Литературные теории в поэтическом мире джона китса


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Әкім О.П., Айдар А.Ж- ФКиСК 22-3 тобының студенттері

Ғылыми жетекші: магистр, оқытушы Агибаева Н.Ж.

Түйін. Халықтың болашағын мықты егемен айқындайды, ел жастарының қарулы күштері – Тәуелсіз Қазақстанның перзенттері. Ол негізін қалаған күннен бастап, басты мемлекетіміз бен мемлекетіміздің Конституциясы қалыптасқанға дейінгі кезеңде, содан бергі білім саласының өсіп-өркендеу жылдарындағы жиырма жылдың талаптарына сай қызмет етіп, қауіпсіздігіміз бен мемлекетіміздің қауіпсіздігін қорғап келеді. білімнің аумақтық тұтастығы, және бұл адал қызмет етеді.

Резюме. Будущее народа определяет сильный государь, вооруженные силы молодежи страны – дети независимого Казахстана. Он служит требованиям двадцати лет со дня своего основания, в период до образования нашего основного государства и конституции государства, в годы роста и процветания образования с тех пор, он охраняет нашу безопасность и территориальную целостности образования, и делает эту верную службу.

With each passing year, the Kazakh army is equipped with military equipment in accordance with the modern requirements, and the training of the reasons for repelling economic threats to the country from external forces is increasing. problems of our country.

Nursultan Sana Nazarbayev, the President of the independent country's repulsive association, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, said, "The development of the armed forces of our independent country is based on a comprehensive patriotic situation, increasing the demands of the factors to be a vigilant and mobile body. goal" - he said.
The armed capabilities of the Republic of Kazakhstan forces have been fulfilled in the theory of twenty years since the creation of the forces. During this period of time, he made difficult periods and experienced discipline. At the same time, it is clear in the process that the principles of many measures have been implemented for the army to stand on its feet, so let's take a look at the past of our army before focusing on the present.
The sense of independence and the protection of the territorial integrity of the units will remain the main duty of the violator of the state's charter, regardless of whether it is based on such a time. is known to have put.
The hardships that our country has experienced and the educational achievements that have been achieved are also characteristic of our Armed Forces.
The Republic of Kazakhstan is a leader in social progress. As a sovereign country and its people, it is different from the hard work and efforts of its people, which is put forward day by day and the goals and objectives are achieved. The development of relations with Bashkir foreign countries, the development of the industrial sector, the increase of ideal trade, the realization of relations in the social society, and most importantly, the preservation of the homeland is the time when the state power maintains peace and understanding.
In the world, the leader of the Republic of Kazakhstan has not forgotten the norms of order in one minute, to increase the military power of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
From this, the students can make the following conclusions: We must treat the defense of the Motherland with the utmost practical seriousness regardless of the situation. The leadership of the country's unity sometimes pays attention to the country's defense capability to the extent that the contract is sufficient.
The army of Kazakhstan is a real military school for young people, where the majority of young men pass through, and then actively engage in creative work at the request of our people.
In the ranks of the Armed Forces, the personal qualities of citizens of an abstract sovereign country are formed. The effectiveness of our soldiers' tasks is to live a whole life in unity with the spiritual life of the people of their discipline. In its content, the training of soldiers' rebellion shows the necessary features of military life and their dedication, strength and duty based on it.
Our citizen of Kazakhstan is a patriotic and serious citizen who has formed a healthy way of life in a conscious sense of the constitution.
An important component of effective education is to educate them in morals. Development Moral development and morality are historically formed subordinate norms that regulate the order of human experiences in society.
Philosophical and non-dictionary responsibility is described as a philosophical-social concept of education, which reflects the characteristics of the relationship between individuals, collectives, society and their successors in the context of the implementation of mutual requirements for them.
By nature, responsibility is considered inextricably linked to the help of discipline and knowledge.
Discipline is a sub-element of morals of social statutes. Its meaning is the relationship between the use of a person and the fulfillment of the norms established by society, to work, to personal property, to others and to people, to personal and non-social duties. In a collective country, the labor process means the conscious fulfillment of certain requirements, respect and obedience. On the other hand, the well-known and regulated authority - no matter how it is created by the commander, on the other hand, the subordination with the duties known by nature - regardless of the traditions related to any organization, we need material sultans ready for situations.
Preparation is based on trust, compactness, help with mutual qualities, personal position, initiative, spiritual implementation, orderly empire, as a whole.
Order is one of the necessary conditions for the development of learning. Without discipline, known soldiers will be external, without the conditions, the educational process will not be able to manage the politically correct formation.
Discipline refers to the established form, the republic as a characteristic of obedience to the rules, and discipline refers to the Soviet order as a traditional habit. Discipline training, personal training, human qualities, in the process of creating habits, the set patterns and rules in any lesson, like individual life, develop throughout history, and heroism matures in the country. From a disciplined environment, personal duties and other qualities of a person are formed, such as responsibility, being on top of one's own field, punctuality, and not being disciplined.
The influence of the concept of "independence of order" means "behavior in a form" and the broad meaning of the word is the duty. Behavior is an active interaction of a person with the environment, which is made up of external and internal factors.
Different domestic factors influence the management behavior of everyone. First of all, the main biological: the physical nature of the person, the nervous system and the health of the target.
Pedagogical characteristics were not factored by the student's methods of learning and his progress, the type of things that are individual, learning and preparing for other loads, additional tasks at home and school with care, the norms of the statutory translation of the place of education in education, and the nature of the relationship between students of the class. , is determined by the behavior of the teacher, as well as the student's free time.
Proverb In addition to these domestic factors, there are also external environmental factors: family, crises and many parents, the scale of the city's shanties, the tradition of education of the laboring local population, economic requirements and the speed of social changes, the mass media are progressive. Knowing these management conditions allows the student to be prepared to behave in a multifaceted manner.
Aesthetic Order is considered to be part of the basic unit of behavior. Now we understand the concept of order of the country as a certain management behavior of the people, which ensures harmonious action within the team, the norms of the established departments (legal, moral, political, family system) and ensures their implementation.
Formation of order creates in every working person a sacred activity, like discipline to courage. In the real terms, it means from the beginning, the skill, the skill, the skill, the practice of discipline. skill Discipline is a rule of man's morals, skillful mental design of his multifaceted behavior, requirements and practical actions.
The order of labor soldiers is the result of grouping, which determines the work order of the enterprise, workshop, and not the ceremonial brigade, and is carried out through the working day: the observance of an honest working day or the sense of the beginning and end of the breath shift, a fixed lunch break, rest for observation, etc. measures Labor discipline violations consist of tardiness, historical absenteeism, excessive early departure from the workplace in the role.
The future industrial order is to maintain a unified work rhythm, to fulfill the orders of the supervisor during the periods, to pay attention to material duties and wealth, to protect labor and to observe the rules of the spirit of safety of equipment and fire protection.
Technological smartness discipline - nuclear operation of equipment, all regimes of technical conditions, students in the field of well-known regular methods and ways of processing labor products to soldiers.
This is an effective form of education, which is aimed at the development of a student's personal relative personality, and the speed of observance of the rules, principles, standards, and requirements of the school, the team, the main students and moral teachers. Some of the rules in the country's institutions of general education in the year 2016 are the established order of life sailors, which makes it a problem to ensure the overall fruitful work of students, school teachers, service representatives and assessment managers.
It is necessary in April to express the interest of the united technical people in preparation for the school team. The order of the students to be taken seriously is to study, to consider the problems of various types of work in the Soviet Union, to demonstrate their patriotism, to fulfill their duties voluntarily in the sections of the psychological charter of the national educational institution. The main principles of academic discipline are the right attitude and concept, self-sovereign control, self-evaluation of behavior, the ability to evaluate one's own effective discipline, one's own discipline.
Disruption of social discipline is the respect for the rules of obedience of all members of the team to the discipline of the members of the community, deep sense of patriotism, coexistence. The basic social order describes the technical behavior of a political student in a public place, in an educated street, in the circle of acquaintances, in social organizations and political movements. The type of family delivery order is to observe the rules of family development, product standards, traditions, war and tradition in the environment of obligation of relatives and close people. Maintaining the domestic duty of discipline consists of the responsibility of preparing and maintaining a self-discipline that does not fall under the influence of commanders from the behavior of the person, and is not affected by the social control in the form of constant transmission of words, and the assessment of the character of those who follow the principle.

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