Литературные теории в поэтическом мире джона китса


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Әлмахан А.Д. –магистрантка группы МШТ 21-1

Научный руководитель: к.п.н., доцент Гурбанова А.А.

Түйін.Бұл мақалада лексиканы оқытудың теориялық негіздері тұжырымдалған, лексикалық материалмен жұмыс істеудің негізгі кезеңдері анықталған, сабақтарда сөздік жұмысының әдістемесі зерттелген, мектеп жасына қатысты оқушыларды сөз этимологиясымен таныстыру дәйектілігінің қажеттілігі анықталған.

Резюме. В данной статье сформулированы теоретические основы обучения лексике,выявлены основные этапы работы над лексическим материалом, изучена методика словарной работы на уроках, применительно к школьному возрасту определена необходимость последовательности знакомства учащихся с этимологией слов.

The latest official government documents indicate that the education system is designed to provide student-centered education and upbringing. This provision should also be reflected in the system of higher education, especially pedagogical education, which trains teachers capable of creative search, as well as research work.

At present, the actual fact is that in Kazakhstan, which is developing in accordance with global economic trends, the language situation is undergoing serious changes, there is a real need for the functioning of trilingualism. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev, in his annual Address to the people of Kazakhstan “Kazakhstan on the path of accelerated economic, social and political modernization” dated March 1, 2006, said: “We wish to see Kazakhstan as a country developing in accordance with global economic trends. In the language palette of our country, the prospects for the functioning of Russian and foreign languages along with the state Kazakh are more and more clearly seen” [1].
Teaching a foreign language involves mastering by students both direct (speaking, listening) and mediocre (reading, writing) forms of communication within the limits indicated in the program for each specific stage of learning.
Reading helps the student get acquainted with new phenomena for him, facts about the life and culture of the country of the language being studied. In the process of reading, students learn to think critically, check the factual accuracy and logical consistency of the text, consider the context, argue their point of view, explore alternatives.
Reading in the target language contributes to the development of oral speech, enriches vocabulary, introduces the culture and literature of the country of the target language, and develops analytical thinking.
But in order to form a system of linguistic means in the mind, which would become a reliable informational opportunity for the reader, for this it is necessary to select and methodically organize linguistic means, and above all vocabulary.
Lexical skill occupies an important place in the system of teaching a foreign language, as it reflects the relationship between classes of words and summarizes the information received. Moreover, vocabulary individualizes the statement, gives it a specific meaning.
As you know, vocabulary is the most dynamic side of the language in any period of time. It represents the smallest degree of abstraction in the language, since the word is always subject-oriented; it can be borrowed, formed, formed a new, or from elements available in the language.
The modern language is a product of a long historical development, during which the language undergoes many-sided changes due to various reasons. Changes affect all sides (levels, tiers, aspects) of the language structure, but they act in different ways.
The historical development of each level depends on specific causes and conditions that stimulate shifts in the lexical composition of the language, in its phonetic (phonological) organization, and in its grammatical structure.
The development of language is characterized by processes of growth and decay. So, in English, analytical forms, a complex system of verbal form formation, are developing. But the system of declension and personal endings of the verb breaks up, words fall out of the vocabulary, new ones appear through borrowings or new formations.
The history of the language reveals all the processes that took place in the language at different stages of its existence. The reasons (factors) for changes that are embedded in the language itself are called linguistic (or intralinguistic), and the factors associated with the history of the people, with the general development of human society, extralinguistic. These two concepts and two sides of the history of the language are constantly in contact.
The accumulation of knowledge about the history of the development of different aspects of the language should eventually lead to such a level of final preparation when, with the help of an etymological dictionary, and to a large extent without it, it is possible to explain the origins of forms and phenomena reflected in any modern word.
The word is a semantic, grammatical and phonological unit. The word is also a unit of speech that serves the purposes of communication between people, i.e. it is a unit of communication.
It should be noted that each word is the smallest unit within a vast, efficient and balanced system, which is called the vocabulary or vocabulary.
Vocabulary in the system of linguistic means is the main acting force that carries semantic meaningful connections. This determines its important place in every lesson in a foreign language. Thus, the formation of lexical skills should always be in the teacher's field of vision.
Thus, the relevance of this study is to determine an effective set of tasks that will not only allow you to get acquainted with the best examples of literature, but also make students' speech richer and more interesting in terms of its lexical content. The foregoing determined the choice of the topic of the thesis work "Effective ways of forming lexical skills in teaching a foreign language".
The study and analysis of methodological, pedagogical, psychological, linguistic literature, as well as the results of observations obtained in the course of pedagogical practice in a foreign language at a university, made it possible to identify the following contradictions between the level of development of theoretical developments in the field of teaching vocabulary and their implementation in practice, which led to formulating a problem, the essence of which is how to more effectively organize work on the assimilation and expansion of the lexical potential of students.
The purpose of this research work is to consider the state of the English language as a whole. Analyze the epochs of language development through history.
Enriching students' vocabulary will be effective if etymological analysis is used in the process of vocabulary work. The use of references on the origin of words in the lessons will qualitatively and quantitatively enrich the vocabulary of schoolchildren. At the same time, quantitative enrichment is understood as an increase in the number of words in the active vocabulary of students, their assimilation of new meanings (including figurative ones) of words known to them; qualitative - as a clarification of the main meaning of the studied word, the disclosure of its semantic relationships in the language.
The scientific novelty of the research work lies in the fact that for the first time it considers language competence as an object of study, determines the content of its lexical aspect in teaching a foreign language.
The reliability of the results obtained is ensured by a set of initial methodological provisions and research methods that correspond to its tasks and logic; comparative study of the results of scientific pedagogical, psychological, linguistic and methodological research; results of experimental work, comparison of the results of ascertaining and control stages of the experiment.
Mastering vocabulary in the context of teaching a foreign language is of systemic importance. Assimilation of program lexical material can be carried out in accordance with the principle of lexical advance in teaching foreign languages.
This principle suggests that when teaching aspects of the language, special preference should be given to the lexical. It is in the vocabulary that the meanings are laid down, with the help of which and on the basis of which people communicate with each other.
The word perception and word usage are closely connected with the processes of formation, formulation and design of thought by the lexical means of a foreign language.
Lexical knowledge is an important part in the cognitive activity of the student. As an integral part, they are included in the "cognitive base" of the student; provide a solid lexical basis in mastering the language.
The acquired knowledge about the various aspects of a foreign word affects:
a) the correct choice of the appropriate meaning of a foreign word from its entire structure to express the specified concept;
b) the ability to combine lexical units with each other based on the rules of lexical and grammatical valency;
c) the ability to express thoughts with the available lexical means.
Vocabulary - the vocabulary of the language, the totality of the words of the language. Depending on the nature of speech activity, active vocabulary is distinguished, an active dictionary (active vocabulary) - words that are used to express thoughts in speech and writing, owning them productively; passive vocabulary (passive vocabulary) - words that serve to receive oral and written information, they are passively mastered.
Proceeding from this, a lexical unit is such a unit, the main content of which is of a material nature, and the expression is in accordance with the rules for the formation of a given word, characteristic of a given language.
Thus, the concepts of "lexical unit" and "word" have a common basis, and everything that is said about the word often applies to the lexical unit. The teaching methodology uses the term "lexical unit", which includes words, set expressions, speech clichés [2].
The word is the central unit of language. This is the main nominative and cognitive unit of the language, which serves to name and communicate about objects, features, processes and relationships. The word is a structural-semantic two-sided unit of the language, which has a form (expression plan) and meaning (content plan). The word is the expression and manifestation of thought [3].
The word has two sides: external and internal. The outside is quite complex. The word is an irritant, it consists of visual and auditory components. Any word is also an action, and has articulatory and motorographic components.
Therefore, the assimilation of a word implies the formation in the cerebral cortex of temporary neural connections between the visual, auditory and motor areas of the cortex.
When talking about the inner side, they usually mean meaning and concept. Meaning is the relation of a word to the object or phenomenon that it denotes. Meaning is stable, it manifests itself in the process of communication in different contexts and is assimilated in activity, through use.
A concept is a form of thinking that reflects objects and phenomena in their essential features. It is not visual, does not contain all the richness of the individual features of the object. The concept is formed as a result of a number of logical techniques [4].
For many years, the methodology of teaching foreign language vocabulary was based on the associative concept in the understanding of the word. According to this concept, the word is considered as a connection of a conditional sound complex with a visual image, and finding a word is considered as a recollection of this connection.
To organize the learning process, it is important to know how these connections are formed in order to recreate these conditions during the assimilation of foreign vocabulary.
In the process of interacting with reality, a person learns or uses a word in a certain situation.
Thus, the interaction of a person with any object, designated with the help of a word, is not an isolated connection "subject - object", but naturally enters into this or that situation.
The following components can be distinguished in the lexical skill [5].
1. Auditory and speech traces from the word itself in their correlation: thanks to this, auditory control of the correctness of the word is carried out.
2. Correspondence of auditory and speech-motor traces of a word with a visual image of an object, with representations that can be single or general.
3. Associative connections of a word with a circle of other words, which is physiologically explained by the categorical behavior of the word, the tuning of the auditory and speech-motor traces of one word to the traces of others. In the speech product, this is expressed in stable and free phrases.
4. Connections of the word that make up its semantic meaning. Each word has many such connections, since they reflect the function of the object designated by the given word, the properties of the object, and its connection with other objects. It is legitimate to make the assumption that each of the connections of the semantic structure of the word is acquired only in the process of speech activity, and, therefore, is marked by the conditions in which this activity took place.
5. Correspondence of the word with the situation as a system of interlocutor relationships.


  1. Послание Президента Республики Казахстан Н.Назарбаева народу Казахстана. http://www.kazembassy.by/ofisial_astana/message.html

  2. Вокуева, О.Д. О параметрах учебного текста при обучении лексической стороне устной речи //Лингводидактические проблемы обучения иностранным языкам: межвузовский сборник /Под ред. Г.А.Баева, Н.В.Баграмова.- СПб: Изд. С.-Петерб. ун-та, 2011. – 301 c.

  3. Володина, Н.Н. Использование интерпретации иностранного текста как средство совершенствования иноязычной речи на старших курсах языкового вуза / Н.Н.Володина //Методическое пособие обучения иностранным языкам в школу и вузе – С-Пб.: Каро. 2011. – 78 c.

  4. Гальскова, Н.Д. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам / Н.Д. Гальскова – М.: АРКТИ, 2010. – 279 c.

  5. Гез, Н.И. Методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе: учебник / Н.И.Гез, М.В.Ляховицкий, С.К.Фоломкина - М.: Высшая школа, 2012. – 193 c.

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