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The fight against corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan as part of the national policy

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2. The fight against corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan as part of the national policy
During all periods of its development he led Kazakhstan and did not stop the fight against corruption. She wore a different character depending on the form of public relations.
The most difficult period is a crisis that is called economic. However, the economic component of the crisis is compounded by the crisis objectively social, moral and psychological. Such a state in the political sphere is called anomie. For political anomie characteristic of the expansion system of values, in general, due to the crisis of society, aggravation of contradictions between the proclaimed values ​​(wealth, power, success) and the inability to implement them for the majority of the members of society. As a result of this crisis, or political anomie people alienated from society, he becomes apathetic, bathrooms disappointment in life, can become to crime. *

The concept of political anomie closely related legal concept of anomie. From the point of view of the law anomie - a violation in the value-regulatory system of the individual and social groups, value-regulatory vacuum, low efficiency of social and, above all, the rule of law **.

The concepts of "anomie" and "crisis" are closely interlinked in the formal logical and practical index.

If anomie expresses the ratio of individual personalities to the generally accepted norms and moral values ​​of the social system in which they operate, in relation to the processes of corrupting should be borne in mind that the gap between the desired level of well-being and the real possibilities to achieve this level pushes a single person on search for illegal ways to achieve personal goals. This so-called "authorized," that is permitted ways of achieving the objectives are available only to a narrow circle of people. The paradox lies in the fact that access to the authorized methods of achieving the objectives in this case, again associated with illegal actions of representatives of certain social groups.

*См.: Аномия // Казахстанская политологическая энциклопедия. –Алматы, 1998. – С.21.
** См.: Юридический словарь. – М., 2007. – С.15.

An integrated approach to all the features of corruption offenses in particular historically

significant period of development of the country allows you to create and strengthen obschegos donative anti-corruption policies in a timely manner to make it a proper adjustment and exercise effective control over the process and the results of its implementation.

Anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is reflected in a number of public documents of state and international level, among which the most important are the anti-corruption program, anti-corruption strategy, laws against corruption and decrees of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the anti-corruption rules in sectoral legislation, international agreements (contracts) legal assistance in the implementation of the fight against corruption.

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