заРубежный опыт
в. лебедев
Конституция Российской Федерации – основа
социальной модернизации государства и
óïðàâëåíèå è
разбирательства; открытостью процедур подбора и назначения на судейские должности;
правом свободного доступа граждан и представителей средств массовой информации
в судебные заседания и присутствия на рассмотрении судебных дел; доступом к архивам
судебных решений; непосредственным взаимодействием судов со средствами массовой
Рассматривая информационную открытость правосудия как одно из условий обеспечения
его гласности и эффективности, Верховный Суд РФ выступил с законодательной инициативой
принятия Федерального закона «Об обеспечении доступа к информации о деятельности
судов в Российской Федерации», который был принят Федеральным Собранием РФ в
декабре 2008 года. Законом существенно расширены возможности информации, которая
обеспечивается присутствием граждан и других заинтересованных лиц в судебных заседаниях;
обнародованием (опубликованием) информации о деятельности судов в средствах массовой
информации; размещением этой информации и текстов судебных решений в сети Интернет;
ознакомлением с информацией, находящейся в архивах; предоставлением пользователям
информации о деятельности судов по их запросам.
Социально-правовая направленность проявилась и в другой законодательной инициативе
Верховного Суда Российской Федерации – принятии Федерального закона «О компенсации за
нарушение права на судопроизводство в разумный срок или права на исполнение судебной
акта в разумный срок».
Приведенные и другие инициативы Верховного Суда РФ служат важным вкладом в
общий процесс социальной модернизации государства и общества, служат важным вкладом
укрепления авторитета судебной власти.
В заключение хотелось бы еще раз подчеркнуть, что конституционное закрепление
и дальнейшее развитие положений, направленных на защиту прав и свобод человека и
гражданина, совершенствование деятельности государственных институтов, в том числе
судебной власти, служит одним из важных условий социально-экономической модернизации
государства и достижению стабильности гражданского общества.
Решению проблем социальной модернизации призван способствовать взаимный обмен
мнениями и информацией между нашими странами.
Дата поступления статьи в редакцию: 10 сентября 2012 г.
удк 342 (4/9)
sami sezai ural
The Member of
the Supreme Judicial court of Appeals
the riGht of the citizens for reference
to the constitutionAl court of turKey As
the wAy of new riGht seArchinG
The article reveals the concept of ‘human rights’, as accepted by a wide range of states, international
community and organizations. For the implementation of this phenomenon, both in the past and currently
a substantial amount of different works have been carried out, and new opportunities have been sought to
enable the citizen to protect his/her rights and freedoms, as in the case of Turkish society.
The author refers to history full of evidence of those times when people particularly actively fought for their
rights and freedoms against violence and authoritarianism. In the course of this struggle, authorities initially
provided certain rights and freedoms to individuals and limited their powers, and then these intentions were
expressed in written form.
The author points out that in order to more effectively implement the “legal state” concept, certain changes
were introduced into Article 148 of Turkish Constitution, and above all – methods to ensure citizens’ intensive
use of their fundamental rights and freedoms, and to reduce the number of appeals to the European Court of
Human Rights, which became possible due to the introduction of a new provision on the individual appeal of
citizens to the Constitutional Court of Turkey. From now on, every person has the right for an individual petition
(filing a complaint) to the Constitutional Court of Turkey, claiming his actions on the basis of the fact that the
fundamental rights and freedoms provided by the European Convention on Human Rights and its protocols,
supported by Turkey, have been violated by state authorities.
Keyword: Turkey, Constitution, Constitutional Court, human rights, individual application, basic rights and
Мақалада көп мемлекеттер, халықаралық бірлестіктер мен ұйымдар қабылдаған «адам құқығы»
түсінігі қарастырылады. Осы феноменді өмірге енгізу мақсатында, қазіргі уақытта да көптеген
әртүрлі жұмыстар өткізіліп жатыр, азаматтардың өз құқықтары мен бостандығын қорғай алу үшін,
түрік социумындағыдай жаңа мүмкіндіктер ізделу үстінде. Автор зорлық пен өктемшілдікке қарсы
адамдардың өз құқықтары мен бостандықтары үшін белсенді күрескен кезеңдеріне куә болатын тарихқа
жүгінеді. Осы күрес үдерісі барысында билік нақты құқық пен бостандықтың жекелігін өзінің өкілеттілігін
шектей отырып көрсетті, одан кейін осы интенциялар жазбаша түрдегі күйге енді. Сондай-ақ автор
құқықтық мемлекет түсінігін тиімді іске асыру мақсатында Түркия Конституциясының 148 бабына нақты
өзгертулер енгізілгенін көрсетті және алдымен – азаматтардың өз құқықтары мен бостандықтарын
қарқынды қолдану әдістері, Адам құқықтары жөніндегі Еуропалық сотқа жүгінудің санын азайту Түркия
Конституциялық сотына азаматтардың жеке үндеуі туралы жаңа ережені енгізуден кейін мүмкін болып
отыр. Бұдан былай әр адам өз әрекеттерін уәждей отырып Адам құқығын қорғау туралы Еуропалық
Конвенцияда қаралған, сондай-ақ оған тіркелген хаттамасымен тараптары Түркия болып табылатын,
оның негізгі құқықтары мен бостандықтары, Түркия Конституциялық Сотында жеке үндеуге құқық алды
(шағым түсіру), әрекеттері мемлекеттік органдарымен бұзылды.
Тірек сөздер: Түркия, конституция, конституциялық сот, адам құқықтары, жеке өтініш, негізгі
құқықтар мен бостандықтар.
В статье раскрывается понятие «права человека», принятого многими государствами,
международными сообществами и организациями. С целью воплощения в жизнь этого феномена
и ранее, и в настоящее время проводится множество различных работ, ведутся поиски новых
возможностей для защиты гражданином своих прав и свобод, как это происходит и в турецком
Автор обращается к истории, исполненной свидетельств о тех периодах, когда люди особенно
активно боролись за свои права и свободы против насилия и авторитаризма. В процессе этой борьбы
власть вначале предоставляла индивидуумам определенные права и свободы, ограничивала свои
полномочия, затем эти интенции обрели форму в письменном виде. Автор указывает, что с целью
более эффективной реализации понятия правового государства в статью 148 Конституции Турции
были внесены определенные изменения и прежде всего – способы интенсивного использования
гражданами своих основных прав и свобод, уменьшения количества обращения в Европейский суд по
правам человека, что стало возможным вследствие введения нового положения об индивидуальном
обращении граждан в Конституционный суд Турции. Отныне каждый человек получал право на
индивидуальное обращение (подачу жалобы) в Конституционный Суд Турции, мотивируя свое
действо тем, что его основные права и свободы, предусмотренные в Европейской Конвенции о
защите прав человека, а также протоколом к ней, стороной которых является Турция, были нарушены
государственными органами.
Ключевые слова: Турция, конституция, Конституционный суд, права человека, индивидуальное
обращение, основные права и свободы.
At the present time the conception of “human rights” is recognized all over the world and most of
the countries, international communities and organizations make a practical work on realization of
this conception.
Looking back in history we can see that its main part is connected with people who faught against
repressive power and their struggle was aimed on protection of human rights and freedoms of
citizens. We can see that during the whole history as a result of this struggle the power provides the
citizens with definite rights and freedoms, restricts power’s duties and the results of these victories
are issued in a written form.
The initial documents of the human rights and freedoms are the “Magna Carta» (the Great
Charter, 1215), the Bill of Rights (England, 1689), Declaration of Independence (USA, 1776), the
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (France, 1789), the main and common goal of
which were to keep a balance between individuals and the state that has a power and authority.
заРубежный опыт
sami sezai ural
The right of the citizens for reference to the
Constitutional court of Turkey as the way of new
right searching
óïðàâëåíèå è
The social and political life experience demonstrates that in most cases it is not enough from the
side of the state to determine the main rights and freedoms and formalize them in legal documents.
İt is necessary to develop the new mechanisms in order to provide realization or protection of
constitutional rights and freedoms of the man and citizens in full measure. The Constitutional right
formed during the period after the Second World War was guided by this principle. The Constitutions
were developed by will of people and communities and realized over the years with account of
definite cultural factors; at the same time the state created the different institutions proceeding from
demands of society.
There is appeared a necessity to develop the new mechanisms when organizations which initially
were formed with a goal of the basic rights and freedoms protection (legislative guarantee) became
insufficient. Without doubt one of the effective mechanisms is judicial control and legal protection
of violated rights and freedoms. This way, a citizen, who confirms about violation his or her basic
rights and freedoms from the state, has achieved a chance to realize the right to apply both in
national and international courts. For this purpose in Turkey, 2010 year, by making an amendment
into Constitution there was introduced the conception of “the citizen’s right to apply to the court”.
i. judicial authority procedure in turkey.
Public and state systems created by people conditionally on political, social and cultural
singularities are represented as different forms of systems. Turkey has the democratic judicial state
system having legal effect under the principle of division of the government branches.
İn accordance with Constitutional order the Judicial authority of Turkey consists of the four main
courts: criminal and civil court, administrative, military and administrative court and military and
criminal court. Some publicists add the Constitutional court and the Court on legal conflicts to the
mentioned above, but we will not concentrate attention for them in the frames of our theme. In
accordance with the Article 154 of the Constitution of Turkey the Supreme Judicial Court of Appeals
is the final instance on consideration and resolution of decisions issued by judicial authorities and
according to the law are not a subject to be submitted to another judicial instance. The Supreme
Judicial Court of Appeals is also the first and final instance for the cases stipulated by the law.
İn accordance with the Article 155 of the Constitution of the Turkey the State Council as the highest
cassational instance is the final instance on consideration of the resolutions taken by administrative
court which are not related to another administrative courts. The highest cassational instance is also
the first and final instance for the certain cases stipulated by the law.
ii. Procedure of the citizens’ appeal to the court in turkey
The Constitutional court, as it said in some decisions, is a legal state that respects and protects
the rights and freedoms of the citizens; provides a legal order in society by the principle of justice
and equality, and presents itself as responsible one for providing of this legal order; complying with
Constitution, acting laws and depending from judicial control.
İn fact the judicial control is the basic element providing guarantee and other principles of the
legal state.
This way, the judicial control is the force to contain in the frames of legitimacy and law a legal
state which does not respect the basic rights and freedoms of the citizens and does not comply the
İn the goals of more effective bulding of the legal state, by the way of making an amendment into
the Article 148 of the Constitution, there has appeared the right of the citizens to appeal to the court.
The right is formalised in the Law about organization of the Constitutional court and court proceeding
№ 6126 and on its base in Statute on Constitutional court.
İn Turkey the way of the citizens’ appeal to the court stipulates for effective use of the basic
rights and freedoms, provides the actual observance of the rights and freedoms, specified by the
Constitution, and also provides the citizens with a right to appeal to the Constitutional court in case
of violation of any rights and freedoms, prescribed by the European convention on human rights, and
also inside the frames of the protocol confirmed by the government of Turkey.
AYDIN Öykü Didem, ‘The new mechanism in the Constitutional court procedure in Turkey: The appeal of a citizen to the
Constitutional court’, Ballot paper of the
Gazi’ University Law school, C. XV, Y.2011.
AYM K.T 17/5/2012, E 2011/37- K 2012/69
NALBANT Atilla, “European court on human rights and Appeal of the citizens to the Constitutional court»ECHR
and turkey-ii
According to the Article 46 of the Law № 6216, every individual person and legal person has a
right to appeal to the Court for protection of the violated by the government basic rights and freedoms
prescribed by the Constitution.
The Constitutional court that takes into consideration the citizens’ appeals consists of the two
Committees. Every Committee consists of the Deputy Chairman and 7 members, at the exception of
the Chairman of the Constitutional court. The Chairman distributes the duties among the members
of the Committee. The Committees take decisions by absolute majority through not less than 4
members of the Committee under the supervision of the Deputy Chairman.
The Committees when taking decisions on the questions of the motions’ receivability and regularity
to the constitutional appeal, in case of the unanimous consent failure regarding receivability, the
Committees take decision concerning receivability and regularity to the constitutional appeal of the
motions addressed directly to the Committees. The Committees consist of the two members and
considers the citizens’ appeals for the purpose of their deceivability.
iii. decisions taking upon the citizens’ appeals.
Decisions taking by the Constitutional court are different from decisions taken by the actions
which are subject to consideration of the other court procedures.
Consideration of the citizens’ appeal includes two stages: consideration of the motion on
receivability and the content’ regularity to the constitutional appeal.
A. consideration on regularity
A legal agency that received an appeal studies the written motion and attached documents on the
engrossment in accordance with requirements of the Articles 59 and 60 of the Statute. With a goal
of this procedure development in the legal agency was created the Bureau on consideration of the
citizens’ appeals under the direction of the authorized person. In the event of discovery of any lack
of correspondence at the submission of appeal or its enclosures, the authorized agency provides the
holder of right or, if any, his or her lawyer or legal representative with the 15 days term for removal
of disadvantages.
The Constitutional appeal should meet requirements stipulated by the Law in terms of the form,
content and authority for such kind of appeal. A failure to submit an appeal in time, incorrect registration
of an appeal and missing deadline to remove the disadvantages is the ground for rejection of the
constitutional appeal for acceptance and consideration. This decision is an administrative rejection
and is subject to appeal in the Committee during 7 days since the day of notification.
Decisions taking by the Committees are the final decisions
Appeals registered in accordance with specified requirements and appeals the disadvantages of
which were removed within the established deadline are considered by the authorized Committee
for the purpose of receivability. Depending on result there is prepared a decision project regarding
receivability or irreceivability, and is directed to the agenda of the Committee which unanimously
takes the final decision.
From the other side, in accordance with the Article 33/3 of the Statute on Constitutional court, “the
Committees”, before taking decision on receivability of appeal, consider the motions on regularity
and interpretation of the constitutional norms related to the basic rights and freedoms of the citizens
and a man, determine an infliction of harm as a result of violation of the rights and freedoms, and
in the event of contradiction between taken decision and the decision of another legal agency, the
appeals are dispatched to appropriate “Departments”.
b. consideration of the content on compliance with the constitutional appeal
The Committees consider the motions of the right holders for the purpose of compliance of its
content with the constitutional appeal and take decisions on receivability
(the constitutional applications and echr), Publishing House of the Law Academy, Turkey, Ankara, 2010.
KILINÇ Bahadır, “Comperative organization of the Constitutional appeals of the citizens (the Constitutional applications) and
possibility of administrtation in Turkey”, the Constitutional Court procedure, № 25, 2008.
“Administrative decision about denial” – a rule of the court procedure, regulated by the Statute on Constitutional court. This way,
this rule is not in compliance with a thing that order of the constitutional court procedure is regulated exceptionally by the Law
66 of the statute-“...Notice of appeal can be submitted to the Committee during 7 days since the day of notification. The
decisions on this question, taking by the Committee, are the final decisions”.
Article 49 «
consideration of the content on compliance with the constitutional appeal»(1) of the Law 6216 The Committees
заРубежный опыт
sami sezai ural
The right of the citizens for reference to the
Constitutional court of Turkey as the way of new
right searching
óïðàâëåíèå è
At present stage, while studying an appeal’s content, the following questions are to be considered:
is there any violation of the basic rights as a result of wrong acts from the government, another
words, does any interference from the government have a place and if had, there are established the
frames of constitutional legality of this interference.
Here we should emphasize on two key rules that directly determine the frames of full powers of
the Constitutional court and, separately, other courts of supreme instance. First: when the Committee
determines the fact of violation or absence of the fact of violation of the basic rights as a result of the
court’ decision and limits the authorities in determination of the ways of elimination of such violation;
second: the opportunity to consider the questions only in the frames of its competence.
The types of decisions taking by appropriate Committees are the following:
decisions taking by the committees:
- The final decisions
1. Decision for irreceivability (regarding to appeals which did not get unanimous decision or
appeals directed in accordance with Article 33/3 of the Statute).
2. Decision for non-infringement of the basic rights and freedoms.
3. A compensation of damage in the event of violation.
4. İf required a detailed consideration of the question on determination of the sum of the damage,
the action submission procedure is to be explained in the frames of the common court procedure.
5. A decision about second court proceedings.
6. Pilot judgment.
7. Reversal of a judgment.
- interlocutory judgment
1. Decision for taken actions.
2. Collection of data, documents or listening of the interested parties and so on.
- Decisions taking by the Committees:
1. The Final (unanimous) decision for receivability or irreceivability.
2. Decision for transferring an appeal to relevant Committee: Decisions related to the appeals
forwarded in accordance with the Article 33/3 of the Statute.
3. Decision for the acceptance or denial from acceptance of the appeal against administrative
decision about denial issued by authorized person of the Committee.
- Decisions taking by an authorized person of the Committee.
1. An administrative decision about denial of the appeal (according to the item 3 of the Article 66
of the Statute)
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