«Абай Құнанбаевтың әлемі мен шығармашылығына жастардың көзқарасы» атты республикалық ғылыми онлайн-конференция
Abai's translations from "Eugene Onegin" entered the Kazakh folk song tradition as a popular
material. At wedding parties, Kazakh girls and boys arranged song competitions among
themselves, using the material of the monologues of Tatyana and Onegin for this. Old singers
also sang "Tatiana's Letter".
In the subject of Abai's song lyrics, a significant place is occupied by lyrics, which, in addition to
the above-mentioned translations from Eugene Onegin, consist of love songs, descriptions of nature
and songs with a civil theme - reflections on
the phenomena of life, instruction, morality.
It is important for us not only to what extent Abai's songs reflect the style of the Kazakh folk
song and contain the development of this style and its enrichment with the style of Russian
democratic songwriting. The most significant for us is how popular they are among the Kazakh
people and how they are accepted. And here we must say that they enjoy exceptional love
among the Kazakh people. Diverse in genres, rich in content, simple and intelligible in melody
and in form, they became widely popular among the Kazakh masses. Thanks to this, his musical
heritage has come down to us, which was a very significant contribution to the development of
musical culture. And it is no coincidence that akyns, professional singers and amateur singers of
both the older generation and young people sing Abai's songs, keep them in their memory.
It is not without reason that his works are considered national, spiritual wealth, the pride of
the Kazakh people, the property of all Turkic-speaking peoples. Recognition of his talent and
services to all mankind was the declaration of 1995 by UNESCO - the year of Abai all over the
world. The solemn celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth
of Abai Qunanbaiuly was
the first jubilee event for the literature and culture of Kazakhstan, which was held under the
auspices of UNESCO. And the fact that in 2020 we are celebrating his 175th anniversary is
nothing short of another confirmation of the significance and majesty of the great Abai.
URL: https://kazpravda.kz/en/news/president/rk-presidents-decree-on-celebrating-the-
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