Sheyma Zholay
Suleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences
In article disclosure character and space human resources in the contemporaneous system of
economy attitude disposition market of labor they influence on the contemporaneous production and
significance in the creation a new economy of information.
Мақалада адам ресурстарының қазіргі экономикалық жүйеде орны мен рөлі, еңбек нарығын
және олардың өндіріске әсері мен жаңа инновациялық экономиканың құрылуындағы мағынасы
В статье освещается роль и место человеческих ресурсов в современной системе
экономических отношений, характеризующих рынок труда, их влияние на современное
производство и значение в создании новой инновационной экономики.
Key words: human resources, human capital, human potential, market of labor, labor force,
entrepreneurial ability, informational resources.
Man occupies a central place in the development of modern concepts of the world. The world
community has reached a compromise that human capital is fundamental to the prosperity of both
countries as a whole, and individual enterprises. In the study of management problems in the post
industrial society need to focus primarily not on the material process and logistical factors, and on the
person and his characteristics, as evidenced by studies of foreign and domestic scientists. /1/ According to
this approach, the main factor of economic growth recognized human capital.
In the emerging new economy is now closely associated with the information revolution, there is a
sharp change in the relationship between physical and human capital. Decisive factor in the development
of enterprises and organizations to improve their competitiveness in the market is the human capital, its
ability to transform information into knowledge. In modern conditions of physical capital has lost its
dominant position among competitive advantages, industry and economy. Information type of a market
economy based on the reproduction of human capital, and the main source of its development are
investments in this capital. Investigation of the role of human capital in economic growth, enhancing the
competitiveness of enterprises suggests that the views of domestic foreign scholars and practitioners on
the man as the main factor in the development of enterprises and organizations have changed
significantly. Economic paradigm that dominates the end of XIX to the 60s of the last century, considered
man as only one of the conditions of the production process as a factor of production, part of the process
of labor./2/
B Formation of a new category requires its theoretical understanding and defining its place in the
system of economic categories of modern economics. Named category refers to the system of relations
that characterize the labor market. In today's economy, which provides entry into a new stage of
development of an innovative, great importance attaches to the resources provided by the labor market.
No production is impossible without a man, that form of labor organization describes the stages of
development and the formation of a new socio economic system. Therefore, only a man with his creative
energy is able to create and provide the conditions for the emergence of an innovative economy. Human
resources represented by the labor market, form the basic conditions for the development of the new
economy. To human resources must also include entrepreneurial skills, the importance of which in social
production is undeniable. Obviously, entrepreneurial skills necessary to classify a certain type of human
capital. Entrepreneurial skills include not only knowledge and skills, but also the talent business,
economic intuition and luck.
A special place in the analysis of human resources information resources occupy primarily because
named kind of resources is the result of human activity and result of the functioning of human resources.
Thus alienability product does not lead to its loss by its creator, and causes, on the contrary, to enhance
the quality of the human resources.
The existence of information in two forms: as a product and how the knowledge gained in the
course of employment, enriched human resources, increases the severity of the problems associated with
the creation and retention of human resources at an individual enterprise. This creates a competitive
advantage in today's business environment. Human resources are also included human capacity that can
be realized under certain conditions, but may remain unused in a particular manufacture. Human
resources, as a structured set of labor, human capital and information, and human potential, and still have
the personal qualities that lead to human interaction in the process of direct production, creating a close
knit team, which has the overall objective, based not only on the distribution of roles and locations in the
production process, but also mutual support and assistance for the purpose of production. It should be
noted that the current labor market operates in a highly competitive environment. This is illustrated by the
high level of unemployment. On the analysis of statistical data for 2010, unemployment was about five
million people, accounting for 6.7%. /3/
Human resources claimed by modern production, represent a set of not only professional skills, but
also personal qualities that lead to more efficient use of professional abilities. In modern conditions, is
becoming the norm for carriers of human resources constant professional growth in a variety of training
courses, workshops or the development of additional professions. Such professional development is
characterized mainly human resources involved in the production needed to keep the achieved career
positions. Further training also affects an increase in labor efficiency and improving the quality of human
resource capacity of the organization. Typically, participants production highly adapt more easily to
changing technological and economic conditions. Changing industrial relations occurring in modern
conditions, leads to the need for changes in the structure of human resources. In addition to simple labor
in the production of increasingly demand human resources, whose composition included and human
capital. Totality of human resources and human capital is a collection characterized by the staff of the
enterprise. The most competitive companies seek to improve their human resources involved, revealing as
possible, human potential, useful for the purposes of the organization. /4/
Labor force as a commodity, unlike other kinds of goods, has qualitative feature: it is inherent
considerable plasticity, the ability to actively change their characteristics and thus actively influence the
market situation of supply and demand. Naturally, everyone has its own unique range of product
characteristics to him, callable labor market. Some have it more broadly, at others has it all depends on
the available knowledge, skills from the fact that in the broadest sense of the person referred to experience
, as well as its ability to acquire new experience both perceived and potential, which sometimes does not
know and the person herself.
Representing a significant step forward compared to the human resources, the concept of the
human factor has certain limitations within it people are not seen as the main value of the company, but as
a factor external to him the development process. Clearly, this reflects the limited level of development
reached by our society. The human factor the economic and political term, the subject of interest of
modern general systems theory, psychology of work, ergonomics, and sociology. Attention to the human
factor is directly related to the need to accelerate economic and social development, which cannot be
achieved through authoritarian, administrative and bureaucratic methods of management./5/
With the increasing mobility of capital and technology competitiveness depends entirely on the
quality, productivity and flexibility of human resources. Leading experts say directly that as the developed
countries in the coming postindustrial era human capital will become increasingly important. This
suggests a new understanding of the role and the place of man in the modern workplace. Organizations
need to create the appropriate conditions in the internal and external environments for the development
and utilization of human potential:
Implement a focused local government activity every person acting on information and energy flows to
ensure the harmonization of life and " awakening" psychophysiological reserves rights;
In order to identify successful performance professional, personal and spiritual components of the
human factor, to determine their compliance with the chosen path of development constraints. Currently,
an employee organization shall be considered as an important factor in the development of any business.
That man, with his habits, willingness or unwillingness to work to achieve their goals or corporate
organization forms as a single organism.
System of relations man organization is a set of interrelated elements that determine the order of
human interaction and organization. In the normal course of business organization gives the employee
certain resources in order to obtain a product which is a consequence brings profit organization and
contributes to the achievement of organizational goals. As part of the organization, a person operating
under a media organization formed: the organizational, economic, sociocultural, institutional, legal and
others that have a significant impact on economic behavior. /6/
Human potential the main driving force of social progress. It is based on close interaction and
influence both internal and external factors: the family, the economy, public relations, communications
and many others. Work is becoming more skilled, intelligent. Are washed out of the old specialized
professions and manual labor. Automation and robotics, as world experience shows, do not lead to a
reduction, and to a redistribution of jobs, structural unemployment. To replace one other professions
come, and the significance of existing continuously changing. Despite some work ethic crisis, manifested
primarily in the fact that the work in the lives of many people ceased to play a central role , the value of
work in the mass consciousness is still quite high. Different socio professional groups assign work
second place. A total value hierarchy ranks first family, third and fourth place is divided between material
security and wellbeing. But the family, and the more material security are closely related to labor. Even
those who do not love their profession, indicate that it helps to fill out and organize their lives. Day, week,
year subordinated to the rhythm of specified work; as are functionally dissected and place of work, home,
vacation spot.
Despite the displacement of labor from production, these concepts imply a huge boost the role of
man. In fact, no longer becomes effective routine, partial, monotonous work, and the work of a diverse,
holistic, creative. The emergence of new professions , implying that labor, liquidate a rigid hierarchy,
moreover, people will no longer be an appendage of the machine, a "partial " employee. Information
society involves employees in decisionmaking, working conditions, giving a choice, not a rigid, hand
painted program labor operations, the conditions that encourage creativity, not blind obedience. To do
this, society is characterized by the emergence of new organizational forms, built on the principle of
decentralized cells, providing a maximum of democracy.
If the core values and motives of human activity of industrial society is to meet the physiological
needs and the desire for security, protection from the risk, then the transition to a postindustrial society
activates other value: the desire for contact, communication, prestige, and ultimately as a goal to
personal selffulfillment. Of course, a change in values and motivations associated with the economic
progress of recent decades, dramatically raise the level of quality of life and transform living standards.
This has led to an increase in personal autonomy and increased significance far from labor spheres of life.
The very emergence of "allergy work ", absenteeism, loss of moral interest in labor, erosion of work ethic
as a whole is largely due to a shift in value orientation systems primarily new middle layers of material to
postmaterialist orientation and penetration of other sectors of society. /7/
On the other hand, challenges do not cease for the HRM. Modern organizations can survive in the
dynamic, competitive environment of today only if they capitalize on the full potential of each employee.
Unfortunately, many companies have not understood the importance of the human capital in successful
operations. The recruitment and selection of the best employees is a very difficult obligation. Even
companies that are voted in the topten places to work at, often endure long periods of hard work to
realize that human element is all an organization should care about. New challenges arise even now for
the organization, and it is certain that new challenges will never cease to emerge. Therefore, the use of
proper Human Resources techniques is a really powerful way for organizations to overcome these
challenges, and to improve not only their quantitative goals but also their organizational culture, and their
qualitative, cognitive aspects.
1. Crawford R In the Era of Human capital. N.Y.: Harper Business, 1991,P. http://uecs.ru/uecs25
2. http://allendy.ru/teoriaorg/329chelovecheskiyfaktor.html
3. Федеральная служба государственной статистики/Электронный ресурс: Режим
доступа: http://www.gks.ru
4. http://polbu.ru/personnel_management/ch01_all.html
5. http://www.rusnauka.com/8_NND_2010/Economics/60695.doc.htm10
6. http://polbu.ru/personnel_management/ch01_all.html
Nazik Guler
Suleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences
Аңдатпа. Әйелдің бұрынғы кездегі және бүгінгі таңдағы бизнестегі, қоғамдағы және
саясаттағы рөлі кең талқыланатын және көбінесе даулы мәселе болып табылады. Дегенмен де,
әйелдердің қоғамдағы жағдайы бүгін едәуір жақсарды. Қазіргі уақытта, жоғары деңгейдегі білімі
бар әйелдердің санына қарамастан, басшылық лауазымдағы әйелдердің үлесі неғұрлым төмен
деңгейде қалып отыр. Алайда менеджер лауазымына үміткер әйелдер жұмыс орнында белгілі бір
проблемалар мен кедергілерге кезігеді. Еңбек өмірінде әйелдердің алдынан кезігетін көрінбейтін
тосқауылдар әйнек төбе деп аталады. Бұл зерттеу басшы әйелдердің көзге көрінбейтін кедергілерін
және әйелдер жұмыс орнында бұл кедергілерден қалай өте алатынын сипаттайды.
Annotation. The role of women in business, society and politics in the past and today is a much
discussed and often controversial subject. Although the position of women in society today is seriously
improved, there is still a great deal of. Nowadays, in spite of the numbers of women with higher level
education is rapidly increasing, the rate of women in senior management positions is remained in lower
level. However the female candidates to the manager`s position are facing with certain challenges and
obstacles in the workplace. Invisible barriers that confront because of their gender in working life of
women is called glass ceiling. This study is described the invisible barriers of women managers and the
ways how women can overcome these barriers in workplace.
Аннотация. Роль женщин в бизнесе, обществе и политике в прошлом и сегодня является
широко обсуждаемой и зачастую спорный вопрос. Хотя положение женщин в обществе сегодня
серьезно улучшилась. В настоящее время, несмотря на число женщин, имеющих образование
высшего уровня, доля женщин на руководящих должностях остались в более низком уровне.
Однако женщины кандидаты на позицию менеджера сталкиваются с определенными проблемами
и препятствиями на рабочем месте. Невидимые барьеры, которые стоят перед женщинами в
трудовой жизни называется стеклянный потолок. Это исследование описывает невидимые барьеры
женщинруководителей и способы, как женщины могут преодолеть эти барьеры на рабочем месте.
Key words: women managers; the glass ceiling.
Both men and women managers different activities in their professional and social lives. Despite
the fact that women constitute more than a half of the population on the plant, they lack the equal
percentage in work labor. In general, the career opportunities are significantly lower for women than men.
Although women are good educated, they get generally non managerial jobs, and earn less than men who
works in same positions. Especially, in less developing countries, women face various prejudices related
to their sex, role and duties the society enforced on them. The unseen obstacles created by others to
prevent women from being promoted to higher managerial posts is called “glass ceiling”. Women
managers sometimes do their best to overcome these obstacles, but sometimes they have to put up with
these obstacles. Some specific professions, best paid occupations may never be able to offer women same
career opportunities as men. In some cases you can see some of them as women managers. In such
occupations men are more authoritative than women.
Women gain various economical, public and social advantages along with various difficulties.
Sometimes being a mother and family issues make women’s work life more difficult. Even both man and
woman in a family are working full time, all responsibilities regarding to house holding, cooking, the
upbringing and education of their children are vested to women. It is general accepted role distribution
between women and men. In the very beginning of their professional life women come across a lot of
problems when they apply for a job, get salary, being promoted or take part in different professional
development courses.
Because of the problems occurred during promotion, there are fewer women in higher managerial
positions than men. When the company`s management decides to promote somebody to top management
position, they prefer to give this duty to men candidate, even woman, who has been working many years
at this company and has same job experience is also has a chance or right to get this pro motion.
circumstances were the reason to do a lot of researches regarding to these themes. According to those
studies women managers can advance just only to middle positions. In the list of women who currently
hold CEO positions at companies that rank on the 2013 Fortune 1000 lists it can be seen that women
currently hold 4.6 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO positions. /1/
Academic studies regarding to women management began to studied in the USA in the 1970`s in
the USA. It examines women’s lives locally and globally, focusing on how gender intersects with other
forms of difference including race, disability, ethnicity, class, age, and sexual orientation. “Glass ceiling”
is a term coined in the USA in 1970s. This concept defines the invisible and artificial obstacles created by
organizational prejudices and models in order to prevent women from being promoted to higher
managerial positions. /2/
“Glass ceiling” is the obstacles women face in state organizations, educational institutions or non
profit institutes during the process of being promoted to higher levels. The glass ceiling is used to show
the uncertainness of the problem. /3/
The glass ceiling is a barrier "so subtle that it is transparent, yet so strong that it prevents women
from moving up the corporate hierarchy." From their vantage point on the corporate ladder, women can
see the highlevel corporate positions but are kept from "reaching the top". One of the important reasons
prevents to get a promotion in top management for a woman is the prejudices about women managers.
Generally, the characteristic determination about men managers is that they are most success oriented,
independent, selfconfident, and courageous than women. But the widely accepted meaning about women
is that they are more conscious, more polite, more humane, and more sensible. The women have a more
unsteady character structure; they need to continuously to be motivated, so they have lower success
motivation than men. The women are not confident and risky as men. In risky conditions the men can
control their feelings and they are more work – oriented, while the women prefer to manage equally.
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