Ability to use natural resources and rational environmental
management. Conservation and environmental problems of the
present. Ecodevelopment problems.
Kazakhstan right
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: studying of the main concepts and category of
the state and right. Legal relations. Lawful behaviour and offense.
Legal responsibility. Bases of a constitutional law of the Republic
of Kazakhstan. Bases of administrative law of the Republic of
Kazakhstan. Bases of civil law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Bases of a family law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bases of the
organization and activity of law enforcement agencies.
Knowledge: basic financial rights of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Bases of the tax right of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bases of the
labour law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bases of criminal law
of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bases of the ecological right of the
Republic of Kazakhstan.
Ability to own the basic land rights of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Criminal procedure bases and civil procedural rights. International
rights bases.
Economics bases
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: studying of a role of the economic theory in
society development. Main problems of economy. Economic
categories and laws, specific methods of studying of economic
processes. Relations of property and types of economic systems.
Knowledge: laws of formation of the market and specifics of their
formation in the post-socialist countries; main categories and
market laws, principles of individual reproduction; specifics of
formation of expenses and their types; features of the market of
factors of production, their prices and income.
Ability to use interrelation of problems of economy on micro and
macrolevel, fundamental laws of functioning
3.1 Natural (STEM) module
Prerequisites: MA 1002 Mathematical
Module purpose: studying of the principles of action and
mathematical description of components of robotic systems
Knowledge: to develop mathematical models of components of
objects of professional activity by methods of the theory of
analysis,Fiz 1002 Physics 1, Fiz 2001
Physics 2, Mik 2003 Microelectronics,
TEC 2003 Theory of electric circuits; DM
Discrete mathematics, TP 2002
Technologies of programming
elements and computer aids).
automatic control; to apply necessary for creation of models of
knowledge of the principles of action and mathematical
descriptions of components of robotic systems (information,
electromechanical, electrohydraulic, electronic elements and
computer aids); to carry out kinematic, strength calculations,
estimates of accuracy of mechanical knots.
Ability of carrying out control and debugging of models; use of
instrumentation for definition of characteristics and parameters of
MODULE 7 Information security
Bases of information security
Prerequisites: 1001 Information
technologies. YaTP 1002 Languages
and technologies of programming.
Module purpose: studying of the main concepts of ensuring
information security; sources of threats of safety of information;
methods of an assessment of vulnerability of information; methods
of creation, organization and ensuring functioning of systems of
complex information security; methods of suppression of disclosure
of confidential information; types and signs of computer crimes; the
main types of network topology, working methods in computer
networks; principles of creation of computer networks; protocols
and technologies of data transmission in networks; structure and
principles of functioning of Internet technologies; principles of
construction and use of information and interactive resources
Internet; methods of engineering and psychological and ergonomic
design of human-machine systems; methods of an all-system
aktirovaniye of interfaces of interaction of people - the computing
Knowledge: to choose and analyze indicators of quality and
criteria of an assessment of systems and separate methods and
information means of protection; to use modern scientific and
technical information on studied problems and tasks; to apply the
received knowledge when performing course projects and final
qualification works, and also during scientific researches; to apply
working methods in computer networks; to create information and
interactive Internet resources; to formulate requirements to the
hardware and software providing interaction of the operator with
the computing environment; to make a choice and justification of
design decisions on automation of interfaces of computer systems.
Possession of skills of the analysis of information infrastructure;
formal statement and solution of a problem of ensuring
information security of computer systems and networks;
diagnostics of malfunctions of networks; choice of the necessary
equipment for networks; choice of design decisions on automation
of interfaces of computer systems.
Interfaces of computer systems
Prerequisites: 1001 Information
technologies. YaTP 1002 Languages
and technologies of programming.
MODULE 8 Development tools of
Tools of development of programs
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: studying of classification of program tools;
structure, methods and means of the tool software; bases of
economy of the modern enterprise, theoretical bases of the
organization, management of the modern enterprise and design of
various productions; techniques and technician of design and
Knowledge: to work with instruments of development,
compilation, debugging, installation of programs; to analyze
opportunities and characteristics of use of tools, their information
support. Ability to create models of data and a technique of
calculations; functionality descriptions; definitions of structure of
3.4 Interdisciplinary module
Innovative business (on branches)
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: to design mechanisms of management of the
company, to understand features of the innovative processes
prevailing in this companies.
Knowledge and ability: to understand this starting question,
without applying for novelty, classification of innovations by a
number of fundamental signs.
Intellectual right
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: result of intellectual activity and the means of an
individualization equated to them.
Knowledge and ability: results of intellectual activity or means of
an individualization.
Spectral and wavelet analysis
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: studying of the spectral analysis for division of
signals into the elementary components in frequency area. At the
heart of this type of the analysis the principle of decomposition of
temporary realization of a signal in a frequency range with an even
stride on frequency by means of Fourier's transformation lies.
Knowledge and ability: basics of the theory of wallet-
transformation as device are covered, it is good adapted current for
the spectral analysis of a traction network and detailed research
electromagnetic processes in the traction electric drive. Main
opportunities this mathematical apparatus are shown on the
example of the wallet-analysis of a test signal.
Method of final elements
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: widely to use solutions of problems of
mechanics of a deformable firm body, heat exchange,
hydrodynamics and electrodynamics.
Knowledge: to choose a type of approximating function. Out of
the element approximating function is equal to zero. Values of
functions on borders of elements (knots) are the solution of a task
and are in advance unknown. Coefficients of approximating
functions usually are looked for from a condition of equality of
value of the next functions on borders between elements (in knots).
Module 7 Information security
Internet technologies
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases; ISRP 3302 Tools of
program development; SP 3301 System
Module purpose: studying of the main concepts of the automated
characteristics of computer and organizational equipment; main
methods and means of processing, storage, transfer and information
accumulation; appointment and principles of use of the system and
applied software; bases of algorithmization of tasks; main
components of computer networks, principles of a packet
transmission of data, organizations of gateway interaction;
technologies of information search on the Internet.
Knowledge: to use information resources for search and
information storage; to use the automated systems of office-work;
to apply methods and information means of protection; Ability to
construct algorithms and flowcharts; main concepts of
development network and Web of appendices, applications of
methods of information security, methods of information
communication technologies and electronic training.
Economy and production organization
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: studying of classification of program tools;
structure, methods and means of the tool software; bases of
economy of the modern enterprise, theoretical bases of the
organization, management of the modern enterprise and design of
various productions; techniques and technician of design and
Knowledge and ability: to develop concrete organizational and
technical actions for improvement of a production activity.
Practical use of modern development tools, debugging,
introductions and software supports; adaptations of progressive
technologies of human resource management for practical use at
the large industrial enterprises.
POS 3501
Design of operating systems
Prerequisites: INF 1105 Computer science
Module purpose: studying of the principles of development and
methods of design of program systems; methods of control over
design of program systems; the state standards regulating process of
development of program systems and their description; methods of
design of program complexes, creations of abstract types of data,
proofs of correctness of programs, organizations of tests and
maintenance of program complexes.
Knowledge: effectively to work as the member of team on
development of the software. Techniques of design of the
software, collecting, processing and representation of scientific
and technical materials by results of researches; detection of
vulnerabilities of the software for the purpose of its protection.
OBD 3502
Bases of databases
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases.
Module purpose: studying of the state standards regulating process
of development of program systems and their description;
theoretical bases of methods of development of the software.
Knowledge: implementation of the set specification (architecture)
of program system in the languages Java, C ++; estimates of
quality of the specification (architecture) of program system and
its code.
Ability independently to carry out a cycle of design of the
software; to develop specifications and abstract types of the
demands given on the basis of the analysis made to the software;
to prove correctness of programs; to project and code necessary
tests, to use standard terms and definitions; to design system of
protection of the software product.
PSIS 3503
Design of superbig integrated schemes
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AG 1201 Algebra and geometry; Fiz 2203
Physics, AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases; DM 2205 Discrete
Module purpose: studying of life cycle of programs, methods of
an assessment of quality of software products, technologies of
development of program complexes, CASE means; methods and
algorithms of object-oriented programming; techniques, languages
and standards of information support of products (CALS
technologies) at various stages of their life cycle; principles of
cryptographic data security; principles of development and methods
Knowledge: independently to carry out a cycle of design of the
software; to develop specifications and abstract types of the
demands given on the basis of the analysis made to the software;
to design system of protection of the software product; to use the
standard software products focused on the solution of scientific,
design and technological tasks; effectively to work as the member
of team on development of the software.
VTKS 3504
Verification and testing of computer
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases; DM 2205 Discrete
mathematics; SP 3301 System
of design of program systems; methods of control over design of
program systems; the state standards regulating process of
development of program systems and their description; theoretical
bases of methods of development of the software; ways of creation
of functional specifications; methods of design of program
complexes, creations of abstract types of data, proofs of correctness
of programs, organizations of tests and maintenance of program
Ability of techniques of design of the software, collecting,
processing and representation of scientific and technical materials
by results of researches; detection of vulnerabilities of the software
for the purpose of its protection.
Organization of computing systems and
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
Module purpose: studying of standard means of parallel
calculations; tabular and algorithmic methods of high-performance
realization of functions from material variables; theoretical aspects
of parallelization of algorithms; methods of parallelization of the
most widespread algorithms of data processing; technologies of the
organization of clusters and cluster calculations; microarchitecture
of superscalar and vector and conveyor processors and methods of
hardware realization of algorithms of data processing.
Knowledge: to solve the problems demanding big computing
capacities; to display complex challenges on independent small
subtasks; to make and synchronize calculations at once on a large
number of computing units; Ability of creation of ways of
realization of parallel processing; managements of computing
processes at the organization of calculations in cluster architecture;
the organizations of interaction of the program modules developed
on the assembler, with the modules developed in languages of high
level; programming of high-speed processing of numerical, logical
and text information.
Datalogical bases of creation of computing
Prerequisites: INF 1105 Computer science,
Fiz 2203 Physics, DM 2212 Discrete
She 3503
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AG 1201 Algebra and geometry; Fiz 2203
Physics, AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases; DM 2205 Discrete
Module purpose: studying of standard means of parallel
calculations; tabular and algorithmic methods of high-performance
realization of functions from material variables; theoretical aspects
of parallelization of algorithms; methods of parallelization of the
most widespread algorithms of data processing; technologies of the
organization of clusters and cluster calculations; microarchitecture
of superscalar and vector and conveyor processors and methods of
hardware realization of algorithms of data processing.
Knowledge: to install and configure the basic software of cluster
systems; to make computing experiments with parallel realization
of computing methods.
Ability to organize interactions of the program modules developed
on the assembler, with the modules developed in languages of high
level; programming of high-speed processing of numerical, logical
and text information.
PP 3504
Parallel programming
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases.
Module purpose: studying of theoretical aspects of parallelization
of algorithms; methods of parallelization of the most widespread
algorithms of data processing; technologies of the organization of
clusters and cluster calculations; microarchitecture of superscalar
and vector and conveyor processors and methods of hardware
realization of algorithms of data processing.
Knowledge: to solve the problems demanding big computing
capacities; to display complex challenges on independent small
subtasks; to make and synchronize calculations at once on a large
number of computing units; to use cluster and multiprocessor
systems; to program tasks table-algorithmic realization of
functions on mixes of the SI languages and the Assembler. Ability
of creation of ways of realization of parallel processing;
managements of computing processes at the organization of
calculations in cluster architecture.
ECS 3501
Electric circuits and signals
Prerequisites: INF 1105 Computer science,
Fiz 2203 Physics, DM 2212 Discrete
Module purpose: studying of interrelation program and hardware
in systems of this class; methods of control over memory;
synchronization of interacting processes; the principles of control
of reliability of information processing in systems of real time;
main theoretical methods of construction and analysis of systems of
real time; ways of synchronization of processes.
Knowledge: to count and analyze characteristics and indicators of
efficiency of systems of real time from a position of the
programmer-analyst; Ability of work with functions of modern
and perspective operating systems of real time; development of
algorithms of collecting and data processing on the scale of real
time; choice of an operating system of real time.
EHD 3502
Electronic storages of data
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases. Inf 1102 Computer
science; AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases.
Module purpose: studying of interrelation program and hardware
in systems of this class; methods of control over memory;
synchronization of interacting processes; the principles of control
of reliability of information processing in systems of real time;
main theoretical methods of construction and analysis of systems of
real time; ways of synchronization of processes.
Knowledge: to count and analyze characteristics and indicators of
efficiency of systems of real time from a position of the
programmer-analyst; Ability of work with functions of modern
and perspective operating systems of real time; development of
algorithms of collecting and data processing on the scale of real
time; choice of an operating system of real time.
VS 3503
Built-in systems
Prerequisites: YaTP 1303 Languages and
technologies of programming. TYaA 2310
Theory of languages and automates TYaP
4312 Theory of programming languages.
Module purpose: studying of interrelation program and hardware
in systems of this class; methods of control over memory;
synchronization of interacting processes; the principles of control
of reliability of information processing in systems of real time;
main theoretical methods of construction and analysis of systems of
real time; ways of synchronization of processes.
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