5B070300 –Information systems
Code discipline
Discipline Name, Credits,
Purpose, tasks, course summary
Competences (results of study)
Государственный обязательный модуль
History of the Republic of
Kazakhstan (1991-2013)
Prerequisites: no
Module objective: the study of the history of the State and Law of
the Republic of Kazakhstan, the process of nucleation, formation and
development of the state and law. The place and the role of science
and the law of the state of Kazakhstan in the sciences. Objective
picture of the evolution of the state and legal systems, institutions,
and institutions that have existed and exist on the territory of the
Knowledge: the modern history of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Abilities: under current conditions to carry out the study of the
history of the State and Law of the Republic, based on research
experience and knowledge in order to recreate an objective picture of
the history of state and law of the country.
Professionally-oriented Kazakh
(Russian) language
Prerequisites: no
Module objective: expansion of lexical minimum of common words
and phrases. Mastery of vocabulary and terminology minimum
specialty. The construction of various types of language skills:
conversation, description, information. Grammatical forms and
structures in the communicative and functional aspects. Adapted
reproduction and the production of simple pragmatic texts of
dialogue and monologue, orally and in writing, on topics relevant to
the socio-consumer and professional spheres, according to different
types of language skills: speaking, listening, reading, writing.
Knowledge: the development of educational and professional
speech: a) developing the skills of reading, listening, note-taking in
the specialty literature, and b) preparation of various scientific and
educational texts that are close to the texts of books and lectures,
dialogues and monologues at the training and professional issues,
and c) an intensive learning the basic functional-semantic types of
statements: the monologue, description, narration, narrative,
monologue-reasoning, dialogue, conversation, dialogue, discussion.
Professional Kazakh (Russian) language
Abilities: develop scientific and professional speech: active,
generalized, volume building skills and abilities in the field of
scientific and professional speech.
Professionally-oriented foreign
Prerequisites: no
Module objective: phonetics, spelling, vocabulary, grammar rules to
learn a foreign language. Phonetics: pronunciation and rhythm-
zvukobukvennaya language system, basic spelling rules. Vocabulary:
word-formation models, lexical minimum volume of 2,500 units of
the base language, as well as the terms corresponding to the profile of
specialty; differentiation Lexis field of application.
Knowledge: the skills of presentation, searching, exploring and
viewing of reading. Skills and dialogic monologue speech within the
topics studied. Developing skills consistent presentation of ideas,
arguments, and information when writing essays and letters of
personal and business nature.
Abilities: translate texts in the specialty from a foreign language into
the native language in accordance with the regulations. Listening:
listening posts everyday, informative and professional character
3.1Natural Sciences (STEM) module
Information technology for
professional purposes
Prerequisites: no
Module objective: the basic concepts of automated data processing;
appointment, composition and basic characteristics of computer and
office equipment, the main methods and means of processing,
storage, transmission and storage of information; purposes and
principles of the use of system and application software, basic
algorithmic tasks, key components of computer networks, principles
packet data interworking; technology to find information on the
Internet, the main threats and methods for ensuring information
security guidelines for the protection of information from
unauthorized access, the legal aspects of the use of information
technology and software.
Knowledge: use of information resources for finding and storing
information, use the automated case management system, apply the
methods and tools for information security; apply antivirus
protection information, use specialized software for the collection,
processing and snoring in the professional sphere, in accordance with
professional modules studied; attune network.
3.2 Base professional modules
MODULE 1 Mathematical Analysis
Mathematical Analysis – I
Prerequisites: no
Module objective: study of the theory of real numbers, the exact
upper and lower bounds of the set of numbers, the limit of the
number sequence, the basic properties of convergent sequences is
arbitrarily large sequences with infinitely small, the limit of a
monotone sequence, Cauchy criterion that the limit function, the
properties of infinitely small and infinitely large functions.
remarkable limits. The concept of uniform continuity. The mean
value theorem. Integral with variable upper limit. The remainder term
of the Taylor formula in integral form.
Knowledge: properties of continuous functions on the set of
differentiable functions of the fundamental theorems of calculus.,
various forms of the remainder of the Taylor formula. Practical skills
plotting functions.
Abilities: use a variety of methods for the integration and application
of definite integrals in geometry, mechanics and physics.
MODULE 2 Algebra and Geometry
Algebra and Geometry - I
Prerequisites: no
Module objective: study of the theory of algebraic equations, the
basic properties of determinants and matrices, algebraic and
geometric description of the lines and surfaces of the second order,
the initial information about groups, rings and fields,
Knowledge: axioms of Euclidean spaces and linear, the concepts of
basis and coordinate the theory of linear operators in linear spaces,
the classification of normal operators in Euclidean and unitary
spaces, the theory of quadratic forms and quadrics.
Abilities: use Gaussian elimination for computing determinants,
solutions and research systems of linear algebraic equations, the
study of vector systems for linear dependence of inverse matrix
calculation, finding the rank and base vector system arithmetic
MODULE 3 Mathematical logic
Mathematical Logic – І
Prerequisites: no
Module objective: is to provide students a basic knowledge of
propositional logic, predicate logic and fuzzy logic as well as in the
acquisition of skills in using mathematical tools for system analysis
of the problems, the solution of practical problems related to the
formalization of the processes of obtaining and processing
Knowledge: The syntax and semantics of predicate logic. Normal
forms. Quantifier-free formula. Equivalent conversion formulas.
3.2 Base professional modules
MODULE 1 Mathematical Analysis
Mathematical Analysi – II
MATA1401 Mathematical Analysi
– I
Module objective: study of the theory of real numbers, the exact
upper and lower bounds of the set of numbers, the limit of the
number sequence, the basic properties of convergent sequences is
arbitrarily large sequences with infinitely small, the limit of a
monotone sequence, Cauchy criterion that the limit function, the
properties of infinitely small and infinitely large functions.
remarkable limits. The concept of uniform continuity.
Knowledge: основных понятии математического анализа, теории
исчисления, теория интегралов, определенные интегралы и их
уравнения и определенных интегралов, теория функции
нескольких переменных, неявные функции, кратные интегралы,
криволинейные и поверхностные интегралы.
MODULE 2 Algebra and Geometry
Algebra and Geometry - II
Prerequisites: ALGG1403 Algebra
and Geometry - I
Objective of the module: the study of the initial information about
groups, rings and fields. Vector spaces. The basic properties of vector
spaces. Working with the planes in space.
Knowledge: basic concepts of rings, groups and fields. Vector spaces.
Ability to: work with the rings, groups, fields, solve problems on these
topics. Determine the identity of the set with the operations of the
vector space. Finding the bases of the vector spaces. Solve problems
with objects in space.
MODULE 5 Mathematical logic
Mathematical logic – ІІ
MLI1411 Mathematical logic – І
Module objective: to acquaint the student with the theory of graphs.
To teach the basic definitions of graphs, trees, paths, etc. To teach the
basic methods of graph transformation and finding the shortest path
and skeletons.
Knowledge: the basic concepts and theorems of the theory of graphs.
The concepts of cores, tree, graph components, tracks, etc. Dijkstra,
Kraskal and Prim algorithms.
Ability: convert graphs and trees, to determine their properties, find
the shortest paths in graphs using Dijkstra's algorithm, find the smallest
skeleton graph using Prim's algorithm and Kruskal.
MODULE 6 Software
Programming languages and
programming technologies
ITPC1301 Information technology
for professional purposes
Module objective: the syntax and semantics of programming
programming, basic programming language constructs for writing
algorithms, data structures and types, design technology and
Knowledge: programming paradigms, syntax and semantics of
programming languages, basic models, approaches and programming
techniques, basic language constructs
software for recording algorithms, data types and structures; technology
design and development programs; software architecture;
The ability to build effective algorithms and implement them in a
programming language, to conduct lexical analysis, parsing, effective
implementation of the software.
MODULE 4 Databases
Algorithms and data structures
Module objective: solve problems using data structures such as
linear lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, binary trees, binary search
trees, and graphs; implement algorithms for finite state machine by
right-linear grammar and vice versa, a pushdown automata for
context-free grammars and vice versa, with the functions of time and
space evaluation of algorithms.
Knowledge: the fundamental principles of algorithm design: divide-
and-conquer techniques, graph algorithms, data structures (heaps, hash
tables, search trees), modern technologies of construction of algorithms
based on the structure of the data used, and computer systems for
which they are implemented.
Educational Practice
The aim of the educational practice is to solve the problems in
programming languages on the topics covered during the semester, as
the fixing of the material, as well as on topics previously impassable,
as the deepening of knowledge in programming.
The objectives of the training practices are:
-Fixing programming knowledge obtained during the training;
In-depth knowledge of programming;
-Learn the algorithms of various programming tasks;
-Learn to solve various programming tasks in programming languages.
MODULE 3 Fundamental mathematics
Probability Theory and
Mathematical Statistics
MATA1401 Mathematical Analysi
– I
MATA1402 Mathematical Analysi
– II
Module objective: study of probabilistic and statistical concepts as
simple probability and evaluation, and a random variable, its
numerical characteristics and their evaluation, the main methods of
Knowledge: the basic laws of probability theory and mathematical
statistics. Distribution, expectation, variance, etc.
The ability to work together to solve the tasks associated with the
theory of probability and statistics; system: the students must develop a
probabilistic and statistical thinking and the ability to cope with the
tasks, the application of mathematical statistics for projections.
Differential Equations
MATA1401 Mathematical Analysi
– I
MATA1402 Mathematical Analysi
– II
MODULE 5 Mathematical logic
Mathematical logic – III
MLI1411 Mathematical logic
MLII1412 Mathematical logic
Module objective: to teach students the basics of computability.
Understand the Turing machine, the algorithmic complexity, the
different types of reducibility.
Knowledge: Sets, Classes, Turing machines, reducible one-to-one,
one-to-many, reducibility, Turing reducibility, truth table, algorithmic
complexity and randomness.
Ability: simulate a Turing machine, reducibility to build, to build a set
with certain properties.
MODULE 6 Software
Theory of algorithms Prerequisites:
MLI1411 Mathematical logic
MLII1412 Mathematical logic
Module objective: principles and methods of analysis of algorithms,
methods of optimization algorithms, the current state of research and
analysis of algorithms, basic theory, methods and techniques of
practical use of the apparatus of formal grammars and finite
automata, grammars classification according to the Chomsky
hierarchy, the properties of regular and context-free languages, the
main algorithmically solvable and unsolvable problems of the theory
of automata and formal languages.
Knowledge: classical and modern theory of algorithms (Theory of
Computation), one of the main branches of ComputerScience. set-
theoretic concepts and design, finite automata and regular languages,
automata with a stack and context-free grammars
Ability: development of algorithms, computation complexity of the
algorithms, analysis of algorithms, encryption, holding cryptanalysis.
Information protection basics
MATA1401 Mathematical Analysi
– I
MATA1402 Mathematical Analysi
– II
MODULE 8 Computer networks
Designing of computer system
ITPC1301 Information technology
for professional purposes
Module objective: examine the design of computer systems and
networks. Study the principles of routers, hubs, etc.
Знания: computer systems, computer networks, protocols, IP, MAC
addresses, routers, hubs, OSI model
Ability: design of complex multi-layer networks. Designing
kompyutenyh systems.
Computer networks Prerequisites:
ITPC1301 Information technology
for professional purposes
State obligatory module
Philosophy of scientific knowledge
Prerequisites: IRK1101 History of
the Republic of Kazakhstan (1991-
Module objective: to study the philosophy of science as a cultural
phenomenon. Philosophy, its object and functions. The philosophy of
the cultural and historical context. Historical types of philosophizing
in the context of the culture of ancient Indian philosophy as a
phenomenon of oriental culture. Ancient Chinese Philosophy in the
heyday of Chinese culture. The philosophy of the ancient culture.
Knowledge: phenomenon of philosophy in medieval culture. The
Arab-Muslim philosophy in the context of Islamic culture phenomenon
of philosophy and religion in the Western European medieval culture.
The philosophy of the culture of the Renaissance and the Reformation.
Western European philosophy in the culture of the New Age. Russian
philosophy as a phenomenon of Russian culture H1H - XX centuries
The phenomenon of philosophy in the Kazakh Soviet philosophy of
culture in the culture of the twentieth century. Western philosophy in
the context of the culture of the twentieth century. Eve in HH1.
Philosophy of life. Philosophical anthropology. Social Philosophy.
Philosophy of Culture. The philosophy of love. Philosophy of religion.
The philosophy of history philosophy policy. Philosophy of Education.
The ability to use the problems of the theory of dialectics.
Epistemology. The philosophy of global problems.
3.1 Natural Sciences (STEM) module
Theory of electrical circuits
Prerequisites: PHYZ1302 Физика
Module objective: study of the elements of electricity and
electronics. Understanding the electricity.
Knowledge: the design of electrical circuits, current, voltage,
resistance, semiconductors, capacitors, power supplies, etc.
Ability: to design and simulate the electrical charge, take the voltage,
current, resistance in some parts of the circuit.
3.2 Basic professional modules
MODULE 3 Fundamental mathematics
Operations research Prerequisites:
DE2406 Differential Equations
Module objective: Planning, implementation and description of
major research project, the ability to express mathematical proofs and
make a comprehensive written and oral presentation, knowledge of
the basic theory of real numbers, the theory of limits, knowledge of
the fundamental theorems of the differential and integral calculus,
Knowledge: the ability of a systemic understanding of the phenomena
and processes and involves a combination of knowledge,
understanding and perception of the ability of the whole on the basis of
its parts or elements, possession of theoretical and experimental
research methods characteristic problems of a specific area of
approximate methods of calculating the roots of equations and
definite integrals, the possession of skills solutions problems in this
area of mathematics.
mathematics. Ability to apply the theoretical knowledge to solve
practical problems.
Ability: develop the right strategy the task. The ability to adapt to new
MODULE 7 Theoretical Computer Science
Theory of languages and automata
Prerequisites: TA2415 Theory of
Module objective: learn how to model state machines, learn how to
analyze finite automata, learning how to build and understand regular
Knowledge: sets, languages, classes, regular expressions, deterministic
and non-deterministic finite automata, automata with a stack of the
pumping theorem, Theorem states to minimize the theorem about
converting non-deterministic finite automata in a deterministic.
Ability: build all kinds of finite state machines (non-deterministic,
deterministic, with a stack), translated into non-deterministic automata
are deterministic, define the language belonging to regular, to
minimize the number of states.
MODULE 8 Computer networks
Fundamentals of information
ITPC1301 Information technology
for professional purposes
Module objective: understand the basic principles of information
systems of all kinds. Understand the principles of signals.
Knowledge: wave theory, signals, sound waves, light signals,
differential equations for the signals.
Ability: modeling information systems.
PP 3001
Industiral Practice
The purpose of the practice is the pre-testing of the developed
software tools and preparation of proposals, but to implement them
directly in production.
The objectives of industrial practice are:
-Acquainted with the structure of the company and its departments, the
principles of management and organizations in the enterprise;
-Introduction to the method of setting and solving production and
economic problems in the conditions of market economy;
-Depth practical study of information technologies used in enterprises
for processing;
-The study of methods of designing and developing software in the
computer center of the enterprise;
-Participation in the maintenance and operation of information systems
used by the company;
-Study and selection of materials;
-приобретение навыков производственной и организаторской
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