Байланысты: Ясауи университетінің хабаршысы №1, 2023-464-478
Beisenbaiuly J. Ortalyq Aziiadagy argy turk sipatty madenietter: etnotektіk aspektіler [Ancient Turkic
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Zakiev M.Z. Glubokie etnicheskie korni tiurkskih narodov [Deep ethnic roots of the Turkic peoples]. –
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Laipanov K.T., Miziev I.M. O proishojdenii tiurkskih narodov [About the origin of the Turkic
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Butanaev V.Ia., Hudiakov Iu.S. Istoriia eniseiskih kyrgyzov [History of the Yenisei Kyrgyz]. – Abakan:
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Radlov V.V. Opyt slovaria tiurkskih narechiy: v 4-h tomah (v 8 knigah) [The experience of the
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