ПЕДАГОГИКА ЖӘНЕ ПСИХОЛОГИЯ /ПЕДАГОГИКА И ПСИХОЛОГИЯ /PEDAGOGICS AND PSYCHOLOGY №2, 2018 Рухани жаңғыру: ғылыми, білім беру және мәдени кеңістігі/ /Рухани жаңғыру: научное, образовательное и культурное пространство Rukhany zhangyru: scientific, educational and cultural space 220
личности. Становление и развитие духовного мировоззрения взаимосвязано с проблемами
морального выбора идеала добра и гуманизма, нравственным развитием будущих учителей.
В данной статье рассматриваются структура и содержание понятия «духовное мировоззре-
ние». Анализируются взгляды, некоторые концептуальные идеи зарубежных и отечествен-
ных ученых по данной проблеме. Обосновывается роль развития духовного мировоззрения
в современном мире в контексте философских и педагогических концепции.
Ключевые слова: мировоззрение, типы мировоззрения, структура духовного мировоззре-
ния, знание.
Abstract Paridinova B.Zh., Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata (Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan).
The structure and content of the concept «spiritual worldview» //Pedagogy and Psychology,
№ 2(35), 2018, KazNPU named after Abai.
The problem of developing the spiritual worldview was the development of society at all stages.
All the qualities that characterize the spiritual worldview of the society are changed depending
on the social structure of the state and its ideology, religious and secular views and the level of
development of pedagogical science. Therefore, the spiritual worldview of teachers is one of the
most important characteristics of the pedagogical preparation of the individual. The formation and
development of the spiritual worldview is interconnected from the moral choice of the ideal of
good and humanism point of view. The structure and content of the concept «spiritual worldview»
are considered in this article. It also analyzes views, some conceptual ideas of foreign and domestic
scientists on this issue. The role of the development of the spiritual worldview in the modern world
is substantiated in the context of philosophical and pedagogical concepts.
Key words: spiritual worldview, spiritual worldview types, structure spiritual worldview,
МРНТИ: 14.35:796.07 О.Қ. ДУЙСЕНОВ Қожа Ахмет Ясауи атындағы Халықаралық қазақ-түрік университеті (Түркістан, Қазақстан)