Abai Kazakh national pedagogical university хабаршы «Арнайы педагогика» сериясы, Серия «Специальная педагогика»

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In scientific research conducted in this direction, in addition to the competencies proposed 
by the European Council, competencies that are part of the multicomponent phenomenon of additional 
competencies and communicative competence are identified and subjected to structural and functional 
analysis, namely: information, cognitive, subject-specific, intercultural, linguistic-communicative, empathic, 
linguistic-cultural and others. 
Thus, the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature has shown that competence is a complex, 
multicomponent, interdisciplinary concept defined by the use of various definitions. The description of the 
content of this concept is arbitrary and differs in volume, composition, semantic and logical structure. 
Important for determining the semantic content of the notion "linguistic and cultural competence" is the 
interpretation of the concept of "cultural linguistics" that we consider the study as a complex scientific 
discipline which is studying a certain way is chosen and organized by the cultural Fund and synthesizes 
directly related to the study of the culture of active communicative processes of formation and perception of 
speech, the linguistic experience of the individual and the national mentality, it represents a system 
characteristic of the linguistic "picture of the world" and ensures the implementation of educational, 
educational and intellectual tasks of training. 
The generalized system analysis of the content of the concept of "linguistic and cultural competence" 
allows us to present the main scientific positions in the form of several scientific directions, within which its 
main features are considered: 
1) cultural, competence-oriented-linguocultural competence is interpreted as part of the cultural 
competence of the individual, manifests itself in communication and is a set of interrelated ideas about the 
general norms, rules and traditions of verbal and non-verbal communication within a given linguistic culture. 
Linguocultural competence is characterized by institutional, conditional, semiotic and linguistic features; 
2) the communicative-linguistic-cultural competence is understood as the procedural knowledge 
conditioned by a part of the linguistic-cultural competence necessary and realized in certain communicative 
spheres and situations in the form of specific speech utterances or a certain communicative behavior and 
acquired by a given subculture or individual (a sign of knowledge of the concept); 
3) linguoculturological competence is considered as a cultural phenomenon, not a language 
phenomenon, based on the interaction of language and culture in order to expand and deepen the 
understanding of language (linguoculturological specificity of the concept); 
4) linguodidactic-ideas about the general norms, rules and traditions of verbal and non-verbal 
communication within a given linguistic culture( a pragmatic feature of the concept); within this direction, 
linguistic and cultural competence is interpreted as an independently realized ability of a person based on the 
acquired knowledge about the culture contained in a particular national language; 
The discussion in the modern scientific discourse is also a question of the ambiguity of the concepts of 
"linguoculturological" and "linguoculturological" competence. Linguistic and cultural competence is 
considered as a system of knowledge about culture contained in a particular national language, and as a set of 
special skills for the practical application of this knowledge, and most often - as the knowledge of the 
speaker or listener of the entire system of cultural values expressed in the language. 
Linguistic and cultural competence refers to the ability and willingness to adequately understand and 
interact with representatives of other linguistic and cultural societies based on the assimilation of knowledge 
about the world, expressed in language units and forming the cognitive basis of communication. 
Thus, the concept of "linguistic and cultural competence", in our opinion, has more to do with the 
component "knowledge" of culture and cultural values, with the active aspect of being able to use these 
knowledge in any practice. Linguoculturological competence is considered in a complex communicative and 
cognitive aspect and involves mastering various types of speech activity in a certain socio-cultural space, the 
ability to perceive someone else's speech and culture and build their own conclusions, taking into account the 
conditions and tasks of tolerant communication [3, 101-102]. 

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