MODULE 2 Algebra and geometry and
probability theory
TVMS 1404
Probability theory and mathematical
Prerequisites: MA 1202 Mathematical
Module purpose: studying of the theory of systems of the
algebraic equations, main properties of determinants and matrixes,
algebraic and geometrical description of lines and surfaces of the
second order, initial data on groups, rings and fields, probabilistic
and statistical concepts, as simple probability and its assessment;
random variable, its numerical characteristics and their estimates;
main methods of estimation.
Knowledge: axiomatics of linear and Euclidean spaces, concepts
of basis and coordinates, the theory of linear operators in linear
spaces, classification of normal operators in Euclidean and unitary
spaces, the theory of square forms and quadric.
Ability to use the Gauss method for calculation of determinants,
decisions and researches of systems of the linear algebraic
equations, researches of systems of vectors on linear dependence,
calculations of the return matrixes, findings of a rank and base of
system of vectors of arithmetic space.
MODULE 4 Physics
Theory of electric circuits
Prerequisites: INF 1105 Computer science,
Fiz 2203 Physics, DM 2212 Discrete
Module purpose: to know frequency characteristics of electric
chains, a frequency method of the analysis of transients; will be
able to classify filters, to transform frequencies and to apply them
at synthesis of filters.
Knowledge: theories of electric chains, studying of the main
concepts and laws of electric chains.
Ability to formalize and formulate a task for the solution of a
specific problem; correctly and reasonably to choose algorithm of
the solution of a task; to work with a stack and "heap" of an
operating system; to use an operating system during the work with
files of programs of the user; to make programs in the Assembler
MODULE 5 Programming
TP 2411
Programming technologies
Prerequisites: INF 1105 Computer science
Module purpose: studying with technological problems of
development of the large-scale program systems, distinguishing it
from development of small programs, and methods of the solution
of these problems.
Knowledge and ability: will learn with modern ways the
organizations of development of such systems on the basis of
component technologies on the example of Web applications with
use of the J2EE and.NET technologies. Students will receive good
idea of use of modern hi-tech methods in development difficult
industrial the software, about practical ways of creation of
qualitative, flexible and scalable systems in the conditions of rigid
competitive fight in the PO market.
OS 2412
Operating systems
Prerequisites: INF 1105 Computer science
Module purpose: studying of fundamental concepts of the theory
of networks; the main approaches to design and scopes of
networks; perspective models of networks and methods of control
over information in networks; methods of creation of LAN and
WAN networks; existing protocols and their features; basic
provisions of switchboards and routers; ways of optimization of
networks; appointments, functions, classification of operating
systems; fundamental principles of design and development of
operating systems; the main approaches on management of
processes, memory, input-output devices, file systems, safety of
computer systems.
Knowledge: to carry out a choice of the necessary equipment for
networks; to make diagnostics of malfunctions of networks; to
choose technologies, tool software and computer aids at design
and development of the software; effectively to realize software
products; to solve problems of safety of operating systems; to
realize the main algorithms of scheduling, management of
memory, disk planning; to develop multiline applications.
Ability to project, solve problems of safety of networks; works
with various operating systems; solutions of problems of safety of
operating systems; installations and configurations of operating
MODULE 6 Computing system
Information theory
Prerequisites: Information technologies.
Algorithms and data structures. Languages
and technologies of programming. Bases of
mathematical logic.
Module purpose: studying of concepts and methods of the theory
of information and information coding.
Knowledge and ability: concepts about entropy and quantitative
measures of measurement of information, the main
theorems of the theory of information for discrete communication
channels, data on the principles
optimum and hindrance of steady coding.
MODULE 7 Information security
Computer networks
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
Module purpose: knowledge of the main concepts and definition
of the theory of networks, basis of creation of LAN and WAN
networks, description of protocols of routing, basic provisions of
switchboards and routers. Students will learn to make diagnostics
of malfunctions of networks, to carry out a choice of the necessary
equipment for networks.
Knowledge: to learn to make diagnostics of malfunctions of
networks, to carry out a choice of the necessary equipment for
Ability to use methodology of research of operations; to carry out
all stages of operational research.
Philosophy of scientific knowledge
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: to study science philosophy, as a culture
phenomenon. Philosophy, its subject and functions. Philosophy in a
cultural and historical context. Historical types of philosophizing in
a culture context Old Indian philosophy as a phenomenon of east
culture. Ancient Chinese philosophy during blossoming of the
Chinese culture. Philosophy in ancient art.
Knowledge: philosophy phenomenon in medieval culture. Arab-
Muslim philosophy in a context of Islamic culture a philosophy
and religion Phenomenon in the West European medieval culture.
Philosophy in culture of the Renaissance and the Reformation.
The West European philosophy in culture of New Time.
Russian philosophy as
phenomenon of the Russian culture of H1H – XX century of
century. Philosophy phenomenon in the Kazakh culture
The Soviet Philosophy in culture of the XX century. The western
philosophy in a context of culture of the XX century.
eve of HH1 of century. Life philosophy. Philosophical
anthropology. Social philosophy.
Culture philosophy. Love philosophy. Religion philosophy.
History philosophy
Policy philosophy. Education philosophy.
Ability to use problems of the theory of dialectics. Epistemology.
Philosophy of global problems.
MODULE 4 Physics
Prerequisites: INF 1105 Computer science,
Module purpose: studying of the subjects Microelectronics, the
Physicist – II, the Theory of electric chains: semiconductor p/n
Knowledge: skills of work with field transistors; Optoelectronic
devices. Experimental justifications of the main ideas of the
Fiz 2203 Physics
transition and its properties. Semiconductor diodes: Stabilitron;
Bipolar transistor; Tiristor; One-transitional transistor. concept
about beam (geometrical) optics; Light waves; Electromagnetic
waves in substance; Quantum physics; Thermal radiation. main
concepts and laws of electric chains. Methods of calculation of
electric chains.
quantum theory. Spontaneous and stimulated radiation. Lasers.
Tension and current resonances. Nonlinear electric chains in a
mode of a direct current. Electric filters and their synthesis.
Ability to use generators, triggers, registers, and decoders. To use
elements of quantum statistics. The condensed condition. Low-
dimensional systems. To transform frequencies and its application
at synthesis of filters.
MODULE 5 Programming
System programming 3 credits
Prerequisites: YaTP 1002 Languages and
technologies of programming. AGLA (II)
1002 Analytical geometry and linear
algebra 1,2.
Module purpose: studying by students of the main concepts and
definitions of Web of design, methodological bases of creation of
sites and portals, theoretical bases of the description and creation of
dynamic Web of pages, basic provisions of functioning of Web of
servers is; formation at students of system knowledge of existing
methods of data presentation in the computer, processor registers,
ways of addressing, the organizations of memory, work with
external devices.
Knowledge: life cycle of programs, assessment methods
qualities of software products, technologies of development of
program complexes, CASE means; methods and algorithms of
object-oriented programming; cryptography-checking data
Ability independently to carry out a cycle of design of the
software; to develop specifications and abstract types of the
demands given on the basis of the analysis made to the software.
MODULE 6 Computing system
Models and methods of control of
computer facilities
Prerequisites: Computer technologies,
Computer science, Algorithmization and
programming languages
Module purpose: to form at students
special knowledge and skills of statement of problems of
management, mathematical modelling of various tasks and methods
of their decision, and also the software, used for their decision.
Knowledge and ability: to have idea of mathematical models of
problems of management; to own methods of the solution of the
mathematical tasks arising at modelling of administrative tasks;
to know bases of the analysis of results of the solution of
administrative tasks;
to be able to use methods of mathematical modelling for the
solution of practical tasks.
Organization of computing systems and
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
Module purpose: to receive information on parameters of
computer system; to connect the additional equipment and to adjust
communication between elements of computer system; to make
installation and setup of the software of computer systems; to use
modern universal and specialized microprocessors.
Knowledge: basic concepts and basic principles of creation of
architecture of computing systems; types of computing systems
and their architectural features; organization and principles of
operation of the main logical units of computer systems;
information processing processes at all levels of computer
architecture; the main component of the software of computer
systems; basic principles of resource management and
organization of access to these resources; architecture of modern
parallel computing systems.
Ability to organize modern computer systems, debugging of
processes of information processing at all levels of computer
architecture, including: digital logical level, level of microteams,
systems of teams, level of architectural support of mechanisms of
operating systems and programming.
AKS 2416
Architecture of computer systems
Prerequisites: YaTP 1303 Languages and
technologies of programming; OOP 3312
Object-oriented programming. TBD 3310
Theory of databases
Module purpose: studying of life cycle of programs, methods of
an assessment of quality of software products, technologies of
development of program complexes, CASE means; methods and
algorithms of object-oriented programming; techniques, languages
and standards of information support of products (CALS
technologies) at various stages of their life cycle; principles of
cryptographic data security; principles of development and methods
of design of program systems; methods of control over design of
program systems; the state standards regulating process of
development of program systems and their description.
Knowledge and ability: independently to carry out a cycle of
design of the software; to develop specifications and abstract types
of the demands given on the basis of the analysis made to the
software; to prove correctness of programs; to project and code
necessary tests, to use standard terms and definitions; to design
system of protection of the software product; to use the standard
software products focused on the solution of scientific, design and
technological tasks.
PT 3001
Professional Practice
The purpose of the practice is the pre-testing of the developed
software tools and preparation of proposals, but to implement them
directly in production.
-acquainted with the structure of the company and its departments,
the principles of management and organizations in the enterprise;
-introduction to the method of setting and solving production and
economic problems in the conditions of market economy;
-depth practical study of information technologies used in
enterprises for processing;
-the study of methods of designing and developing software in the
-participation in the maintenance and operation of information
-production skills and organizational work.
Psychology of interpersonal
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: interpersonal communication — this informal
interaction which happens in private or in small groups. In the
course of interpersonal communication we talk, we listen, we
answer, we share the feelings and we form the relations.
communication — is the analysis of under what conditions and by
means of what means of representation, idea, knowledge, mood,
i.e. subjective experience of one subject can be moved and is more
or less precisely interpreted by another. Identification and the
description of various preconditions and conditions successful (or,
on the contrary, unsuccessful, complicated) communications
becomes a research problem thereby.
Theoretical and applied political science
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: to study essence of policy, its nature, value of
policy for the personality and society, between classes, the nations
and the states; between the personality, society and state. The
theoretical political science reveals and investigates a number of
a) regularities of emergence, functioning and development of
political interests of social subjects, their interactions with
economic and other social interests;
b) regularities of emergence, functioning and change of character
and maintenance of the political power and state;
c) regularities of functioning and development of political activity,
political relations, political processes;
d) ways of knowledge of the political
the phenomena, a ratio in them rational (conscious) and
proportional (unconscious).
Knowledge and ability: private political problems to analyze
developing in society at this concrete moment a political situation,
promotes the constructive solution of actual practical problems of
political life of society, develops and offers a practical advice and
recommendations to participants of political events in the solution
of the current political problems and the conflicts.
recommendations are carried out by applied political science in
- regulations of political conflicts and achievement of necessary
social consensus (consent);
- organizations and carrying out the electoral companies;
- formations of public opinion and use of mass media.
Ethics of personal and social success
Module purpose: individual success in social space. And the
modest makeweight "in social space" assumes that problems of
success and success won't be and can't be considered separately
from other plots of social ethics connected with concepts of justice,
freedom, public safety, economic efficiency, etc.
Knowledge and ability: to create public system where situations
of experience of success will be most available to everyone and
where successes of individuals and groups will directly promote
general welfare.
Culture and religion
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: achievement in the analysis of religion of such
sciences as history, sociology, psychology, philosophy, philology,
anthropology, etc.
Knowledge and ability: to choose that area for researches, which
to you more to liking – from rituals of the African tribes to
problems of modern society. Everything depends on your personal
preferences at observance of one condition – the religion has to be
the main subject of your interest.
General and applied sociology
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: studying of the main stages of formation and
sociology development (background and social and philosophical
Knowledge: global problems of social life and universal values.
Theories of the average level (sociology of communications,
sociological theories. Society, social institutes and interactions.
Social groups and communities.
education sociology, youth sociology, economic sociology,
religion sociology, etc.). Social conflicts and logic of their
permission. Methodology and methods of sociological research.
Ability to develop programs of sociological research. Methods of
collecting sociological information. Analysis and equipment of
processing of empirical sociological researches.
Health and safety of the person
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: studying of legislative and legal acts in the field
of health and safety. Tasks, the principles of construction and civil
defense (CD) functioning in RK. Classification of dangerous and
harmful factors. Radiation hazard. Protection against ionizing
radiation. Chemical danger. Devices of radiation and chemical
survey, radiation control. Current state of a technosphere and
technospherical safety.
Knowledge: protection of the person and habitat against harmful
and dangerous factors of a natural and technogenic origin.
Classification of emergency situations of various character.
Stability of functioning of objects of economy in emergency
situations. Possession of the basic principles and ways of
protection of the population in emergency situations peace and a
wartime. Rendering the pre-medical help at emergency situations.
Organization of events on population evacuation. Protection
against weapons of mass destruction. Organizational and practical
security measures at earthquakes. Protection of the population at
natural disasters, fires, accidents and explosions on production
Ability to use bases of an organization and carrying out a
wrecking. Emergency situations of social character. Psychological
aspects of emergency situations.
Ecology and sustainable development
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: studying a place and ecology roles in the
solution of modern economic and political problems. Autekologiya:
ecological factors, optimum and minimum zones. Demekologiya:
characteristics of population, fluctuation and regulation of number
of population. Sinekologiya: interaction types in communities,
trophic structure of community and ecological pyramids. Functions
of ecosystems: power exchange and circulation of substances,
integrity and stability of ecosystems, ecological suktsessiya.
Knowledge: concepts about a biocenosis, a biogeocenosis, an
ecosystem. Types of land and water ecosystems. The doctrine
about the biosphere and a noosphere. Live substance of the
biosphere and its function.
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