Knowledge: starting to look into this issue, no claim to originality, the
classification of innovation in a number of basic features.
Intellectual property law
Prerequisites: none
Module objective: the result of intellectual activity and means of
Knowledge: the results of intellectual activity or means of
Prerequisites: none
Module objective: learn to understand and use mathematical
principles in the economy. Learning how to use these principles to
the analysis, statistics and forecasts of the economy.
Knowledge: economics, mathematical statistics, probability theory,
mathematics in economics
Ability: To sum statistics to calculate the expectation of economic
indicators, forecasting.
Project Management
Prerequisites: none
Module objective: widely used solution of problems of solid
mechanics, heat transfer, fluid dynamics and electrodynamics.
Knowledge: choose the type of approximating function. Outside of his
element approximation function is zero. Function values at the
boundaries of the elements (nodes) are the solution of the problem and
not known in advance. The coefficients of the approximating functions
are usually sought by equating the value of neighboring functions on
the boundaries between the elements (knots).
Accounting and auditing
Prerequisites: none
Module objective: получить знания по бухгалтерскому учету
(бухгалтерия, 1С-Бухгалтерия, отчетность) и аудиту (анализ
сведений, консолидация)
Knowledge: Бухгалтерский учет, аудит, 1С:Бухгалтерия 8, План
счетов, проводки, заработная плата, отчеты, учеты и т.д.
Ability: Вести бухгалтерский учет на предприятии, проводить
аудит на предприятии
Prerequisites: none
Module objective: получить смежные знания по
геоинформатике, уметь решать задачи по геоинформатике
Knowledge: Геоинформатика, математика, программирование,
географические координаты
Ability: пользоваться методами и способами геоинформатики.
Уметь решать задачи по геоинформатике.
Prerequisites: none
Module objective: получить классические знания по латинскому
Knowledge: латинский язык, история языка
Ability: переводить с латинского на казахский/русский и
наоборот, понимать классические выражения и высказывания на
латинском языке
PP 3001
Industrial Practice
The purpose of the practice is the pre-testing of the developed
software tools and preparation of proposals, but to implement them
directly in production.
The objectives of industrial practice are:
-Acquainted with the structure of the company and its departments, the
principles of management and organizations in the enterprise;
-Introduction to the method of setting and solving production and
economic problems in the conditions of market economy;
МОДУЛЬ 9 Software
Object-oriented programming - III
Module objective: learn how to program in modern programming
languages such as C # and Java. Learn the basic techniques of the
well-known algorithms.
Knowledge: programming language, algorithms, and guidelines for
implementing the algorithms.
Ability: to program in C # or Java. Create projects from scratch,
optimize software code to create applications for Windows 8, to create
applications for games, etc.
3.3. Modules of individual educational trajectories (IET)
Module IET 1 Research in Computer Science
Algorithms Complexity
Module objective: get in-depth knowledge in several areas of
theoretical computer for further independent research in this area.
Preparing for the master's degree in Information Systems.
Competence as a researcher in the field of theoretical computer
science. Deep knowledge of formal grammar, complexity theory,
computability theory, the theory of randomness. Ability to conduct
independent research.
Expected employment: universities, research institutions, research
laboratories in large companies (Microsoft, Samsung, Sony, Apple,
Mercedes, etc.).
Is the preferred direction in the case of desire admission to master's and
doctoral studies.
Fundamentals of Randomness
Data Analysis
Parallel Computing and Petri Nets
Module IET 2 Actuary Math
MSAFD 4504
Statistical analysis of financial data
Module objective: get a deeper knowledge of actuarial mathematics.
Learn the basic techniques of actuarial mathematics. Be able to plan
and analyze financial data.
Competence in the field of actuarial mathematics. The ability to
calculate the tariff rates of insurance on the basis of mathematical
statistics. The ability to use the law of large numbers. The ability to
reflect in the form of mathematical formulas mechanism of formation
and consumption of the insurance fund. Play a special role in the long-
term insurance, for example, associated with life expectancy of the
population, that is, in the life insurance and pension insurance.
Expected job: insurance companies, pension funds, banks (Department
of risks).
Financial Mathematics
The theory of risk and its
Actuary Math – II
Module IET 3 Databases
OLAPT 4504
OLAP technology
Prerequisites: none
Module objective: get a thorough knowledge of databases. Learn not
only how to use the database, but also to conduct research and
develop new algorithms in databases.
Competence in the management, development and use of databases.
Ability to independently design databases, to improve the efficiency of
databases, programming with databases, programming stored
procedures and administer the database.
Expected employment: any company that uses the database jars
(Department of Development, Division ERP); companies that develop
UBDOV 4505
Remote databases, and cloud
Prerequisites: none
Programming stored procedures
Prerequisites: none
Database Administration
Prerequisites: none
Module IET 4 Information Security
Fundamentals of cryptanalysis
Prerequisites: none
Module objective: get in-depth knowledge of information security.
Learning how to encrypt and decrypt data. Learn to analyze the
complexity of encryption (cryptographic algorithms).
Competence in the field of information security. Possession sure
theoretical and practical knowledge of information security.
Knowledge of many contemporary and classical encryption methods.
The ability to assess the cryptographic security. Ability to develop
software to encrypt and decrypt data.
Expected employment: banks (Department of Information Security),
large companies use their own information systems development, the
Committee on National Security.
Prerequisites: none
Information Security
Prerequisites: none
Programming cryptographic
Prerequisites: none
Module IET 5 Software Engineering
Games Programming Technology
Module objective: get in-depth knowledge on programming. A lot
of practice in programming. Gain knowledge of systems
development methods of varying complexity, including games.
Competence in the field of programming. Ability to independently and
in a team to develop software for business, for entertainment purposes
only. Ability to develop software for mobile devices. The development
of complex web sites with programming elements. Understanding the
process of development, compilation and software life cycle.
Programming technology for
mobile systems
Programming MS SQL stored
Expected employment: independent custom development, companies
that develop software; major organizations developing or modifying
the software for internal private use.
PWPIS 4507
Programming Web-based
Module IET 6 Network Technology
ASIS 4504
IP Network Administration
Module objective: get a thorough knowledge of networking
technologies. Learning to manage, configure and install the network.
Learning how to configure multi-tier network with multiple routers
with different protocols.
Competence in the field of network technologies. Understanding the
network-level software. Competence in different types of network
connections. Understanding the network equipment. The ability to
configure complex network equipment. Ability to design a corporate
The certificate is the largest supplier of networking Cisco.
Expected employment: Kazakhtelecom, local representation Cisco,
organizations with large numbers of computers.
Configuring routers and multi-level
Designing and Supporting
Computer Networks
BSK 4507
Secure Network Communications
Код дисциплины
Название дисциплины, количество
кредитов, пререквизиты, распределение по
видам занятий
Цель, задачи, краткое содержание модуля (курса)
Результаты обучения
(знания, умения, навыки)
История Республики Казахстан
2 кредита/ 3 ECTS
Пререквизиты: нет
Профессионально-ориентированный казахский
(русский) язык
3 кредита/ ECTS
Пререквизиты: нет
иностранный язык
3 кредита/ ECTS
Пререквизиты: нет
Философия научного познания
2 кредита/3 ECTS
Пререквизиты: нет
PMK 2201
Психология межличностной коммуникации
2 кредита/3 ECTS
Пререквизиты: нет
TPP 2202
Теоретическая и прикладная политология
2 кредита/3 ECTS
Пререквизиты: нет
ELSU 2203
Этика личного и социального успеха
2 кредита/3 ECTS
Пререквизиты: нет
KR 2204
Культура и религия
2 кредита/3 ECTS
Пререквизиты: нет
OPS 2205
Общая и прикладная социология
2 кредита/3 ECTS
Пререквизиты: нет
BZhCh 2206
Безопасность жизнедеятельности человека
2 кредита/3 ECTS
Пререквизиты: нет
EUR 2207
Экология и устойчивое развитие
2 кредита/3 ECTS
Пререквизиты: нет
KP 2208
Казахстанское право
2 кредита/3 ECTS
Пререквизиты: нет
OE 2209
Основы экономики
2 кредита/3 ECTS
Пререквизиты: нет
Информационные технологии для
профессиональных целей
3кредита/3 ECTS
Пререквизиты: нет
F 3302
3кредита/3 ECTS
Пререквизиты: нет
MMTF 2303
Математические модели теоретической физики
3кредита/3 ECTS
Пререквизиты: нет
Математические вопросы популяционной
3кредита/3 ECTS
Пререквизиты: нет
ИОТ 1 (Математический анализ и теория функции
IZP 3501
Integrals depending on parameters
The purpose of discipline is: get the basic
knowledge of continuous mathematics (master and be able to
use the concepts: Improper integrals depending on a parameter,
uniform continuity);
Independently solve the classic problem of mathematical
analysis; Master the skills of use of mathematical analysis
methods for modeling various processes and applied problems
of science and the humanities.
Knowledge: own integrals depending on a parameter,
and their properties; Leibniz formula. Improper
integrals depending on a parameter. Cauchy criterion
for uniform convergence on the set of the improper
integral depending on a parameter tests for uniform
convergence. Properties of improper integrals
depending on a parameter. Euler integrals. The ability
to explore the convergence of the improper integrals
depending on a parameter
PMA 3502
Workshop on Mathematical Analysis
Functions of several variables, line integrals, multiple
integrals, surface integrals, field theory
conduct research using mathematical tools of mathematical
analysis, develop the skills of working with abstract
mathematical concepts
calculate the double integrals and surface integrals I
find the partial derivatives and differentials of
functions of several variables differentiate complex
investigate the function of the extremum; know the
mathematical aspects of the theory of the field
ensure that requests from other mathematical
disciplines, and the ability to collect, process and
interpret the data of modern scientific research
needed to draw conclusions on the appropriate
scientific and professional issues.
FPTV 3503
Functional spaces and embedding theorems
Goals and objectives of the discipline: the main goal of the
course is the development of students the foundations of the
modern theory of functional spaces and its applications to
problems of modern mathematical and functional analysis.
Learning the basic integral inequalities and their applications.
Teaching students the basics of the theory of approximation by
differentiable functions.
The range of issues, united under the name of the "theorem
attachments for differentiable functions ", dedicated to the
following general problem: how, knowing the differential
properties of functions in a single metric, set their properties
another metric
As a result of the discipline the student must:
Know: the basic properties of Lebesgue, the basic
integral inequalities theory of function spaces (Holder
Jensen, Minkowski, Hardy and their generalizations
for the series and integrals), the criteria for
compactness of sets in Lebesgue spaces, definitions
and basic properties of Sobolev averages and their
application to the approximation of functions
Lebesgue spaces with smooth functions
Be able to: apply basic integral inequalities for
solutions of problems on the estimates of the norms in
the spaces of functions and sequences, norms of the
Hardy and averaging operators, to establish the
accuracy of the corresponding estimates to apply the
criteria of compactness
To own: a variety of modern methods of estimation of
sums and integrals, methods of working with mixed
norms and standards of integral operators Lebesgue
knowing the differential
properties of functions in a single metric, set their
in another metric.
… PFA 3504
Workshop on Functional Analysis
The aim of the workshop is to provide students studying at the
Faculty of
opportunities to organize
workshops on the main topics of the discipline "Functional
Analysis" in
the shortage allotted to her curriculum of classroom hours.
Be able to: Solve problems on the main topics of the
discipline "Functional Analysis". Be able to apply the
theorem of functional analysis to solve applied
The use of the Maple computer for analysis3
The purpose of this course is to teach students the basic
commands of computer package Maple, used in the
mathematical analysis. Objective of the course is to introduce
the skills and the use of computer packages in different
applications. Arithmetic operations, number,
basic constants and standard features. elementary
converting mathematical expressions. .
The functions in Maple. Mathematical analysis: differential
and integral calculus of functions of one variable.
Mathematical analysis: functions of several variables,
vector analysis, series, integral transforms
As a result, the student should know the basic
principles of Maple commands and be able to apply
them to solve mathematical analysis. Acquire the
skills of modeling applications using computer
CFP 3506
Entire functions and their applications
The purpose of this course is to teach students to work with the
entire functions arising in theoretical mathematical problems.
Objective of the course is to understand the basic ideas of the
theory of entire functions.
Liouville's theorem. The exponential growth function. The
system functions.
As a result, students should know the basic theorems
of the theory of functions. To be able to apply the
theorems in function to solve applied problems.
Acquire skills study of the theory of entire functions.
LDO 4507
Linear differential operators
The purpose of this course is to teach students to work with
linear differential operators in finite fields. Objective of the
course is to understand the basic techniques of linear
differential operators.
Linear differential equation. Types of boundary conditions.
The Green's function. Boundary problems.
The student should know the basic methods of linear
differential operators. Be able to apply the theorem of
linear differential operators. Acquire skills study of
linear differential operators.
STLO 4508
Spectral theory of linear operators 2+1+0
The purpose of this course is to teach students with the basic
problems of the spectral theory of linear operators. Objective
of the course is to understand the basic techniques and
formulation of the problems of the spectral theory of linear
Resolvent. Classes of functions. Proper function. Eigenvalues.
The student should know the basic techniques of the
spectral problem. To be able to analyze the extent of
the problem and give the spectral interpretation of the
application. Have the skills to investigate the spectral
theory of linear operators....
OFIP 4509
Generalized functions and their applications...
The aim of the module is to expand and deepen the study of
geometric and mechanical problems that arise in the study of
infinitesimal bending of surfaces of positive curvature with a
flat point and the state of the membrane stress of convex hulls.
Knowledge of the Lebesgue integral, functional
fuktsionalnye spaces, the properties of some special
EZTP 4510
Extreme problems in approximation theory
Extreme problems arise and find applications in many fields of
science, technology and science. In Math. such an interesting
area where naturally arise extras. problems are approximation
theory. Traces the evolution of the objects issled. and Appar.
approximation of the theory of classical. best approached.
individual banks. pr-in. to diversity. and the widths of the
function. classes in these Islands, etc., and from this point of
listing. extras inc.
Knowledge of the application of extreme problems
that arise in many areas of science, technology and
science. The ability to relate the theory of
optimization problems with approximation theory
ИОТ 2 ( Математическая логика и алгебра )
Elements of the theory of computation
Knowledge of the closure properties of regular languages, the
theorem of the equivalence of deterministic and non-
deterministic finite automata, regular language classes coincide
with the class of languages recognized by finite automata, and
the class of context-free languages with the class of languages
recognized by automata with a stack of Theorem Myhill to
minimize the number of states, lemmas The pumping. The
ability to build algorithms to recognize the language specified
by a regular expression to write programs automatic
calculations, practical skills to convert a non-deterministic
machine ekvivaletny deterministic algorithm used to minimize
the number of states. Have an understanding of the application
of finite automata in a compilation of computer programs...
Knowledge of the closure properties of regular
languages, the theorem of the equivalence of
deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata,
regular language classes coincide with the class of
languages recognized by finite automata, and the
class of context-free languages with the class of
languages recognized by automata with a stack of
Theorem Myhill to minimize the number of states,
lemmas The pumping. The ability to build algorithms
to recognize the language specified by a regular
expression to write programs automatic calculations,
practical skills to convert a non-deterministic
machine ekvivaletny deterministic algorithm used to
minimize the number of states. Have an
understanding of the application of finite automata in
a compilation of computer programs
AS 3502
Algebraic systems 2+1+0
The purpose of discipline is the formalization of the concepts
of algorithm and algorithmically unsolvable problem. Course
Highlights: Primitive recursive and partial recursive functions,
functions, Turing-computable, the universal Turing machine,
Church's thesis, computable and ce sets, versatile features, the
diagonal structure, numbering Kleene and Lent; smn theorem,
fixed-point theorem, Theorem Rice and Rice-Shapiro, creative,
productive, simple and maximal sets.
The purpose of discipline is the formalization of the
concepts of algorithm and algorithmically unsolvable
problem. Course Highlights: Primitive recursive and
partial recursive functions, functions, Turing-
computable, the universal Turing machine, Church's
thesis, computable and ce sets, versatile features, the
diagonal structure, numbering Kleene and Lent; smn
theorem, fixed-point theorem, Theorem Rice and
Rice-Shapiro, creative, productive, simple and
maximal sets. The purpose of discipline is the
formalization of the concepts of algorithm and
algorithmically unsolvable problem. Course
Highlights: Primitive recursive and partial recursive
functions, functions, Turing-computable, the
OTG 3503
Fundamentals of Group Theory 1+1+0
The purpose of discipline is the formalization of the concepts
of algorithm and algorithmically unsolvable problem. Course
Highlights: Primitive recursive and partial recursive functions,
functions, Turing-computable, the universal Turing machine,
Church's thesis, computable and ce sets, versatile features, the
diagonal structure, numbering Kleene and Lent; smn theorem,
fixed-point theorem, Theorem Rice and Rice-Shapiro, creative,
productive, simple and maximal sets.
As a result of the discipline the student should know
the concept of the group, the main group designs and
concepts: the direct sum, the factors pairing orbit,
switches, centers; know characterization of cyclic and
Abelian groups, Sylow's theorem on finite groups, the
basic theorems on solvable and nilpotent groups.
Have an idea of the use of teams in different areas of
mathematics and physics
TA 3504
The theory of algorithms 2+1+0
The purpose of discipline is the formalization of the concepts
of algorithm and algorithmically unsolvable problem. Course
Highlights: Primitive recursive and partial recursive functions,
functions, Turing-computable, the universal Turing machine,
Church's thesis, computable and ce sets, versatile features, the
diagonal structure, numbering Kleene and Lent; smn theorem,
fixed-point theorem, Theorem Rice and Rice-Shapiro, creative,
productive, simple and maximal sets.
Knowledge formalized Kleene and Turing's concept
of the algorithm and the equivalence of these
formalizations, the concepts and properties of
computable and ce sets and numbering Kleene and
Lent, smn theorem, the fixed point theorem, theory
and Rice Rice-Shapiro. Ability to prove a primitive
recursive basic arithmetic functions efficiently encode
pairs of numbers and finite sets of tuples, use the
diagonal structure. Have an idea about the program
and the Post oprostyh and maximum sets
VTM 3505
Introduction to models 2+1+0
Model theory is a major part of mathematical logic.
Considered in its general concepts of the mathematical
structure includes both examples and special cases, without
exception mathematical systems in various branches of
mathematics. Therefore developed her techniques and proven
theorems can be used in all areas of mathematics and computer
This course is classified basic techniques used in the
modern theory of models that have been used to solve
the most difficult mathematical problems such as -
the 1st, 5th and 17th Hilbert problem and the related
issues of completeness, axiomatizability,
independence, and the solubility of specific theories .
KP 3506
Rings and fields 2+1+0
The theory of groups, rings and fields is at the heart of research
on modern algebra. We will study groups and their subgroups,
design groups, normal subgroups, conjugacy classes, Abelian
groups, field extensions, finite fields, algebraically closed and
real closed field, the concept of the ideal, the radical and semi-
simple rings, the criterion of the decomposition of the ring
with a unit in the direct the amount of sub-rings, the Frobenius
theorem on finite division algebras over R; concepts and
examples of algebras: commutative, anti-commutative, Lie,
division algebras. As applications are considered
communication of linear groups with the algebra of
quaternions, parameterization of the rotation group and the
four-dimensional Euclidean space
Know the basic algebraic structures and concepts of
direct and semi-direct sum, the normal subgroup,
homomorphism, a simple extension of the field, the
degree of expansion, Galois group, the radical of the
field, to know the Frobenius theorem, geometric
applications of linear groups of a special kind. Aware
of the various classes of algebras and their
EV 4507
Effective computability
Aim of the course is to familiarize students with the
fundamental concepts of the theory of algorithms. Course
Highlights: computable permutations of the isomorphism
theorem Myhill; m-reducibility, creativity and m-
completeness, Turing reducibility and the operator of the jump,
the arithmetic hierarchy, the hierarchy theorem of Lent, the
problem of Lent, the theorem of Friedberg-Muchnik
Knowledge of the equivalence theorem Myhill
creativity and m-complete the properties of the jump,
the concepts of arithmetic sets, the theorem about the
hierarchy of Lent. Ability to apply smn theorem to
construct the Reducing Functions and Kuratowski
algorithm for estimating the complexity of the sets, to
prove the relative and relative recursive recursively
enumerable sets. Be aware of the problem and how to
Lent solutions
VO 4508
computable ordinals
Aim of the course is to familiarize students with the modern
theory of constructive well-ordered sets required to work with
sets hyperarithmetical hierarchy and the Ershov hierarchyThe
main topics of the discipline: the types of partial orders, linear
and complete ordering of the criterion of well-ordered, a full
order for the aggregate of all ordinalao, cardinal and ordinal
arithmetic, the laws of monotony, the limit of the sequence of
ordinals, the principle of transfinite induction, the concept of a
computable ordinal, ordinal notation system Clini, constructive
computable ordinals; Spector's theorem on computability
constructive ordinals
Knowledge of the concept of the well-ordering of the
set, the axioms that are equivalent to the axiom of
Zermelo, cardinal and ordinal arithmetic, a system of
ordinal notations and Kleene equivalence notions of
computable and constructive ordinals. Ability to
apply transfinite induction when dealing with
ordinals, ordinals lead to a normal form
PT 4509
complete Theories 2+1+0
AL 4510
Lie algebra
Inform doctoral students with useful information that the
recently developed in mathematics in particular full
introduction to algebra and show an interesting connection
between algebra and other sciences. The development of
indicators of the Lie algebra. Understanding the nature of the
Lie algebra. Full investigation of the statistics of the motion
Specialists are trained in the direction of algebra and
Lie groups.
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