Aminа Nugmanov – the scientist-teacher: scientific contribution to development of music education of Kazakhstan //Pedagogy and Psychology, № 2(35), 2018, KazNPU named after
Article is devoted to Nugmanova A. – to the scientist, the teacher, the musician. She is a creative
person, the remarkable performer of national songs. In Kazakhteleradio fund there are about 100
songs in her execution. I have for many years worked at the Kazakh state women's teacher training
college as the vocal teacher and the manager of department. Thanks to her efforts, in 1989 in
conservatory named after Kurmangazy the department of national singing which it has headed has
been open. All years she was engaged in cultural and educational activity, directed to promotion
of the Kazakh folk musical art. Well knew Kazakh and Russian languages, classical Chinese,
knew the Arab graphics, perfectly knew a technique of teaching a vocal. She has devoted the
majority of the works to a problem of vocal education of children and teenagers on the basis of the
Kazakh song creativity. The technique of vocal education of children offered by her is effective
and acceptable in practice of comprehensive school.
Key words: Nugmanova Amina, scientist, teacher, musician, technique, vocal education.
в Болонский процесс требуют глубокого по-
нимания их значения для полноценного и
адекватного реагирования на них системы
национального образования. Международ-
ные образовательные проекты, такие как,
прежде всего, флагман в этой области Назар-
баев университет, а также проекты подобные
Институту Сорбонна-Казахстан, являются
веянием времени, ответом на глобальные
вызовы. Как отмечает Президент Республи-
ки Казахстан Н.А.Назарбаев в своем произ-
ведении «Эра независимости»:
«Создание условий для роста человече-
ского капитала стало приоритетной задачей
государства с момента обретения Казах-
станом независимости. Ставка на развитие
человеческого потенциала для повышения
конкурентоспособности нации принесла
свои плоды» [5, С.281]