Научно-методический журнал Scientific and methodological journal 2009 жылдың қыркүйек айынан бастап шығады Издается с сентября 2009 года

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At the same time, it should be 
noted that the issues of ensuring conditions for 
the development of gifted children, taking into 
account individual characteristics, taking into 
account different types and levels of giftedness, 
remain poorly studied, and at the same time, 
an important task in the study of giftedness is 
to study the problem of working with gifted 
children in specialized schools.
1. Savenkov A.I. Psychodactics. – Moscow: National Book Center, 2012. – 360 s.
2. Амthauer. Test of structure of intellect. – Printer, 1993.
3. Bogoуavlenskaу D.B., Bogoуavlenskaу M. Greative work issimplz set expression. – 1998. 
– № 3. – P.36.
4. Bruno J. et al Gifted children: Psychological and pedagogical research and practice
//Psychological magazine. – 1995. – № 4. – P.73.
At the initial stage, the teacher presents the 
general idea (problem) that is to be studied, 
while the students put forward their own 
hypotheses and ideas, conduct research, gather 
information to prove or disprove the hypothesis, 
summarize and plan further work.
Consider the curricula developed on the 
basis of the "methodology of full assimilation" 
by J.Carroll, B.Bloom. Scientists have proposed 
to record the results of training. In this case, 
the lessons create conditions for students to 
achieve the expected result. This approach 
was developed and developed by B.Bloom. 
He proposed a system of instruction where 
each student, according to his individual 
characteristics, will move a certain pace of 
learning, not with averaged, but with conditions 
that are optimally matched for a given student. 
Thus, B.Bloom's method presupposed studying 
the ability of students in conditions when the 
time for studying the material is not limited. 
B.Bloom singled out the following categories 
of students:
– inadequate students who are not able to 
reach the intended level of knowledge and 
skills, even at high educational costs;
– talented students (about 5%) who perform 
tasks in a high tempo and difficulty level;
– ordinary students (about 90%), whose 
ability to absorb knowledge and skills are 
determined by the costs of study time.
According to the method of B.Bloom, 95% 
of students will be executed when removing 
rigid time frames. So most students can fully 
understand the entire content of the training. On 
the basis of a model for the full assimilation of the 
content of instruction, students at a sufficiently 
high level must achieve the learning outcomes 
of the majority of students. Implementing this 
theoretical approach, J.Bloch, L.Anderson, and 
others developed a teaching methodology based 
on the complete assimilation of the content of 
instruction. To implement this technique, the 
following steps were supposed to be performed:
1. Introduction - the orientation of students 
in the work on the teaching method based on 
complete assimilation;
2. Training for each of the training units in 
the direction of full assimilation;
3. An estimation of completeness of mastering 
of a material as a whole at each of pupils; 
clarification of the value of the assessment for 
each student. 
When implementing the technique of 
B.Bloom, the learning process is divided into 
blocks. A special feature of the technique is 
the precise definition and formulation of the 
criterion for complete assimilation. The basis of 
the criterion is the specific goals of the course. 
The criterion is expressed in two ways:
– through a clearly defined description of the 
student's actions;
– through an indication, the required number 
of correct answers.
As studies have shown, fixing this level gives 
stable positive results; most students retain the 
interest in the subject and the positive attitude 
towards learning.
Thus, most foreign researchers tend to 
maximally individualize the child's educational 
activity in one way: to develop individual 
curricula and educational programs for each 
student, based on his individual capabilities and 
American psychologist J.Renzulia describes 
the algorithm of the teacher's activity in an 
individual approach. The teacher [1, P.287]:
– determines the level of development of the 
child (including its quality and ability);
– outlines long-term and short-term goals 
and ways to achieve them;
– determines the time that the child should 
spend on mastering a standard and special 
– provides for the participation of parents;
– determines ways of assessing the child's 
He points out the directions of pedagogical 
work on the development of giftedness as a 
combination of three characteristics: intellectual 
abilities (exceeding the average level of 
intelligence), creativity and perseverance (moti-
vation, task-oriented). According to Renzulli's 
«Three Types of Enrichment of the Curriculum» 
the thesis is rejected that the potential of gifted 
children can be realized by simply intensifying 

№2, 2018
Қолданбалы психология және психотерапия/
Прикладная психология и психотерапия /Applied psychology and psychotherapy
МРНТИ 15.81.21
1, 2
Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
(Алматы, Казахстан)

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