Гиндин С.И. Внутренная организация текста: Элементы теории и семантический
анализ. Автореф. дисс. ... канд. филол. наук: 10.02.19. – М., 1972. – С. 23.
Байтұрсынов А. Тіл тағылымы. – Алматы: Ана тілі, 1992. – 448 б.
Миролюбов А.А. История отечественной методики иностранным языкам. – М:
Ступени, Инфра-М, 2002. – 448 с.
Scrivener J. Learning Teaching. A. Guidebook for English Language teachers.
Давыдов В.В. Теория развивающего обучения. – М.: Педагогика, 1986. – 142 с.
Шайкенова Г.Б.,
магистр, преподаватель
(г.Алматы, Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет)
В данной статье рассматриваются возможности использования дидактических игр
для повышения мотивации учащихся на уроке иностранного языка. В результате
повышения мотивации у учащихся развивается креативное мышление, появляется
уверенность в себе и ученик формируется как личность.
Ключевые слова: язык, педагогика обучения, развивать, воспитать, языковые
формы, дидактико-фонетические упражнения.
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №3(51), 2014 г.
Shaikenova G.B.,
master, teacher
(city Almaty, Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University)
The article deals with the possibilities of didactic games for increasing students’
motivation at the lessons of foreign language. At the result of increasing motivation students’
creative thinking is developed, also a student is formed as an individual.
Keywords: language, learning pedagogics, to develop, to educate, linguistic forms,
didactic-phonetic exercises.
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №3 (51), 2014 ж.
UDC 811.111-111
A.A. Abdullaeva, D.I. Lebaeva,
(city Almaty, Kazakh State
Women’s Teacher Training University)
Abstract: On the basis of the theoretical and practical part of the work we have come to the
conclusion that the game helps communication, it can facilitate the transfer of experience, new
knowledge, correct assessment of behavior, human skills development, its perception, memory,
thinking, imagination, emotions, such features collectivism, activity, discipline, observation,
Keywords: role playing, conflict, method of training, experience, pronunciation,
Sound structure of language, ie, collection of all sound media that make it the material side
(sounds, combinations of sounds, stress, rhythm, melody, intonation, pauses). In elementary
school, it is necessary to lay the foundation for good pronunciation. It is very important to
correctly pronounce the sounds is the main oral language.
Perhaps one of the most important components of the learning process is the phonetics of
English. Therefore, special attention is occupied by the phonetic English exercises as you learn
his name. The fact that not all of the sounds uttered in English, as well as in Russian. English
consonants seem to us much softer, if we listen to the person with the correct British
pronunciation. Of course, the American variant pronunciation much different from the British .
And some English vowels are a large problem, as in Russian language they do not. Often
students have difficulty in reading - they find it difficult to read certain words, as according to
the rules of English phonetics same vowel can be read four (!) In different ways. For example, in
the words cat, artist, and, ache vowel and read differently [cæt], [a: tist], [әnd], [eik]. Here, in
square brackets given spelling words. With it, you are already familiar from the previous lessons
In order to avoid misunderstandings during a call should be performed as many exercises
to practice dialogue, try to read as much as possible, or better yet, out loud, as you quickly get
used to and learn to correct their own right as wrong. So let's Practice.
Exercise 1
Read aloud the following suggestions . Follow the correct pronunciation. Near are sounds
which are drawn to attention.
Young King Kong was stronger than strong. [ŋ]
Rose knows Joe phones Sophie, but Sophie and Joe don't know Rose knows. [әʊ]
The fat cat sat on the man's black hat. [æ]
Sarah and Mary share their pears fairly. [eә]
Martha Smith's an author and an athlete. [θ]
Vera drove to Venice in a Van. [v]
Wendy went away twice a week. [w]
Nile crocodiles have the wildest smiles. [ai]
My mother's brother's my uncle; my uncle's son's my cousin. [ʌ].
The rabbits raced right around the ring. [r]
Exercise 2
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №3(51), 2014 г.
Read the following words . At each prompt, locate the word with another vowel .
rude, run, but, luck, mug.
done, love, move, son, much.
calm, star, fair, half, March.
light, quite, type, pair, might.
cow, start, now, house, found.
Answers to Exercise 2 :
rude [u:]; 2 . move [u:]; 3 . fair [eә]; 4 . pair [eә]; 5 . start [a:].
Do not forget that practice is more and faster you will achieve results!
Phonetic goal of the game:
to train students in the pronunciation of English sounds ;
teach students to read out loud and clear poem ;
learn a poem for the purpose of reproduction by roles .
Games «phonetic» is used for the development of auditory attention in children and
memory, ability to hear and differentiate sounds in longitude and shorts, interdental hear sounds,
training students in the pronunciation of foreign language sounds, learning the verses for the
purpose of reproduction by roles .
Importance of phonetic games
Develop auditory attention and memory of preschool children , it is important to teach
them to listen and hear the differences of pronunciation and intonation of English speech . Many
used games contribute to memorize English words, teach children to speak in different
tempos.Adults and children will be helpful to teach memory different English poem , tongue
twisters , proverbs, dogovorki
The game «The Wizard» Develop on time with the children in the tale of wizards and
magic napravte sounds of turning on a completely different subject , change the letters and
sounds that came from the word altogether new . Example: «Who can turn into a cat hat ! And
what we get ? Hat - Cat! By changing the sound [h] the sound [K]».
Playing on care
Rules: Teacher calls sounds simultaneously shows the corresponding transcription. From
time to time you need to make mistakes in pronunciation . Children need to listen carefully and
to detect errors.
Guess the sound
Rules: One student calls a few words , which must meet the same sound several times, and
the other guys have to guess a sound .
Quickest Terms : children distributing cards on the cards in the first column place my
words in the English language , in the second column - opposite the respective words of their
transcription and the third - the translation of words. Words in the English language are listed in
order. Every child should once hear a particular word in English, put it next to the room with the
correct transcription and translation into Russian (you can connect the line) . Wins the one who
is faster and with fewer errors perform difficult tasks.
Tongue twisters:
Children must say the teacher tongue twister several times , you will need to accelerate the
pace of each repetition .
Pat's black cat is in Pat's black hat.
If you, Andy, have two candies give one candy to Sandy, Andy.
A cup of nice coffee is in nice coffee-cup.
Catch the word
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №3 (51), 2014 ж.
Rules: teacher says the word , offering kids ( rozpredelit Command ) in turn called , what
does the word of the names differ .
Example: cup - cup - cap - cup, bad - bad - bad - bed, sheep - ship - ship - ship
presentation sounds Bees (show on colorful image of two bees)
Rules: teacher tells the children that one of the bees flew in from far and understands only
English and the other - of our country. British bee buzzes loudly [ð], and says our [s ] . Bees
make friends and talk on a huge beautiful flower - the restaurant , telling each other how they
live in their own countries . ( Alternately, alternate sounds [ð], [ h ]).
The teacher gives the children cards with pictures ( pictures may be all different ) . Given
one job for all « Match line Pictures, objects which begin with the same sound».
GAME 2. «Find, what words hidden sounds that I will utter». The teacher shows the
children a picture and clearly pronounces the names of objects depicted on them . Guys need to
show that image in which hid the specified sound . ( Or clap . Sounds practiced with children
before the game ).
GAME 3. «Find the words rhyme».
The teacher says the word , and the children have to find a rhyme to it . You must have a
set of images with objects that could rhyme :
doll-ball dog-frog
snake-cake clock-cock
bee-tree see-we
mouse - house toy-boy
GAME 4. «Guess the voice of those who came to visit you».
Did any of the guys , eyes closed, stands at the blackboard , and the other disciple loudly
pronounces the words of greeting :
Good morning, Pete!
How are you?
One who stands at the blackboard , the voice must guess who greeted him , must respond
to the greeting , calling the student by name:
Good morning, Olga!
I amine, thank you!
GAME 5 . «Little Kitty»
Articulation sounds [æ], [l],
Children know and sing the song «Little Kitty».
Little Kitty laps her milk,
Lap, lap, lap.
Her tongue goes out,
Her tongue goes in,
Lap, lap, lap.
Little Kitty (lap) likes her milk,
(repeat the last lines ).
Мильруд Р.П., Максимова И.Р. Современные концептуальные принципы
коммуникативного обучения ИЯ. // Иностранные языки в школе, №4, 2000.
Dobson Julia M. Effective Techniques for English Conversation Groups. – United States
Information Agency, Washington, DC, 1992.
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №3(51), 2014 г.
Tomalin B., Stempleski S. Cultural Awareness. – Oxford, 1993.
Абанина Н.В. Ролевые игры на уроках в младших классах с углублённым
изучением немецкого языка // Иностранные языки в школе, 1997, №1.
Livingstone C. Role Play in Language Learning. – Oxford, 1992.
Канаева В.М. Использование ДЕ в ролевых играх при обучении французскому
языку в начальных классах // Иностранные языки в школе, 1993, №3.
Стронин М.Ф. Обучающие игры на уроках английского языка. – М., 1984.
Hadfield J. Intermediate Communication Games, 1990.
Ladousse J.P. Role Play. – Oxford, 1992.
Strange D. Chatterbox II. – Oxford University Press, 1997.
Whitney N. Open Doors 1. – Oxford University Press, 1994.
Абдуллаева А.А., Лебаева Д.І.,
(Алматы қ., Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті)
Сабақ барысындағы ойын әдістері оқушыларды оқу қызметіне ынталандыру құралы
ретінде ойын әдістері мен жағдайларының көмегі арқылы құрылады. Ойын элементтерін
қолдана отырып мұғалім оқушылардың сабаққа деген қызығушылығын, зейінін арттыру
мақсатында әртүрлі әдіс-тәсілдерді қолданады. Атап айтқанда, мұғалім ойын
жағдаяттарын туғыза отырып, әртүрлі заттарды қолдану арқылы сұрақтар қойып, затты
көрсетіп, түсіндіріп, ойын сюжетін құрастырады. Оқушылар ойын ойнау барысында
үйренген сөздерін айтып қана қоймай, оның қандай мағынада қолданылатынын да біледі.
Ойын оқу пәндерінің мазмұнымен тығыз байланыста жүргізілгенде ғана дұрыс нәтижелер
Түйін сөздер: қойылымдық ойындар, шиеленіс, оқыту әдістемесі, тәжірибе,
дыбысталу, қарым-қатынас.
Абдуллаева А.А., Лебаева Д.И.,
(г. Алматы, Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет)
В ходе педагогической практики мы убедились, что ролевая игра мотивирует
речевую деятельность, т. к. обучаемые оказываются в ситуации, когда актуализируется
потребность что-либо сказать, спросить, выяснить, доказать. Школьники наглядно
убеждаются в том, что язык можно использовать как средство общения. Игра
активизирует стремление ребят к контакту друг с другом и учителем, создает условия
равенства в речевом партнерстве, разрушает традиционный барьер между учителем и
учеником. В играх школьники овладевают такими элементами общения, как умение
начать беседу, поддержать ее, прервать собеседника в нужный момент, согласиться с ним
или опровергнуть его, умение целенаправленно слушать собеседника, задавать
уточняющие вопросы и т. д.
Ключевые слова: ролевые игры, конфликты, методы обучения, практика,
произношение, коммуникация.
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №3 (51), 2014 ж.
UDC 811.111-111
A.M. Kulshaeva
, master
Rysbayeva, candidate of
philological sciences,
associate professor,
scientific supervisor
(city Almaty, Kazakh State Women’s
Teacher Training University)
Abstract: In games the students master the elements of communication such as the ability
to start a conversation, to support her, to interrupt the interlocutor at the right moment, accept it
or reject it, the ability to specifically listen to the interlocutor , ask clarifying questions, etc. Not
much important is that role game teaches to be sensitive to the social use of a foreign language.
Good conversationalist is often not the one who enjoys better structures, and the one who can
most clearly recognize the situations in which there are partners, consider the information that is
already known (from the situation, experience) and to select the linguistic tools that will be most
effective for communication.
Keywords: role playing, conflict, method of training, experience, pronunciation,
Role play is used to solve the complex problems of mastering a new , binding material ,
creativity, formation of general educational skills, enables students to understand and learn the
material from different perspectives .
In role-playing game based learning lie in elements: the presence of roles, situations in
which there is a realization of roles, different game objects. However, unlike other games,
including the nature of the training games, role-playing game has individual, inherent to this type
of training features, without which the game can not be considered a role: modeling in the game
close to real conditions, the presence of conflict, mandatory joint activity participants in the
game, flying games as stipulated by the terms.
Role-playing game - a method of training and education of the individual. It is useful
precisely because it allows participants to reveal themselves, learn to take a proactive stance .
Roles are distributed based on the knowledge, skills and abilities of formation of foreign
As you know, the school foreign language course aims to provide practical mastery of the
subject. This task requires the foreign language teachers to teach the ability to communicate in
the target language. One of the effective methods of teaching communication are role-playing
games. Roleplay is a schematic reproduction of her participating in a real practical activity
creates conditions of real communication. Effectiveness of training here is primarily due to the
explosion of motivation, increased interest in the subject. Game activates guys desire to contact
with each other and the teacher creates the conditions for equality in speech partnership destroys
the traditional barrier between teacher and student. Roleplaying enable timid diffident students to
speak and thus to overcome the barrier of uncertainty. In games the students master the elements
of communication such as the ability to start a conversation, to support her, to interrupt the
interlocutor, at the right moment to agree with his opinion or disprove it. Almost all the time in
the role play is allocated to voice practice, it is not only speaking, but listening and maximum
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №3(51), 2014 г.
active, since it is to understand and remember the replica partner, relate it to the situation
properly respond to it. Games have a positive effect on the formation of cognitive interests of
students, fosters the development of a foreign language. They contribute to the development of
such qualities as self-reliance, initiative, a sense of community education. Students actively,
enthusiastically work, help each other, listen carefully to their comrades; teacher only manages
training activities. Role Play allows to take into account the age characteristics of students, their
interests, expands the context of activity; acts as an effective means of creating a motive to
speaking another dialogical dialogue, promotes the implementation of the activity approach in
learning a foreign language, when the focus is on student with their interests and needs.
Roleplay has great training opportunities:
Role play can be regarded as the most accurate model of communication. Because it
involves imitation of reality in its most essential features. In role-playing game, as in life itself,
speech and nonverbal behavior is closely intertwined partners.
Role-playing game has great potential - motivational incentive plan. In terms of training
not just call the motive for saying. The difficulty lies in the following mediation: the teacher
should describe the situation so that the atmosphere there was communication, which, in turn,
causes the internal need of students to express thoughts. In terms of foreign language
communication is important that learners were able to express what they want to say. Language
support ( vocabulary and grammar material, skills in using them ) often obscure the very purpose
- communication and from students and from teachers . On the lessons prevail statements
brought to life by a directive: «Tell me about your friend», «Tell me about your family», as the
teacher wants to see how students are able to combine the appropriate language material . Same
motive that guides students in this lies beyond speech: it is important to answer the teacher. The
situation changes if the students involved in the role play. Similarly, certain «given
circumstances» create a common incentive background and the specific role that gets pupil
narrows it down to subjective motivation.
Role Play enhances associative database at mastering the language materials. For
example, a replica Did you do your hometask?, Often perceived by students mechanically , gains
importance in the role play. Trainee, playing the role of father, turns to another student who
performs the role of a son with a question that expresses reproach, resentment and even a threat .
Emotion that accompanies this replica now, gives it natural uniqueness, establishing direct
communication with the situation and creating favorable conditions for storage.
Role Play contributes to the formation of educational cooperation and partnership.
Role-playing game has educational value. Students, though in elemental form, get
acquainted with the technology of the theater.
Thus, the role-playing game has great potential in practice, education and educational
Formation of communicative culture, increase motivation to learn a foreign language and
improve the efficiency of the educational process as a whole contribute to role play . Role-
playing game - a form of collective organization of training activities on foreign language lesson
, which is aimed at forming and development of speech skills in conditions as close to those of
real communication.
Role-playing game «Who is your writer» can be used on the main stage of the lesson,
students are playing not only reinforce the material on «Books», but also repeated a theme how
to ask questions. The game uses situational role. This game creates conditions of equality in
speech partnership, student teacher asks a question, thus breaking down the traditional barrier
between teacher and student .
Roleplay «At the young pioneer Leader's Meeting»
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №3 (51), 2014 ж.
Specifying first disciple You Sr. pioneer leader . The seminar counselors you talk about
what books kids love to read. Setting the second student: You party workshop. Agree with a
Pioneer senior or contradict him.
For example: Senior Pioneer leader : Children like to read books on adventure.
Workshop participant: You are right. Children like to read books on adventure.
This game can be used on the main stage of the lesson. The game uses situational role. In
the game, students master the elements of communication such as the ability to start a
conversation, to support her, to interrupt the interlocutor, at the right moment to agree with his
opinion or disprove it.
Roleplay «After the Holidays»
Specifying first disciple you - old Hottabych. In summer you have not seen with his friend
Wolken. Ask how your friend spent the holiday.
Setting the second student: You - Volka. During summer vacation, you read a lot of
interesting books . Share your thoughts with old Hottabych.
This game is very exciting, here used situational role. Methodically correctly will use this
game on the main stage of the lesson. Playing the game «After the holidays», students will
gladly give free rein to their imagination.
Roleplay «Telephone call»
Specifying first disciple Two weeks in your class will be held debate on the book Pushkin's
«Anna Karenina». You do not have this book. In the school library dismantled all available
instances. Need to go to city children's library. But before we go there, call your friends and find
out, maybe one of them has this book.
Setting the second student: You call a classmate , find out what he wants.
For example:
A.: Yes?
K.: Good afternoon, Olga.
O.: Good afternoon, Kate. How are you?
K.: I am well, thank you. I hope you are well too.
O.: I am well, thank you.
K.: Olga, do you have the book «Anna Karenina»?
A.: No, I haven't.
K.: Do you know who has?
O.: Ira has.
K.: Thank you. Good-bye.
O.: Good-bye.
In this game uses the positional role game is well suited to the main stage of the lesson.
This game serves as an effective training tool dialogical dialogue. The student should understand
and remember replica partner correlate it with the situation properly respond to it.
Roleplay «Bookshelf»
Instructions : You are a class of students , and you have agreed to take each other's books,
to share experiences about the read.
Students are encouraged to use their own found information about books and writers.
For example:
So you've got some new books on your bookshelf.
Yes, I have. This is a book of poems by Robert Burns.
Well, he is Scotland's greatest poet.
Yes, and here is my favourite «My Heart's in the Highlands». Just listen: «The hills of the
Highlands forever I love».
And I remember his revolutionary poems. «The Tree of Liberty» is the best of them.
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №3(51), 2014 г.
You may take this book and read it.
Oh, thank you! Here is a book for you.
This game uses situational role play can be used on the main stage of the lesson. The game
has a positive effect on the formation of cognitive interests, develop independence, responsibility
of students.
Thus, almost all the training time in the role play is allocated to voice practice, it is not
only speaking , but also listening maximally active, because he must understand and remember
replica partner , relate it to the situation to determine whether it is relevant to the situation and
the problem of communication and properly respond to the cue.
Role-playing games have a positive effect on the formation of cognitive interests, promote
the conscious development of a foreign language. They contribute to the development of such
qualities as self-reliance, initiative, a sense of community education. Students actively,
enthusiastically work, help each other, listen carefully to their comrades; teacher only manages
training activities.
Roleplay motivating speech activity, since trainees are in a situation where demand is
updated to say anything, ask to find out to prove. Roleplay answers questions why (motive) and
why (purpose ) to say something. Thus, the focus of the conversation partners is, that in itself is a
positive factor. Pupils clearly become convinced. What language can and should be used as a
means of communication.
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