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Тағабай Мәдина Абайқызы

Цель исследования: Изучение основ методики коллективного обучения в обновленном образовании, использование технологии коллективного обучения в обучении казахскому языку.
Задачи исследования:

  • "Определение эффективности и особенностей технологии коллективного обучения казахскому языку по обновленному содержанию образования";

  • Выявление основных причин использования инновационных технологий в коллективном обучении;

Объект исследования: Пути достижения результата путем эффективного использования основ технологии коллективного обучения в обучении казахскому языку.
Методы исследования: Изучение и анализ современного состояния проблемы в теории и практике по литературным источникам. Теоретический анализ педагогических, психологических, начальных методических, литературных, методических указаний по теме; Анализ инновационной работы учителей школы; обобщение педагогического опыта.
Сведения о публикациях: Основные итоги исследовательской работы, Теоретические и практические результаты обсуждались на международных конференциях и в научных изданиях. В ходе исследования было опубликовано 2 работы. Из них 1 статья опубликована в материалах международной научно-практической конференции, организованной в РК, 1 статья опубликована в Республиканском методическом журнале.

Tagabay Madina Abaykyzy
The topic of the master's thesis is "Effectiveness of collective learning technology in teaching the Kazakh language"
Direction of training: scientific and pedagogical:
7M01701 – "Kazakh language and literature"
The structure and Scope of the dissertation: introduction, consists of three chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.
Number of literature sources used: 72
Relevance of the research: In a society with developed education and information, the education system is the main part of the innovative economy. The main goal of education is, along with updating the knowledge system, improving the efficiency of using methods and techniques used in teaching, and various visual aids.
The main goal of collective learning is to increase the educational achievements of students. Many details of updating the content of secondary education, including improving the skills and creativity of teachers, are directly aimed at this goal. Within the framework of the new educational program, positive views are being formed, the level of education is increasing. The introduction of new innovations in the educational program today is becoming the most basic requirement and the need to improve these methods is increasing. No matter how high the teacher's skills are, if the teacher cannot interest the student, this education will not pay off. The formation of a student as an individual occurs through activity. Personal education in accordance with modern requirements is the education of a literate, critically thinking, competitive, conscious person who knows how to correctly apply his knowledge in the future.
An integral part of this process is the updated curricula in the disciplines "Kazakh language" and "Kazakh literature". These programs help students develop reading, writing, pronunciation, and listening skills. Each year, as students move on to the next grade, their skills will grow in using these skills to evaluate information, accept evidence and present their arguments, as well as to produce in-depth written material appropriate to the task, audience and goal. They gain knowledge and skills that allow them to be competitive in various environments, in a formal/business environment, and to use them effectively in the communication process. Therefore, thanks to the Kazakh language and literature, students learn to apply their knowledge in necessary situations, as a result of which their competitiveness increases and they have the opportunity to apply them when overcoming various life difficulties.
The relevance of our research work is to study the effectiveness, methodological and scientific foundations of teaching based on the methodology of collective teaching of the Kazakh language in secondary school.

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