and professional competences with them.
Implementation and upgrading ofa vocational education on a competence-based basis, promotes high-quality training of
УДК 373(574)
Satilmis Yilmaz - Assistant professor ofSuleymanDemirel University,
Selim Güvercin -A ssistant professor ofSuleymanDemirel University
This research refers comparative study about curriculums of natural science subjects. The sample of this study consists of
national official standards and curriculums, which approved by ministries of education and science of
'© countries:
Kazakhstan and Turkey. We compared science curriculums of 4-8 grades. '1’he next purpose of this study is to compare the
concept of Science literacy in curriculums of Secondary Education in Turkey and Kazakhstan and to identify similarities and
differences of curriculums in accordance ofthe findings. Similarities and differences are related to scientific literacy, teaching
integrated science or separately and the concept of science and technology. Some advice was given to fitrther studies in
accordance of findings ofthis study.
Keywords: Science education, Natural Science Curriculum, Secondary Schools, Scientific Literacy
International studies
؛ comparative education have been developedthe curriculum of natural science education
in the world. The main goal ofthe comparative studies in education is to qualify the teaching process and provide
positive implementations on science curriculum from other countries. One of the important ways to improve the
quality of science education is the international experiences about natural science curriculum.
Kazakstan and Turkey have been supported common educational and cultural studies to develop relations
between two countries. Both are developmental countries at educational fields. The studies o f renewal
curriculums o f natural science disciplines have been continued in both countties. When this curriculum studies are
investigated these countries are being aim the European educational programs. Comparative studies have a great
impoiTance between two countries to reach success of implementations and applications of European educational
In our research comparative curriculum studies pointed out ‘scientific literacy’ because Teaching Natural
Science programmes goal ‘scientific literacy’ in European educational system. It needs to explain this term to
better understand and compare.Murpyh C. (2003) reported that the term ‘scientific literacy’ refers to the minimal
scientific knowledge and skills required to access whatever scientific information and knowledge is desired (1).
Scientific literacy defines what the public should know about science in order to live more effectively with respect
to the natural world (2).
The importance o fth is research is to-compare the concept of Science literacy in curriculums of Secondary
Education in Turkey and Kazakhstan and to identify similarities and differences of curriculums in accordance of
the findings and to advice firrther studies related curriculum development.
2. Methodology
In this study, a qualitative research approach was used. Qualitative research is the approach that is produced
data without statistical procedures and digital tools. Qualitative research techniques have important characteristics;
to provide the researcher's participator role, the research design flexibility and an inductive analysis.This is a
qualitative study aiming to compare the natural science curricula in two countries in detail. The methodo؛og}part
comprises of subject content analysis; curriculum vision, goals and teaching objectives. Firstly, both
K a ^ a ^ T u rk is h S e c o n d a ty Education Systems were investigated to get an idea about general structure and the
implementation ofcurricula in these countries. Then, the science curricula o f two countries were compared by
looking at the goals and objectives of science curriculums.
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Педагогические науки», №1(45), 2015 г.
3. Findings
The Structure ofEducation System of Turkey and Kazakstan
Primary and secondary education is a 12-year term in Turkey. This is the first 4 years (Grades 4-
) is primary
education andGrades 5-8 are covered by lower part of secondly education. The first 8 year o f education is
compulsory. The last 4 years (Grades 9 - 2
) is in upper secondary education. After the primaiy and lower part o f
secondary education students who have completed a total of 8 years are placed upper seco n d ly schools within
examination prepared by the test centerand continue their high school education. The period of education year is
36 weeks.
The secondary education o f Kazakhstan consists o f 11 years of compulsory education. This is planned in three
stages that primary, lower and upper level of secondary education. The first phase o f 1-4 grades which consist of
primaiy , 5-9 grades o f lower seco nd ly and 10th and 1 ]th grades of upper seconda؛y education. Primary and
secondaty phase (end o f Grade 9) students who receive a dipiom of lower secondaiy school after passing the test
successfully.Students who have diplom can apply to different field of vocational and technical higli schools. Other
students continue to the upper secondaty schools. In Kazakhstan, except grade 33
week), the period of
education year is 34 weeks for grades 2-11(3).
The Structure of Secondary Natural Science Curriculum of Turkey and Kazakstan
In Kazakstan the science curriculums are “Earth Knowledge” which is similar “Life Knowledge” lesson in the
first four years in primary schools. In fifth grade “Natural Science Knowledge” lesson that is integrated
different science subjects. Physics, chemistry, biology, geology and astronomy lessons are placed separately
between the sixth and nineth grades at lower secondaty schools. After the new studies o f science curriculum of
lower secondary schools in Ministry o f Education and Science of Kazakstan (KRMES),science subjects starts
with 5th grade and they were integrated with Geography, Physics, Chem isty, Biology' and astronomy. The
curriculum of physics is covered 7-9th grades, chcmistty at 8-9th grades and biology at 6-9th ^ad es in 2013
yea^4). The curriculum o f natural sciences is integrated at 5th grade but curriculums o f natural sciences of 6-9
grades were prepared seperately (5).
Integrated science teaching time is one hour per a week and 34 hours for a year. This consists of 11 hours of
Geophrapy themes, 10 hours o f biology themes, 7 hours of chem isty themes and 3 hours o f physics themes in 5“'
grade.Geopraphy and biology subjects are twice hour per a week at 6-8* grades, Physic and chemisfty subjects are
two hours per a week at 7-8 grades and 8* grade respectively (6). According to the total hours o f science subjects
per a year, geopraphy, biology, p h ^ ic s ,c ^ is tiy ^ d n te ^ 'a te d science are covered in time of 29.6, 29.6, 22.2,
14.8 and 2.2percent respectively Astronomy is taoughtin inte^ated science curriculum as 1.5 percent
(see Table 1).
In Turkey science subjects are integrated in both primaiy and lower secondary curriculum but it is separated in
upper secondaty schools. Science is integrated in a course called “Life Knowledge” in the first three years in
primary schools. The Science and Technology courses are taought from the fourth grade to the ei^nth at
secondaty schools. This curriculum consists of science subjects such as physics, chemistiy, biology, geology',
en؟؛ronment and health education shared in each grade in Turkey. Science course is given as 4 hours per week at
5-8* grades and 3 hours at 4* grade. Science and technology curriculum consists o f Geopraphy themes with
"Earth and Universe" chapter and, Biology with "Live and Life" chapter and, physics "Physical Events" chapter
and, chemistiy with "Matter and Change" chapter (7). According to the percentages o f total teaching time o f each
subject. Physics, biology, chemisty,geography and astronomy subjects are 35.7, 29.8, 22.4,7.4and4.7 percent
respect^ely (seeTable I).
Table I. The Total Hours o f Science Subjects in Both Countries
Абай атындагы Қаз¥ПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика гылымдары» сериясы, №1(45), 2015 г.
Hours per year
Hours per year
A$tronomy in Integrated
Only Integrated Science
A cceding to the Table ؛ , the total hours o f science subjects of both countries are presented in table
According to the table 1, the total teaching time o f natural science is 918 hours at 5-9th grades in Kazakstan an4
684 hours at 4-8th grades in Turkey. While the science teaching time is compared for both countries, the tota!
teaching time o f secondary science is five year in prima؛y and lower secondary schools. The science curriculum
0؛' primary and lower secondary education o f Kazakstan consists of more science subjects in total hours than
Turkey. In Kazakstan the science curriculums, geopraphy and biology have placed more and Physics subjects are
more in Turkey.
€omparasion of Science Literacy concept in two countries
Science literacy is meant with scientific knowledge and information about natural world. The ministry
ه آ
Education (MEB) defines that scientific literacy may be considered the following criters (7);
. The nature of science and technology
2. Key concepts o f natural science
3. Scientific Process Skills (SPS)
4. Science-Technology-Society-Environment (STSE) relations
5. Scientific and technical psychomotor skills
6. Values ofthe essence ofScience
7. The attitudes and values o f Science (AV)
Biology, chemistry, physics, geography, and other natural sciences related topics are taought in their courses.
There is no special chapter for SPS and AV fields. Themes related STSEhave been set up in each subject of
curriculum. Themes related STSE are “Human and Nature" unit ill Natural science program in the fifth grade as
five hours, technology and physical relationship in the Physics program in seventh grade as 9 hours, and "Water"
unit in €hemistry program which include water-related environmental problems. Kazakhstan as scientific literacy
in the curriculum are given more knowledge o fthe environment. The countty's environmental awareness is vety
advanced and sfrict laws. To develop the relation In between nature and society, to introduce ecology ofterrotries
and ecological Law o f Kazakstan, to protect nature and to train students in e^lo^'-hum anistic relation (6) are
objectivies related environmental literacy in secondary science curriculum o f Kazakhstan.
In Turkey, science and technology relationship and information technology are reflected in cases where
frequent samples giving, the information in daily life use and the exercises of related problems presenting to
students and the knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and values acquired for science and technology
literacy on Science and Technology Program.The vision of this program is to train students having science and
technology literacy without the individual differences ofthem (7). The goals related to scientic literacy are below:
- to encourage students with a sense o f wonder to events with scientific and technological development in each
grade level;
- to understand the nature ofscience and technology; the interactions between science, technology, society and
the environment;
- to create knowledge, experience, interest in developing an infrastructure that would enable them for science
and technology based on profession;
- to provide use of science and technology in acquatisions o f new knowledge and problem solving;
- to understand and fo ensure students to be responsible and conscious decisions about Science and
technology, social, economic and ethical values, personal health and the environmental problems.
The differences of two education system are related to the period of education for a year, the education period
and the period ofthe parts of secondary education. Kazakstan and Turkey have 11 and 12 years of education time
and the compulsoty education of Kazakstan and Turkey are 11 and 8 }'earsrespectively. But 12 years of education
was decided in parliament o f Kazakstan as compulsory. The second difference is about education period of
secondat^ schools that is 34 and 36 weeks in Kazakstan and Turkey. The next is related to the end of grade of
lower and the starting grade o f upper secondary schools. The starting grade of lower secondary education is 5th
grade in both Kazakstan and Turkey. The end ofthe lower secondaty education is different for two countries. The
end of the lower secondaty education is 9*grade in Kazakstanand 8th grade in Turkey. So, the starting grade of
upper secondary education is 10'؛' grade and 9*garde in Kazakstan and Turkey. In Kazakstan according the new
law of 12 year education, the starting grade o f upper seconday education will be I ()"' grade.
Scienee subjects are integrated in both primary and lower secondary curriculum in Turkey. They are integrated
in primary and 5lh grade in lower secondary and separated at 6-8th grades in lower secondary schools of
izakhstan. Natural science subjects are separated in upper secondary schools o f Kazakstan and Turkey. Science
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Педагогические науки», №1(45), 2015 г.
subject$ starts as integrated natural seienee at
' grade
؛ Kazakstan and starts 4*’’ grade as 'Science and
Techonology' subject in Turkey.
Science objects arethemes related geoprapy, biology, physics, chemistry and astronomy fields in both science
curriculums. Geography and biology themes are more placed in science curriculums o f Kazakstan but in Turkey
physics, chemistry and biology themes are more placed on curriculums. When two science curriculums are
compared, scientific literacy is considered l'n goals o f programs. In Kazakstan, the environmental themes are
emphasized to gain the sense o f environmental problems. This is considered more than Turkey. But the sense of
technology and relationship o f social, environment and science is focused on science curriculum in Turkey.
As a result, the technological themes and scientific literacy related to the technology should be placed more
than geophraphical themes in Kazakstan. The technological development is rapidly continued in the world bu؟
some problems have been produced. It is adviced that to acquate to the students the sense o f technological
development besides some social and environmental problems.
Report 5: Literature Review in Primary Science andlCT. Queens University, - Belfast, 2003.
2 DeBoer G.E. (2000) Scienti®c Literacy: Another Look
Its Historical and Contemporary Meanings and Its
؛ Science Education Reform. Journal ofResearch in Science Teaching
/. 37, No. 6, -pp. 582-601.
3 KR Ministry ofEducation andScience. The Standards ofsecondary education. 2013.
4 KR Ministry ofEducation andScience. The Curriculum ofl-9lh Gradesfor a Course ofPhysics, 2013.
5 KRMES (2013). The Curriculum of5th Gradefor a Course ofNatural Science.
6 KR Ministry ofEducation andScience. The Curriculum of8-9th Gradesfor a Course ofChemistry, 2013.
7 Ministry ofEducation. Science and Techonology Program. - Ankara: MilliEğitimBasımevi. 2006.
8 Нұрахметов H.H., Жексембина
м., Сарманова
А. Химия 8-сынып эдістемелік нұсқау. - Алматы:
Мектеп, 2004.
9 Казацстан Республикасы жалпы орта білім берудің мемлекеттік жалпыга міндетті стандарттары.
Астана, 2002.-23 66.
10 Koballa, T.R., Chiapetta E l. Science Instruction In The Middle and Serandan Schools. Columbus: Merrill
Publishing Company, 2006.
/ / Негізгі орта білім беру деңгейінің 8-9 сыныптары үшін «Химия» пэнінен типтік оқу багдарламасы, 2013.
Осы макал ада Қазакстан және Түркия мемлекеттеріндегі жаратылыстану пәндерінің 4-8 сыныптарға арналған
ресми бекітілген оку бағдарламалары мен стандардтары салыстырылды. Сонымен катар макал ада, білім алушылар-
дың жаратылыстану саласындағы пәндер такырыптарынан хабардар болу, білімд؛ түсіну жөнінде окушыға койылган
талап және міндетгерді аныктап, салыстыру болып табылады. Сондай-ак, коса жаратылыстану мен техниканы байла-
ныстыру, 'жаратылыстану пэндерін бірлескен түрде немесе боліп окыту жэне окыту мерзімі, сагат жүктемесі, мазмұ-
ны жагынан айырмашылык және ерекшеліктері аныкталды. Болашак зерттеу пәндері бағдарламаларын дамытуга
байланысты ұсыныстар жасалды.
к ؛лт сөздер: жаратылыстану гылымдары, жаратылыстану пзндері багдарламасы, орта мектеп, гылыми
зтой статье проведены сравнительные исследования учебных
профамм и
стандартов, предметов естественных
наук для 4-8 классов, утвержденных в государствах Турции и Казахстана. Следующей задачей данного исследования
является сравнение концепции науки грамотности в учебиых программ среднего образования в Турции и Казахстана
и выявить сходства и различия в соответствии с выводами. Сходства и различия связаны с научной грамотности,
обучение естественных наук интегрированно или отдельной концепции науки и техники. Некоторые советы уделя-
лись для дальнейших исследований в соответствии с выводами последних.
Ключевые слова: естественно-научное образование, естественные науки, учебная программа, средняя школа,
научная грамотность.
Абай атындагы Қаз¥ПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика гылымдары» сериясы, №1(45), 2015 г.
А.М. Сералиева - КазНПУ им. Абая,
ст. преп.,
З.М. Баймагамбетова -К а зН У им. ачь-Фараби, доктор PhD, доцент
Чтобы быть хорошим преподавателем, нужно любить то,
что преподаешь, и любить тех, кому преподаешь (В.Ключевский)
Авторы считают, что проблема профессоинальной компетенции преподавателя резко обострилась в связи с
изменением социальнокультурной и экономической ситуацией в стране. Из года в год профессорско-преподаватель-
ский состав ВУЗа видит снижение уровня учебной и общей культуры студентов, нежелание посещать лекции и т.д.
преподавателей питаются обойти возникающие проблемы в учебном процессе, этим усугубляя различ-
ные конфликт]. Нежелание преподавателей решать педагогические :؛؛،дачи объясняется низким уровнем их профес-
сиональной - педагогической компетенции. Поэтому, преподаватели должны обладать п^фессиона^тьной компе-
тентностью. " '
компетентность - это индивидуальная характеристика степени соответствия телове-
ка требованиям профессии. Если попытаться определить место компетентности в системе уровней профессионале-
ного мастерства, то она находится между исполнительностью и совершенством. Соотнося профессионализм с
различными аспектами зрелости специалиста, выделяется четыре вида профессиональной компетентности:
специальная, социальная, личностная и индивидуальная.
~ '
компетентность п^по.чаватсля содержит систему требований к преподавателю
вуза как профессионалу Если раскрывать компетентность, то мы види،^, что она имеет свои функции: познаватель-
ную, регулятивную, функцию контроля и оценки, самооценки. Авторы считают, что профессионализм - это самый
высокий уровень педагогической компетенции, 0
владение мастерством и новаторством в своем деле, в целом
можно охарактеризовать как человека, который овладевая профессией, следует высоким стандартам,
обогащает опыт профессии оригинальным творческим вкладом.
А н ^ з широкого диапазона научных и методических работ по изучаемой проблеме помог авторам раскрыть по-
нятие и виды компетенции, а также основные компетенции современного преподавателя юридического образования.
Авторы пришли к выво^, что профессиои&тьно-ко.мпетентным является такой труд педагога, в котором на
высоком уровне осуществляется педагогическая деятельность, и при которой достигаются хорошие результаты
обучения студентов.
Ключевые слова: Профессиональная компетентность, профессиональная деятельность, профессионализм,
педагог, юридическое образование
Высшим компонентом личности является профессиональная компетентность, профессиональная
компетентность педагога - это П [^вл яю 1Т(аяся готовность к педагогическом деятельности, его отношение
к делу, личностные качества, а также стремление к новому, творческому осмыслению своей работы. Она
представляет собой сложное и многогранное явление. Она определяется не только профессиональными
базовыми знаниями и умениями педагога, но и ценностными ориентациями мотивами его деятельности,
пониманием им себя и окружающего мира, стилем взаимоотношений
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