The manuscript clarifies the problem of creation of conditions for gifted children in Western
countries, which is presented from different positions. The urgency of the study of psychological
теля, что влечет за собой и отсутсвие любви к избранной профессии. Это, в свою очередь,
создает препятствия развитию светлому будущему ребенка. В связи с этим основной целью
статьи является пропаганда идей педагогики сотрудничества и идеи одного из ярких пред-
ставителей этой плеяды педагогов-новаторов Ш.А. Амонашвили – современного грузин-
ского психолого-педагога-гуманиста. В статье дается психологический анализ его работы
«Как любить детей?». Особенностью статьи является является то, что благодаря искренней
любви к детям педагог достигает высот в развитии личности современного ребенка. Автор
показывает конкретные пути и методы, направленные на высокие достижения в нравствен-
ном совершенствовании современных школьников. Наряду с идеями Амонашвили, в статье
значительное место отводится идеям польского педагога, детского врача Януша Корчака и
В.А. Сухомлинского. Статья может быть полезной для психологов, работников в социаль-
ной сфере и всем гуманитариям широкого профиля.
Ключевые словa:
ребенок, педaгогическaя любовь, любовь, любить, искренние чувствa,
педaгог, понимaние, зaботa, милость, толерaнтность.
Akhtayeva N.S
., Tolendy Sh.K
., Sadykova N.M
al-Farabi Kazakh National University
(Almaty, Kazakhstan).
Is it necessary to love kids? (based on works by Amonashvili Sh.A.)
//Pedagogy and
Psychology, № 2(35), 2018, KazNPU named after Abai.
The article focuses on how to build the feelings of love that children need as a subject of research
in the field of social work these says. At present, teachers often can not enter the inner world of
the child and can not find a way to their hearts. It is a phenomenon that is caused by a lack of love
for the child or a lack of interest in their profession. And this, in its turn, creates a lot of obstacles
in shaping the child's future. That is why in this article, one of the most promising pedagogues
of pedagogy Sh. An analysis of Amonashvili's work "How to love a child?" The peculiarity of
the article - The article provides a number of techniques that will greatly help children achieve
genuine love. Also in the article Sukhomlinsky, Janusz Korchak, and others, are analyzed by their
teachers. The article is intended for bachelors in the field of psychology and social sciences, pupils
of pedagogy, psychology and social sphere and other students in the humanitarian field.
Key words:
child, pedagogical love, love, sincere feelings, teacher, understanding, care, mercy,
№2, 2018
Педагогика және психология тарихы /История педагогики психологии
/History of pedagogy and psychology
many factors: heredity (natural makings), social
conditions, personal qualities of students.
Gifted children from an early age have a
high level of self-learning ability, so they need
not so much targeted training as to create a
varied, enriched and individualized educational
Specialized, integrated curricula for working
with gifted children are being developed in
specialized schools. Within the framework of
these programs, students "move" freely than in
the ordinary program. Schools in many countries
are rebuilt in the direction of differentiated
education. They practice individualized ways
of working on "training contracts", they allow
the teacher to save time, and students - to work
at an individual pace. At the same time, the
high structuredness of the lesson, the ability to
see the subjects studied in a system of various
connections, helps a gifted child to see the
whole picture of the studied world.
A number of principles are considered in the
construction of the content of teaching gifted
children [1, P.27-30; 2]:
1. Acceleration is a strategy to increase
the pace of the training material. Within the
framework of this strategy, gifted children are
trained in accelerated classes, and they can pass,
for example, from the first grade to the third or
fifth year, etc., during one academic year.
2. Intensification – this strategy involves
increasing the amount of learning material,
increasing the intensity of training and is
considered an alternative to the acceleration
3. Individualization of teaching is considered
as the main strategy for developing the content
of education of gifted children. Within the
framework of individualization programs for
gifted, talented children are considered.
4. Development of social competence – the
development of programs aimed at developing
the emotional and behavioral sphere of the child.
5. Research training is the main task to
intensify learning, giving it a research, creative
character and transferring the initiative to the
student in organizing his cognitive activity.
Independent research practice is the main
factor in the development of children's creative
6. Differentiation of education is based on
the main, leading characteristics of a gifted
child: the development of productive thinking,
independence, independence, a propensity for
leadership, intellectual and creative abilities,
mental abilities, etc.
7. Separate education is a conditional name
of the path, which implies the creation of
social schools for gifted and talented children,
built on different approaches to the problem
of differentiation of education, for example,
physical and mathematical schools, linguistic
schools, etc.
8. Co-separate education – the availability of
classes of different levels of education.
9. Co-education - teaching gifted children in
conjunction with their "normal" peers.
Let’s consider the different programs for
gifted children in which author's approaches
to the implementation of psychological and
pedagogical support programs for gifted
children in the context of specialized schools
are presented. Within the framework of
differentiated education, the most famous
programs for working with gifted children
are the method of complete assimilation of
J.Carroll and B.Bloom, the S.Kaplan program,
the pedagogy of individualization R.Cousine,
the "Free class of Guildford", "Three types of
enrichment of the curriculum" by Renzulli and
"Taxonomy of learning objectives” Bloom.
In the opinion of S.Kaplan (USA) it is
necessary to withstand the following require-
ments: the global, fundamental nature of
topics and problems studied by students;
interdisciplinary approach in the formulation
of problems; Integration of topics and problems
related to different fields of knowledge; content
saturation; focus on the development of
productive, critical thinking. Particular attention
is paid to the development of personal interests
and the preference of children, the creation of
conditions for independent choice of learning
problems. In the curriculum of S.Kaplan there
are 2 basic methods of teaching gifted children:
deductive and problem research. In deductive
research, the main task is to help gifted children
move from a review, remember the studied,
stimulate the interest of children to study
information, to get acquainted with the general
ween intelligence and creativity. In the studies
of J.Gilford and E.T. Torrens, a high positive
correlation between the level of IQ and the level
of creativity was revealed, the higher the level of
intelligence, the higher the probability that the
subject will demonstrate high rates in creativity
tests. At the same time, it was revealed that some
respondents may have low rates for creativity
tests, but it is especially interesting that at low
IQ values, high divergent productivity is not
Different concepts were developed by foreign
researchers who formulated their approaches to
the definition of giftedness and, consequently,
to the identification and teaching of gifted
children, B.Bloom, J.Gallagher, G.Gardner,
J.Davidson, B.Clark, R.Cattel, G.Passow,
J.Renzulli, R.Sternberg, J.Stanley, L.Terman,
L.Terstone and others.
Based on the ideas of psychologists
J.Carroll and B.Bloom, a methodology for
teaching gifted children was developed. The
study of especially gifted children was done
by J.Bruno («Gifted children: psychological
and pedagogical research and practice»). He
believed that «averaging» of a gifted child, a
decrease in the overall intellectual and creative
potential is accompanied by the presence of
pronounced neurotic phenomena. In his opinion,
the feeling of creative insolvency is the reason
for neurotic and even psychopathic personality
J.Gilford, P.Torrens, F.Barron, K.Taylor
and others contributed to the unification
of theoretical studies on the psychology of
individual differences and practical work on
the development of curricula in the field of
differential education. In his studies, J.Gilford
pointed out that many gifted children sometimes
experience severe depression, hide from peers
and adult soviets, experience "discrimination"
due to the lack of differentiated education,
because of the school's orientation toward the
average student, due to excessive unification of
programs (S.Marland, 1972).
Research оf P.Torrensa showed that gifted
children quickly pass the initial levels of intel-
ligence development and resist all types of
uncreative work. Insufficient psychological
level of teachers for working with children leads
to a conflict of children with teachers, causes
them hysteria, inability to follow the accepted
patterns. The complexity of communicating
with gifted children, according to P.Torrance
was the low level of training teachers who are
not able to work with gifted children.
To better understand the problems of
socialization of gifted children, a great
contribution was made by L.Holling worth,
who identified the following problems of gifted
– negative attitude, dislike for the school is
manifested by the fact that the curriculum is
boring and uninteresting for gifted children, the
curriculum does not correspond to their abilities;
– the dissatisfaction of gaming interests leads
to the isolation of the child, who withdraws
into himself. As a gifted child expects complex
– gifted children are not prone to conformism,
especially when the proposed standards are
contrary to their interests;
– gifted children are immersed in
philosophical problems. They are characterized
by such phenomena as the study of such
phenomena as death, life, religious beliefs and
philosophical problems;
– mismatch between physical, intellectual
and social development. Gifted children often
prefer to communicate with older children.
Because of this, it is sometimes difficult for
them to become leaders;
– for gifted children, there is an inherent
need for perfection. Hence the feeling of
dissatisfaction, own inadequacy and low self-
– need for attention of adults. They can repel
others with remarks expressing contempt or
– scientists cannot give a single definition
of the phenomenon of giftedness, because the
indicators are different and they are complex,
versatile and multilevel.
The science data leave no doubt that the level
and character of the development of giftedness
is the result of a complex interaction in the
process of cognitive and practical activity of