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Number of literature sources used: 51
Relevance of the research: In the era of accelerated development of science and technology, the strengthening of the flow of information data, the formation of mental abilities, the development of human abilities and talents will never lose its relevance. This means that the renewal of the educational space today, a new type of teacher, will be the product of new paradigms of education.
N.A. Nazarbayev in his Address to the People of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan — 2030" noted: "today's goal is to give every student fundamental knowledge and the basics of culture and create favorable conditions for their comprehensive development," while updating the content of education, in particular the use of innovative technologies in teaching, in turn, shows positive results. After all, innovative learning not only deepens knowledge, but also leads the student to learning activities, awakening his motivation to learn.
In a society where knowledge and information prevail, the education system is the main part of the innovation economy. The emerging innovative economy, in whatever industry it may be, requires not only the competence of a modern specialist, that is, the formation of thinking, professionalism, a tendency to changing living conditions, the use of relevant knowledge, but also replenishing them as needed. How is it profitable to educate future generations in such a society? This question undoubtedly worries every teacher. An important role in the upbringing of the child was played by the teacher. However, in education, we had times when we did not know how to teach a child to use it, even if we understand what he needs to know. The development of professional competencies of a teacher is the main task for preparing students who are able to keep up with the times, enter into social relations, and possess a lot of information. That is, a teacher is "not a source of knowledge", but "an organizer of the learning process", "manager", "creator of conditions for learning". From this position, the idea is formed that "a student should study independently." This does not detract from the importance of the teacher's work. The problem here is a radical change in the duties of the teacher. A teacher should become a knowledge carrier - a guide to the world of knowledge.
The relevance of our research work lies in the fact that both the teacher and the student freely, fully master new knowledge in a New time, form competence using innovative technologies.

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