Structure of the PISA 2021 Mathematics Assessment 127. In accordance with the definition of mathematical literacy, assessment items used in any
instruments that are developed as part of the PISA survey are set within a context. Items involve
the application of important mathematical concepts, knowledge, understandings and skills
(mathematical content knowledge) at the appropriate level for 15-year-old students, as described
earlier. The framework is used to guide the structure and content of the assessment, and it is
important that the survey instrument include an appropriate balance of items reflecting the
components of the mathematical literacy framework.
Desired Distribution of Score Points by Mathematical Reasoning and Problem solving process 128. Assessment items in the PISA 2021 mathematics survey can be assigned to either
mathematical reasoning or one of three mathematical processes associated with mathematical
problem solving. The goal in constructing the assessment is to achieve a balance that provides
approximately equal weighting between the two processes that involve making a connection
between the real world and the mathematical world (formulating and interpreting/evaluating) and
mathematical reasoning and employing which call for students to be able to work on a
mathematically formulated problem. While it is true that mathematical reasoning can be observed
within the process of formulating, interpreting and employing items will only contribute to one