments. This outline will later serve as the basis for the final text and will allow you to easily change the design of the manual to achieve the best result.
After drawing up the plan of the manual based on the curriculum, proceed to the collection and preparation of theoretical material. At this stage, remember that the most important thing here is not the amount of facts and data collected, but the quality of their presentation. Do not forget that you are preparing a publication that should help students in mastering the discipline being studied. This means that all theoretical material should be well structured, logical and understandable for perception. For ease of use, make the content of your training manual identical to the content of the textbook, so that any teacher can quickly find the section they are interested in.
One theory is not enough to create methodological manuals. The best solution is to go through all the stages independently, in accordance with the recommendations of your own manual. This will not only show its viability, but may also reveal some inaccuracies and shortcomings. Then you will need to make adjustments to the working material.
When writing the manual, pay special attention to the language of the presentation. Do not forget that your work is intended for very young people who are just learning the curriculum. Try not to write complex, long phrases and large paragraphs. Do not abuse special terms, and if you use professional vocabulary, be sure to give a description of the concepts used in footnotes or in parentheses.
Develop control questions on the topic "manuals" and options for solving the problems and problems considered in it. Complete the text of the manual with illustrations, diagrams, and photos. Give specific examples of competent use of the described methodology. For better assimilation of the material, supplement the text with various diagrams, graphs, and drawings. The graphical representation of the information makes it much easier to perceive and makes the book less boring and monotonous. In addition, a schematic image is often easier to remember.
Try to give more practical recommendations based on your personal experience. To date, there is enough literature where a person must independently translate theory into practice. But there are not enough high-quality reference books and manuals to help solve urgent methodological problems. Include in each topic, in addition to theoretical information, practical tasks, questions for self-control, topics for essays and presentations at seminars. Be sure to explain how these tasks should be performed, and give examples. This is especially important if the training manual is intended for schoolchildren or junior students. Complete the training manual with a full list of references. In addition, try to give each topic a small list of available scientific papers that students can use when preparing for practical classes on their own. It is preferable that this list includes not only textbooks, but also original works of researchers. As sources, choose not only the usual books, but also solid network resources, and thematic TV channels, materials of scientific conferences and symposiums, preferably at the state and international level. This gives the methodological manual the necessary scientific weight. Specify as many sources of information as possible that the specialist can turn to expand their knowledge on this topic. This fact will significantly increase the popularity of your manual and demonstrate a thorough scientific approach to solving educational problems. Be sure to highlight in a separate chapter the methodological techniques that allow you to conduct interdisciplinary classes (for example, a lesson plan that combines history and literature, with the distribution of material for both teachers). This approach will greatly enrich both disciplines and help you develop students ' ability to build causal relationships not only within your subject, but also between different subjects.
What is the training manual and its features?
So, the training manual is an official printed publication, the content of which fully corresponds to the curriculum for a particular specialty at the university.
If we speak in simple and accessible language, then this is the most ordinary manual, which is transferred from course to course to students for temporary use.
This is a small reference, a hint, or even a synopsis, which most often affects only one topic, but in detail.
According to the guidelines, they not only perform practical and laboratory work in the classroom, but also correctly draw up reports, according to all the requirements imposed by the Ministry of Education.
So we can safely say that the training manual is an indispensable assistant at lectures and practical classes at school.


  1. http://www.techrepublic.com/article/tips-for-writing-effective-training-material-for-beginners/5077224/

  2. http://blog.convergencetraining.com/tips-for-writing-instructional-and-training-material

  3. http://www.businessballs.com/training.htm

  4. http://ecmweb.com/content/ten-tips-effective-training-program

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