Knowledge: to count and analyze characteristics and indicators of
efficiency of systems of real time from a position of the
programmer-analyst; Ability of work with functions of modern
and perspective operating systems of real time; development of
algorithms of collecting and data processing on the scale of real
time; choice of an operating system of real time.
TVPK 3504
Technologies of verification of programs
and computer systems
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases; DM 2205 Discrete
mathematics; SP 3301 System
Module purpose: studying of interrelation program and hardware
in systems of this class; methods of control over memory;
synchronization of interacting processes; the principles of control
of reliability of information processing in systems of real time;
main theoretical methods of construction and analysis of systems of
real time; ways of synchronization of processes.
Knowledge: to count and analyze characteristics and indicators of
efficiency of systems of real time from a position of the
programmer-analyst; Ability of work with functions of modern
and perspective operating systems of real time; development of
algorithms of collecting and data processing on the scale of real
time; choice of an operating system of real time.
PT 3001
Professional Practice
The purpose of the practice is the pre-testing of the developed
software tools and preparation of proposals, but to implement them
directly in production.
-acquainted with the structure of the company and its departments,
the principles of management and organizations in the enterprise;
-introduction to the method of setting and solving production and
economic problems in the conditions of market economy;
-depth practical study of information technologies used in
enterprises for processing;
-the study of methods of designing and developing software in the
-participation in the maintenance and operation of information
-production skills and organizational work.
OOAP 4505
Object-oriented analysis and design
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases; ISRP 3302 Tools of
program development; SP 3301 System
Module purpose: studying of life cycle of programs, methods of
an assessment of quality of software products, technologies of
development of program complexes, CASE means; methods and
algorithms of object-oriented programming; techniques, languages
and standards of information support of products (CALS
technologies) at various stages of their life cycle; principles of
cryptographic data security; principles of development and methods
of design of program systems; methods of control over design of
program systems; the state standards regulating process of
development of program systems and their description; theoretical
bases of methods of development of the software; ways of creation
of functional specifications; methods of design of program
complexes, creations of abstract types of data, proofs of correctness
of programs, organizations of tests and maintenance of program
Knowledge: independently to carry out a cycle of design of the
software; to develop specifications and abstract types of the
demands given on the basis of the analysis made to the software;
to prove correctness of programs; to project and code necessary
tests, to use standard terms and definitions; to design system of
protection of the software product; Ability of techniques of design
of the software, collecting, processing and representation of
scientific and technical materials by results of researches;
detection of vulnerabilities of the software for the purpose of its
protection; object-oriented decomposition of a task according to
the set requirements; implementation of the set specification
(architecture) of program system in the languages Java, C ++.
Web programming
Prerequisites: IT 1103 Information
technologies. YaTP 1303 Languages and
technologies of programming.
Module purpose: studying of life cycle of programs, methods of
an assessment of quality of software products, technologies of
development of program complexes, CASE means; methods and
algorithms of object-oriented programming; techniques, languages
and standards of information support of products (CALS
technologies) at various stages of their life cycle; principles of
Knowledge: independently to carry out a cycle of design of the
software; to develop specifications and abstract types of the
demands given on the basis of the analysis made to the software;
to prove correctness of programs; to project and code necessary
tests, to use standard terms and definitions; to design system of
protection of the software product;
PPI 4507
Design of the user interfaces
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases; ISRP 3302 Tools of
program development.
cryptographic data security; principles of development and methods
of design of program systems; methods of control over design of
program systems; the state standards regulating process of
development of program systems and their description.
Ability of techniques of design of the software, collecting,
processing and representation of scientific and technical materials
by results of researches; detection of vulnerabilities of the software
for the purpose of its protection.
APO 4508
Software architecture
Prerequisites: YaTP 1303 Languages and
technologies of programming; OOP 3312
Object-oriented programming. TBD 3310
Theory of databases,
MPOA 4509
Modelling of the software and analysis
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases; ISRP 3302 Tools of
program development; SP 3301 System
TPKS 4510
Technologies of development of
cryptographic systems
Prerequisites: IT 1103 Information
technologies. YaTP 1303 Languages and
technologies of programming. OOP 3312
Object-oriented programming. TBD 3310
Theory of databases, DM 2308 Discrete
OPV 4505
Organization of parallel calculations
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases.
Module purpose: studying of standard means of parallel
calculations; tabular and algorithmic methods of high-performance
realization of functions from material variables; theoretical aspects
of parallelization of algorithms; methods of parallelization of the
most widespread algorithms of data processing; technologies of the
organization of clusters and cluster calculations; microarchitecture
of superscalar and vector and conveyor processors and methods of
hardware realization of algorithms of data processing.
Knowledge: to solve the problems demanding big computing
capacities; to display complex challenges on independent small
subtasks; to make and synchronize calculations at once on a large
number of computing units; to use cluster and multiprocessor
systems; to program problems of tabular and algorithmic
realization of functions on mixes of the SI languages and the
Assembler; to build schemes of algorithms of parallel realization
of methods of data processing and to estimate time of performance
of the corresponding procedures; to install and configure the basic
software of cluster systems; to make computing experiments with
parallel realization of computing methods.
Ability of creation of ways of realization of parallel processing;
managements of computing processes at the organization of
calculations in cluster architecture; the organizations of interaction
of the program modules developed on the assembler, with the
modules developed in languages of high level; programming of
high-speed processing of numerical, logical and text information.
Mod 4506
UML modelling
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases; ISRP 3302 Tools of
program development.
OAKS 4507
Organization and administration of cluster
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases; Fiz 2203 Physics; DM
2205 Discrete mathematics; ISRP 3302
Tools of program development; SP 3301
System programming
OP 4508
Cloud platforms
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases; Fiz 2203 Physics; DM
2205 Discrete mathematics; ISRP 3302
Tools of program development; SP 3301
System programming.
MPP 4509
Multitask programming platforms
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases; ISRP 3302 Tools of
program development; SP 3301 System
COI 4510
Digital processing of images
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases; DM 2205 Discrete
IT 4505
Internet technologies
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases; ISRP 3302 Tools of
program development; SP 3301 System
Module purpose: studying of theoretical bases of creation of
systems of real time; bases of creation of LAN and WAN networks;
basic provisions of switchboards and routers; main concepts and
definitions, scopes and structures of systems, requirements to
systems of real time; ways of the organization of planning in
multitask systems of real time; the principles of the organization of
computing processes in the digital management information
systems working in real time; interrelations program and hardware
in systems of this class; methods of control over memory;
synchronization of interacting processes; the principles of control
of reliability of information processing in systems of real time;
main theoretical methods of construction and analysis of systems of
real time; ways of synchronization of processes; structures of
channels of input-output, ways of transformation of information for
use in systems of real time.
Knowledge: to count and analyze characteristics and indicators of
efficiency of systems of real time from a position of the
programmer-analyst; to carry out a choice of the necessary
equipment for networks; to apply system means of operating
systems when developing programs of systems of real time; to use
for programming algorithmic languages of Java, C ++; to
formalize problems of management of objects and to develop
algorithms; "to read" executive schemes of measurement and
management of systems of real time; to estimate the accuracy of
measuring and operating channels of systems of real time.
Ability of work with functions of modern and perspective
operating systems of real time; managements of standard actuation
mechanisms; creation of systems and choice of optimum structures
for the solution of problems of automation; works with local
means of control systems; choice of program and technical
complexes for realization of tasks on the scale of real time;
calculation of time of the answer of the computing system;
purposes of priorities to solved tasks; construction and
optimization of networks; development of algorithms of collecting
and data processing on the scale of real time; choice of an
operating system of real time.
OOP 4506
Object-oriented programming
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases; ISRP 3302 Tools of
program development; SP 3301 System
GPI 4507
Graphic user interfaces
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases; ISRP 3302 Tools of
program development.
PLS 4508
LAN and WAN network design
Prerequisites: INF 1105 Computer science,
Fiz 2203 Physics.
SRV 4509
Systems of real time
Prerequisites: YaTP 1303 Languages and
technologies of programming. ASD 2306
Algorithms and data structures;
Means of protection of telecommunication
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science;
AOP 1204 Algorithmization and
programming bases; ISRP 3302 Tools of
program development; SP 3301 System
Specialty 5В060200 – Computer Science
Discipline name, credits, prerequisites
Purpose, objectives, summary of course
Competences (learning outcomes)
Obligatory module
6 credits
History of Kazakhstan
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: to history of state and law of the
Republic of Kazakhstan it is directed on studying of
process of origin, formation and state and right
development. Conclusions and judgments of this science
are based on the analysis of the exact facts and really
taken place events of state and legal life of Kazakhstan.
The place and role of science of the state and the right of
Kazakhstan among other sciences are defined by that it
represents realization of historical approach of research
of the state and legal phenomena from the moment of
their emergence till today. It logically recreates and
restores an objective picture of evolution of state and
legal systems, establishments and the institutes existing
and existing in the territory of the Republic. The
protokazakh medieval states and their legal systems
were fixed and studied both foreign travellers, and local
observers and originators of dynasty historiographies.
Knowledge: the different parties of activity of the Kazakh
horde are available in official documents, in various written
sources of foreign and local observers, in works of national
creativity. During edge colonization by the Russian Empire
there were the numerous works of different character
describing with different degree of reliability and objectivity a
political system and legal relations in the region. In the
conditions of the Soviet power of a problem of national
statehood in Kazakhstan were studied in special scientific
institutions from class and party positions.
Ability in modern conditions to carry out studying of history
of state and law of the Republic, relying on the research
experience summed up in this direction and knowledge for a
reconstruction of an objective picture of history of state and
law of the country.
Professional-focused Kazakh (Russian) language
Prerequisites: no
Module purpose: expansion of a basic word stock of
common words and phrases,
mastering by grammatical forms and designs at the level
of their use in speech. Mastering by a basic word and
terminological stock in the specialty. Creation of various
types of speech activity: conversation, description,
adapted and a producing simple pragmatical texts,
dialogical and monological, in an oral and written form,
on the subjects actual for social and professional
spheres, on different types of speech activity: speaking,
audition, reading, letter.
Knowledge: development of educational and professional
speech: a) development of skills of reading, hearing, literature
making an abstract in the specialty; b) different drawing up
the scientific and educational texts close to texts of textbooks
and lectures, dialogues and monologues on educational and
professional subjects; c) intensive training in the main
functional and semantic types of statements: to monologue
description, monologue narration, monologue - a reasoning,
dialogue conversation, dialogue - discussion. Professional
Kazakh (Russian) language
Ability to develop scientific and professional speech: the
active, generalized, volume formation of skills and abilities in
the field of scientific and professional speech.
Professional-focused foreign language
Prerequisites: no
grammatical norms of a studied foreign language.
Phonetics: pronunciation and rhythmic-intonational
features of a foreign language, reception and
reproduction of sound system of speech. Spelling: sound
alphabetic system of language, basic spelling rules.
Lexicon: word-formation models; basic word stock of
2500 units of basic language, and also the terms
corresponding to a profile of specialty; Lexicon
differentiation on scopes of application.
Knowledge: the main parts of speech – a noun, an adjective,
an adverb, a verb, an article, a pronoun, a pretext; structure of
a simple and compound sentence; main models of word
formation. Reading: formation of skills of fact-finding,
search, studying and viewing reading. Speaking: skills of
dialogical and monological speech within studied subjects.
Letter: development of skills of a consecutive statement of
thoughts, reasonings, and also information when writing
compositions and letters of personal and business character.
Ability to translate texts in the specialty from a foreign
language on native according to language norms. Audition:
perception aurally messages of household, information and
professional character
3.1 Natural (STEM) module
Information technologies for the professional purposes
Prerequisites: Inf 1102 Computer science; AOP 1204
Algorithmization and programming bases; ISRP 3302
Tools of program development; SP 3301 System
Module purpose: the main concepts of the automated
information processing; appointments, structure, main
equipment; main methods and means of processing,
appointment and principles of use of the system and
applied software; bases of algorithmization of tasks;
main components of computer networks, principles of a
packet transmission of data, organizations of gateway
interaction; technologies of information search on the
Internet; main threats and methods of ensuring
information security; the principles of information
security from unauthorized access; legal aspects of use
of information technologies and software.
Knowledge: to use information resources for search and
information storage; to use the automated systems of office-
work; to apply methods and information means of protection;
to apply anti-virus means of protection of information; to apply
the specialized software to collecting, snore and information
processing in the professional sphere according to studied
professional modules; to carry out control of a computer
Possession of skills of creation of algorithms and flowcharts;
main concepts of development network and Web of
appendices, applications of methods of information security,
methods of information and communication technologies and
electronic training.
3.2 Basic professional modules
MODULE 1 Mathematical analysis
Mathematical analysis – I
Prerequisites: AG 1201 Algebra and geometry
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