Учитель предлагает школьнику ознакомиться с конфликтной ситуа-
цией, а затем выбрать объяснения причины возникшего конфликта / непо-
нимания. Если обучающиеся неправильно выбирают представленное объяс-
нение, они продолжают дальше поиски правильного объяснения, если же
сразу найден правильный ответ, то обучаемые переходят к другой ситуации.
Рассмотрим пример атрибутивного тренинга [1].
You are an exchange pupil in the USA. You get along with your сlassmates
quite well. You spend a lot of time together, go to the parties. Your birthday is
coming up, and you want to organize a big party with a lot of food. You inform
your classmates about it. They are very surprised and ask you: «Why are you
going to organise a party?» You do not know how to react to this situation. What
is the reason of the misunderstanding arose between your classmates and you?
A. American pupils are very rude.
B. In the USA a person who celebrates a birthday never organizes any parties, his
or her friends do it.
C. Americans are not able to appreciate friendship.
D. Americans do not understand the importance of friendship as Russians do.
1. You selected the first explanation (A). This is not the right answer. The Amer-
icans are always friendly, polite and optimistic. Come back to the situation and
keep discovering the right answer.
2. You selected the second explanation (B). This is the right answer. In an indi-
vidualistic culture based on freedom and individualism, people appreciate their
own interests and try to achieve their own goals with no regard of the goals of the
others. In this situation the idea of organizing the birthday party for friends is
considered a manifestation of a collectivistic culture.
3. You selected the third explanation (C).This is not the right answer. Americans
view friends as people who the Americans enjoy spending their time with. Come
back to the situation and keep discovering the right answer.
4. You selected the fourth explanation (D). This is not the right answer. Russians
suffer from such stereotype prejudices about Americans. Come back to the situa-
tion and keep discovering the right answer.
Следующим видом межкульутрного тренинга нами было выбрано
«эмпирическое изучение» (empirical learning). Отличительной чертой дан-
ного тренинга является тот факт, что данный тренинг подразумевает актив-
ное участие самих участников тренинга. Цель названного тренинга заклю-
чается в демонстрации учащимся реальных жизненных ситуаций с предста-
вителями иноязычной культуры и осуществления своего поведения с целью
достижения взаимопонимания с иноязычным собеседником [7].
Данный вид тренинга представлен ценностно-ориентированными ро-
левыми играми на выбор стратегии поведения в соответствии с ценностями
как американской культуры, так и российской. Приведем их примеры.
1) You are an exchange pupil at an American school.Your teacher has asked
you to carry out a research project with the students who you do not like. What
would you do in this situation? Explain your choice. What core American value
is manifested in this situation? What core Russian value is manifested in the situ-
2) You are going to participate in an exchange program between your
school and an American one. Interviewers asked you about your strengths, goals
and accomplishments. Answer these questions according to the core American
values.What core American value is manifested in this situation?
3) There is an exchange pupil from the USA at your school in Russia. He
was ill and missed some classes. You offered him your help. The exchange pupil
did not accept it. What would you do in this situation? Explain your choice. What
core American value is manifested in this situation? What core Russian value is
manifested in the situation?
В заключении отметим, что разработка форм контроля сформирован-
ности межкультурной коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся стар-
шей школы филологического профиля обладает своей спецификой и тре-
бует пристального внимания со стороны обучающего. Изучение особенно-
стей как иноязычной культуры, так и родной, должно быть неотъемлемой
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